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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. Nice work! Photographing/watching birds is also one my hobbies... just wish I had more time for it.
  2. These guys as well. I thought monopolies weren't allowed? They broke up MS. I think it's past time to break these guys as well (again)... and they've just bought AOL by the way. And not to derail the thread, but, not so much in the news - Boeing is threatening to leave Washington (state of), maybe even the US entirely, over labor and union issues..... and damned Fed meddling.
  3. Most useless website you say? https://www.healthcare.gov/
  4. Yes, agreed. When I went and edited the rocket, I noticed that one of the upper C7 Adapters wasn't connected properly, and one of the lower C7 Adapters wasn't connected properly either. After making the changes, it does work properly. I don't believe the problem stemmed from the root (the OKTO), but rather when I placed the part using the Alt-key (modifier) and rotated it ... somehow. In any case it's fixed. Thanks for looking at it and providing input.
  5. I did try removing the fuel lines, as I stated in the 'EDIT' comment after the picture. Here is the same craft file, but with the fuel lines and SCANsat scanners removed. I'm going to 'rebuild' the lifter portion of the rocket again and see what results that gives me.
  6. I've got a rocket I've built which is having strange fuel flow issues. Below you'll find a picture and link to the craft file for it, rocket "DO1I-SS". In going to the launch scene, after giving the rocket a moment to 'settle down' on the launch pad, all tanks show full. At launch, the tanks on the extreme far side of the view (refer to image), as in viewing from the North, the top-most and bottom-most tanks both begin draining at a very high rate. All the other tanks drain normally, from the top on down. The two engines on that extreme far side run out of fuel long before any of the others do, so, naturally, it becomes a serious problem controlling the rocket at altitude. I've reviewed the craft file, but I can't see any difference between those two engines and set of tanks over the others. I'm beginning to think this is a bug. I'll note that the mods I use are StockBugFixModules.v1.0.2d.2 and SCANsat-v12.0... and the rocket has two SCANsat scanners onboard. DO1I-SS craft file EDIT I find that removing the fuel lines, the fuel drain pattern changes - but the same two engines run out of fuel first.
  7. I have just run into a similar problem, starting right at the launch pad. I'll be posting about it after writing this. :/
  8. WPS is your 'wifi protected-setup'. Many wireless routers provide an option where, when connecting for the first time, you push that button so your device can see and connect automatically to the router. Cycling the equipment would take all of 5 minutes... surely you can live without phone and cable the duration.
  9. Umm... not when it's frozen. I think more than just being 'fun' (or not), I find the game a challenge - and in that challenge is the 'fun'. With the new aero, I've built plenty of wobbly rockets so far; the challenge being to make them not wobble and fly good. I've found a thing I've never used before to be a big help in that aspect - procedural fairings. That, and throttling back (almost an inconceivable concept to me lol). Oh and fins too.
  10. I just can't imagine anyone being 'Mad Max' other than Mel Gibson lol.
  11. Maybe try and 'cycle' the router (also modem/dsl/cable box). That is: turn the unit off, disconnect all inbound and outbound cables, power unit back on - let it sit and cycle and blink its lights a bit, turn the unit back off, plug the wires back in, turn the unit back on and give it a go. dsl modems and cable boxes and routers and such all have memory caches as a part of the circuitry/design, and they can clutter up with lost/hung-up instructions and operands. cycling the units cause the cache to clear.
  12. Considering Mexico's poverty rate (better than 45%), people leaving the country looking for work and a better life, drug cartels and political corruption at all levels, I don't think a communications satellite was in their best interest to begin with. IMO, the millions spent could have been put to better use.
  13. Does this apply to v1.0.2 or previous versions?
  14. I have wondered likewise of Moho, where in v0.90 my SCANsat probe disappeared into never-never-land before completing its scans. A few here in the forums had mentioned that orbits about Moho can be 'wonky'. I'll find out soon enough if the same is true in v1.0.2, as I'm preparing another SCANsat mission there soon (right after I'm done with Eve and Gilly). I'll note that when I did a SCANsat mission for Pol in v0.90, I had no problems holding orbits of 250km and 750km the duration of the lo-res and hi-res scanning. The vessel for that mission was, also, an Ion probe.
  15. There are a number of sources which document the truth of this... but this should nicely sum it up..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HAL_9000#Origin_of_name Another reference..... http://www.zinzin.com/observations/2014/how-hal-from-2001-a-space-odyssey-got-his-name-and-no-its-not-ibm-minus-one/ Clarke was an amazing man. He was my most favorite author, for many reasons. This is worth viewing.....
  16. "This was the first spacesuit designed for astronauts on the moon and it looks like Mr. Stay Puft" - http://www.businessinsider.com/first-spacesuit-for-man-on-moon-by-allyn-b-hazard-2015-5 Don't fall over in this baby, you might not get back up.
  17. Having Jeb explode is one thing... having him explode 9+ times is another! lol {an arm here, a leg there, there goes an ear, and there goes an eye .....}
  18. A long time ago, I saw an interview on tv with Arthur C. Clarke; He stated HAL's name had nothing to do with IBM, as did Stanley Kubrik (at a later date). As stated in the book (2001: A Space Odyssey), HAL stands for "Heuristic ALgorithmic". However, Clarke was positively influenced by feats performed by early IBM computers (he was a computer geek/buff himself), and ended up deciding to have HAL sing 'Daisy' (A Bicycle Built For Two) in both his book and the movie.
  19. For the first time since I started playing KSP, I visited the Desert Anomaly. Flying there in a jet, it took maybe half an hour (?); I didn't really time it. Tried to climb the biggest pyramid (tetrahedron?) to no avail. Was however able to climb the smaller ones, and the 'statue'.
  20. Been saying that since I first got my hands on it! I was really hoping it would be incorporated (at least just the camera) into v1.0
  21. I've finally attained the M700 Survey Scanner. While constructing a rocket to put the M700 into Kerbin orbit, trying to assign the actions (toggle operation of) of the scanner to an Action Key, I'm finding I'm not allowed to select the M700 scanner... clicking on it (all parts of it) does nothing. I can select the Surface Scanning Module, but not the M700. Any idea of what's up with that? A bug?? Note: I already have SCANsat-v12.0 installed and working. I also have StockBugFixModules.v1.0.2c.2 installed (just noticed it has an update to v1.0.2d.1, which I'll switch to by the end of today). And... WHY IS SAS CONSTANTLY FIGHTING ITSELF??? It's seriously starting to .... me off.
  22. Not a problem! Go open yourself an account at DropBox or other such site (it's free). Then you can upload your craft file and post the link to it in your thread. For images, use Imgur or another such site.
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