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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. From a PSA posted back in May: forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/118819-PSA-Solar-panels-now-useless-past-Dres-(as-it-should-be)
  2. Considering the amount of coffee we drink, I'd assess that as 'true'.
  3. My friend here will tell you... https://youtu.be/ex9AXcYR_a0
  4. It's definitely a more hands-on environment than a lot of other schools. It's also one of the few where you can also grab your pilot license along with obtaining an aeronautics engineering degree. Depending on whos word you value, US News and World Report's evaluation ranks them as the number one aeronautical engineering school in the world. Sound familiar, Dman?
  5. You might find this of interest ... The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav
  6. No... but now that you mention it, lol!, I see it.
  7. Ah! Ok. Apparently not having Blizzy's tool bar is not an isolated incident for such incidents; I just recently had a similar incident here as well. Thanks for looking into it.
  8. Solved the problem! Thanks to the mod who moved the thread here for me... I should have known better to put it here in the first place.
  9. Ouch. - - - Updated - - - My eyes are terrible. Is that a catamaran? Cool!
  10. Thanks! I will take a look. Playing a Science game, I should just be able to click on the runway and have a window pop up for repair - like the launchpad ... but for some reason, it's not doing that.
  11. Is that a 'Spruce Goose'?... or fiberglass.
  12. Among other problems I've recently experienced (posted in the Modded Support section)... I've run across this: ...and I'm finding there's no way to fix it. ARRRGH!
  13. Best, -Slashy Good point. I forgot about that lol. On the other hand, Kerbals are green ... Jool is green ... Kerbals come from Jool.
  14. Yes, that's it. Thanks. So used to it being 'Chase'.
  15. Went back into the game, pulled up the rocket again and attempted a launch. Midway through launch, checking the map view, when returning to the rocket it appeared to be switching through the view modes ... the view kept spinning and tumbling. Went back to map view, and on return the ship was gone. This time I was permitted to go back to the Space Center ... and there, sitting on the launchpad, was the rocket. This was not a revert mind you. I exited the game, it appears quite broken. Examination of the output_log shows more of the same as in my previous post ... errors, hundreds and hundreds of them... the output_log file was in excess of 15mb in size. Also, somehow, my runway got trashed/broken ... and the game will not repair it when clicking on it. I'm running a Science game.
  16. Well, there is a way to check this .......... ... any volunteers? lol
  17. KSP: v1.0.4 Windows 32-bit Problem: Very strange behavior while in the VAB building a rocket, and then in-flight having the rocket disappear (but is yet still there - sort of). Mods installed: Clamp-O-Tron_APAS-1.0 FreeEVA-0.5.2 Hullcam_VDS-0.40 SCANsat-v14.1 StockBugFixModules.v1.0.4a.1 x-science-v4.6 Reproduction steps: I'm not sure this can be reproduced. While in the VAB, putting a rocket together, I went to attach (4) AV-R8 Winglets to my 'bottom' booster tank & engine assembly (a Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank with Rockomax "Mainsail" Liquid Engine). I made a mistake with the symmetry selection (set at 1), which I wanted to be (4). I inadvertently 'let go' of the winglet in-hand (dumped/deleted it), set the symmetry, and then selected the winglet again. When I went to place the winglet, I wasn't permitted. So, I let go of the winglet again, and then tried to re-select it again. I wasn't permitted to select it again, even though the winglet was available in the selections group. I then saved my craft, exited the VAB back to the KSC overview, and then went back into the VAB. My rocket, still sitting there ready for me to work on ... I selected the winglet again and placed the (4) I desired. After a few finishing touches and setting the desired stagings, I saved the craft and then selected crew and went to launch. At launch the rocket liftoff was nominal, all systems 'normal'. After gaining altitude and course to a point I was ready to set nav points to circularize the orbit in the Map View, I switched to Map View. When I returned to the rocket in flight, it was gone - invisible. I could apply thrust / shut engines off / even apply thrust and see results on the Navball ... but the rocket was invisible. When I went to scroll-wheel in to see if my view had switched (somehow) too far out, there was no reaction. I also discovered at that point that I couldn't right-click and drag the view around. With that, I attempted to abort the mission, to return to the Space Center; but that option was not available in the Menu. All I could do was Resume or Revert... so I reverted back to the VAB. At that point I exited the game because things (how can I describe it?) didn't feel right - laggy sort of. When I went and checked the output_log file, it was filled with errors. There were a bunch of NREs, and a new one for me - AEs (ArgumentException), and they all seemed related to the winglet part with Unity doing the reporting. I have not restarted the game yet to see the result. I will do that after submitting this. Logs: persistant file output_log file craft file
  18. The UN got in early on this one. Any and all such ideas would, supposedly, fall under the guidelines of The Outer Space Treaty and other such like the Moon Treaty. http://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/spacelaw/treaties/introouterspacetreaty.html
  19. I have 18 flights in progress, and I'm into year 19... v1.0.4. I've landed and returned Kerbals on Mun and Minmus, and landed science probes on Moho and Duna. I'm in the progress of doing mapping probe missions currently, and have been to Moho, Eve & Gilly, Duna & Ike, and most recently Dres. I have a mapping probe on its way to Jool at the moment, and with a little luck, should be able to map all of the Jool system with it (fingers crossed). Eeloo is next.
  20. I prefer a docking camera; Between it and the Navball, it's a breeze... when you've got balanced thrusters that is. I would suggest to the OP that going into Chase view mode also helps, as it puts your view orientation in alignment with your pitch and yaw controls as when viewed from behind the ship... a starting point in getting oriented.
  21. Imagine two of those out there in orbit out past (what) Jupiter? Pluto? ... 180 degrees in opposition ... what that would do for the Hipparcos catalog!
  22. Also very true ^ That is essential for any deep woods hiker, a thing I have actual experience with (unfortunately). You think you're experienced enough to know and handle such situations (I'm a long time experienced bushwhacker), and it's all fine and good until the unexpected happens, catching you off guard. Happens to the best of them. As they say, sh*t happens. For me, that was a short jaunt with a friend through Caesars Head State Park in South Carolina photographing flora and hunting for Newts, which turned into disaster when I got injured midway through the hike, several miles in from the roadway. Park Rangers had to come rescue us (me), I severely twisted my ankle - almost broke it... even with hiking boots on. Actually made the local news - 'Dumb Yankee Gets Lost In Woods' lol.
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