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Everything posted by GoSlash27

  1. Can't stop... landing airliners... at the island!! Whyyy???? O_o I can't even unload one of these things without slowing my computer to a crawl...
  2. I design mine to be functional rather than aesthetic (just like all the rest of my stuff). I make them modular so that sections that repeat can be launched in a single package. Best, -Slashy
  3. Sure, why not? A rocket to put a small payload into orbit requires a lot of man- hours, but nothing really high- tech. Von Braun could have done it prior to WWII if he'd had enough money. Best, -Slashy
  4. Alrighty, then.... Thanks for your response. I believe it confirms this entire thread as a waste of my time. /moving along...
  5. If you've ever used the word "canon" in a non- religious context.
  6. Officer, would you happen to know how to get to the Comic-Con? I think I missed my exit. You are parked outside the Chinese embassy with a hard drive, a copy of "Hacking for Dummies", and a briefcase full of cash.
  7. - When Margaret Hamilton is your idea of a "pin-up girl". The code monkey, not the actress. - When you're spending money on "necessities" like Curtas and sextants. - When you correct people who pronounce it "Gemi-neye" instead of "Gemi-nee". - When the high point of your month is the arrival of your loot- crate. - When the only channels you have marked as favorites all show documentaries. - When you cite game theory during a football game. - You know it's time to buy a new pair of shoes when your friends tell you, and the new shoes look just like the old ones... (some of these may or may not apply to me...)
  8. Thermal imaging! I'd actually have a use for my camera.
  9. I know what you're thinking, but no it's not. Take another look No rear cockpit! This was the A-12 "Project Oxcart" that preceded the SR-71 Blackbird. It was actually faster and flew higher than the SR-71. It was so secret that it wasn't officially acknowledged until the mid- 90s.
  10. I wasn't asking for "a general" answer. I'm looking for a specific one. I suspect the problem is that you don't have one. What, exactly, do you propose the Venus colonists will mine that can't be had cheaper elsewhere? Specifically, not "heavy elements". And again, name a city and I'll tell you what it exports. This is your one chance to seriously engage my curiosity. I'm pretty sure I've already wasted too much time on this, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt one last time before I write you off and move on... Best, -Slashy
  11. Slashy Airways is proud to offer nonstop commuter service to the island runway for all your exploration and challenge fulfillment needs Come fly the suicidally- unfriendly skies with us! -Slashy No warranties expressed or implied. Void where prohibited. Ask your doctor if Slashy Airways is right for you. Craft file available upon request. May contain shellfish and peanuts. Not legal in all 50 states. Side effects may include spatial disorientation, nausea, panic attacks, sweating, spontaneous decapitation, fiery death.
  12. False. Name a city and I'll tell you what it exports. There is no place on Earth where people live continuously that is not either self- sufficient or able to pay for it's imports with goods and services in trade. "Mining" for what, exactly? What does Venus offer that can't be had cheaper somewhere else?
  13. Or if you're from my generation, this lady: Best, -Slashy
  14. I would guess that the discrepancy is due to the RCS propellant stored in the capsule. [edit] all the stuff that @Whizzkid already said. ^ What he said. [/edit] You're never going to reach orbit on Fleas. They're simply too inefficient and cumbersome. I definitely recommend sticking with the math and forgetting about "moar boosters". Here's how I run the math: Rather than building a stage and then checking it's t/w and DV, I do it the other way 'round. I decide how much DV and T/W is needed, and then compute how much engine and fuel is required to achieve that. Good luck! -Slashy
  15. The reason for it is that people have done some really reckless and stupid things with drones. People got fed up and decided that the government should be able to track down who is responsible for a drone when it's recovered. This is why we can't have nice things...
  16. I say ancient Greek times. Humanity lost a lot of technical knowledge and ability during the dark ages. If they could build this, they could build a rocket engine. Best, -Slashy
  17. A settlement would have to be self- sustaining in order to be a "colony". Otherwise, it's just a temporary outpost. It should ideally be able to procure everything necessary for life locally. This probably wouldn't be the case for either proposed colony, but it'd be easier on Mars. If it's not totally self- sufficient, it must have an export to pay for the imports. Something that is only available there and would be in high demand. There is nothing worth exporting from Venus' clouds and probably nothing worth exporting from Mars' surface either. A colony in either setting isn't likely in the foreseeable future, but I don't picture a colony in Venus' clouds ever happening. Best, -Slashy
  18. Stoney, Actually, I was thinking the Mk1 for that job. What would keep people from trying to go to space with it: No parachutes. This is also why the first rockets would be simple sounding rockets. Anything using the Mk.1 cockpit without chutes will need wings to be survivable. Anything built with wings won't make orbit with the early tier parts... so you need science. Thankfully, there are several biomes within easy flying distance, so... Best, -Slashy
  19. Same as the others; science instruments and batteries. Basically anything I don't want exposed to the air during launch and reentry. Best, -Slashy
  20. Knaapie, I think you've nailed it. If you start out with the Stayputnik instead of the capsule, remove the science from KSC, and make basic plane parts available from the very beginning, airplanes become a very attractive option in early career. You launch sounding rockets and fly a few manned science flights, and this gives you enough to unlock manned spaceflight. If you're ambitious/ skilled enough, you can create an x-15 right out of the gate and pick up the world's first for a bunch of speed records and maybe even space. Best, -Slashy
  21. Plusck, The OP never specified the desired DV or t/w. He did, say, however, that he would not be using it to land on Duna. I definitely second the value of @Meithan's engine optimizer tool. Best, -Slashy
  22. D'oh! The .craft file I gave you had the payload removed for reentry testing. I just noticed it this morning when I ran a demo flight for another thread. Go ahead and top it off for the flight. Best, -Slashy
  23. Sal, I've never looked at the drag directly like that. Pretty cool! Yeah, skin drag and tail drag are still a thing, but they fall away dramatically after you hit Mach 1, so pretty much all of the effective drag is due to front plate area and induced drag from the wings. Starhawk, The negative incidence on the rear control surfaces is to adjust the craft to neutral trim around Mach 1. This allows you to have full control authority from weak control surfaces. It also gives you more pitch authority during takeoff, reentry, and landing. These regimes can be difficult to handle with low control authority, but it makes takeoff and climbout much smoother (less bobbling, so less drag). TL/DR... It's to help make the aircraft stable and flyable in all flight regimes. Best, -Slashy
  24. Applying the same principles to small scale crew shuttles (or rescue vehicles)... Best, -Slashy
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