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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. Against my better judgement, I allowed Valentina her first fiery sub-orbital flight. Even with her heatshield doing its thing, ablating away (50% by splashdown), she sat there in the capsule smiling and giggling and laughing away, bouncing around all over the place like a schoolgirl. She even earned some science points. This sums it up. lol
  2. I've kept my 0.90 install alongside, and I still have things I'm working on in it - and will continue to work on. I'm undecided about 1.0 at the moment. It's going to take some trial and lots of error, so it seems, and some patience for the upgrade bugs to be worked out. I am finding launching even the simplest of rockets into orbit a chore, which shouldn't be. :/
  3. Bah. Even keeping it under 2 g's, I'm still flipping all over the place, there's just no control. Everything is fine going straight up under full throttle however, although the whole ship glows (hot) until 30k ... then all seems 'normal'. Still, reentry is a major issue (BOOM!). :/
  4. I'm having the same problem, but as Slash is demonstrating, I'll guess its going to take a little getting used to. One thing I'm finding however is, for example: Mk1 Pod, spent fuel, LV-T30 engine ... on reentry, it wants to nose-in when it shouldn't ..... the engine outweighs the pod. Trying to keep the pod up is nearly impossible. Also, reentry without a heatshield (I used a SC-9001 Science Jr. instead), there's no indication of the overheating progress ... and I would think the SC-9001 would melt out (sacrifice) first ... but that's not the case - the whole thing explodes. :/
  5. When I hear "Hey Yuri!" called from the other room, I know she's 'irritated'.
  6. There's an interesting video on Youtube documenting (recreating) Yuri Gagarin's flight. It's called First Orbit, worth watching.
  7. I'll be grabbing a new (update) copy, and installing it, but I'll not really start anything big with it until the mods I use catch up (which are very few, and just maybe now incorporated into the 1.0 release).
  8. No walls, only small hurdles ... the docking camera made all the difference in the world for me.
  9. Just one of the reasons I gave up on Steam back in 2004 (or so). Too much control.
  10. Now that's a strategy I can relate to!
  11. The original quote was: "I’ve dedicated a couple of days here to implement a feature which I think has been missing for far too long from the game..." Many are pondering the 'what it is' of things in light of "a couple of days". This may not necessarily be the case. Development-wise, this feature may have been worked on for quite a while, and now the decision to implement it has been made... dedicating a couple of days for implementation before the release. In that light, it could be anything.
  12. I was thinking the same thing, being it Colorado and all. Obviously - this was a Windows pc.
  13. Watching the news, CNBC ... follow the money.
  14. Heard of Alien, never used it. Curious, I took a look. Seems it no longer has a maintainer, potentially not good news. According to Debian (which I use mostly), it requires Perl (among a few other things), and it wants to run as root. Depends as per current stable (Wheezy). - - - Updated - - - I doubt you 'broke' anything. You're holding down the Alt key and left-clicking on the part/assembly? If so, it should immediately show a ghosted duplicate.
  15. Looks to me like the bright spots, as seen in the second image posted above, will turn out to be nothing more than very shiny reflective surfaces ... like ice, or glass-like.
  16. For Sale: Seats 3 (or) runs autonomous, fast battery recharge, dual ladders (but not really needed), has fore / aft / starboard / port O-10 monopropellant engines to help climb hills or slow decent down hills and/or (if you're quick enough) help prevent it from flipping/rolling over ... just in case you didn't see that crater rim in front of you. Also has two sets of headlamps, complete science package (with lighting), com antenna, and an LV-N lander complex with mobile science lab. Best offer. .......... (just kidding ) Edit: Actually, that's last year's model shown ... I don't have a picture of the current version. (oops)
  17. I have no problem with flags of all the participating nations being there - it's a collaborative effort! Yea that ^
  18. There's a lot of stuff folks use, but I always turn to AV Linux ... it's free, and it's got a ton of stuff to work with. http://www.bandshed.net/AVLinux.html
  19. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something? Which packages do you need to hunt down? The ones needed to build (compile) Lua? The Lua tarball should have all you need, I would think. Compile it with gcc (or whatever)... the compiler will complain if something's missing. I wasn't familiar with Arduino. The modern day replacement for Heathkit? Nice job on the interface. You're using Lua to write device drivers with? I'm outta the loop here, I used to use ASM/MASM. lol
  20. With all due respect to Gagarin (because I hold him in high regard, even as an American)... but he is but one on a long list - albeit the first one. Don't forget: it's called the "International Space Station".
  21. ...right up until it reloads all the same old problems via patch updates. XP is one of the most patched versions of Win out there. Patches on top of patches. And it does exactly that - become buggier and buggier over time. I come from a time before there was a 'Windows'; I've used them all ... and I still don't like any of them.
  22. I've not had time to meddle with Lua (yet), but I recall it being used widely with Celestia and most of the folks in that arena were running Linux. I don't think your task will be that arduous, as Lua is very well documented and supported. http://www.lua.org/faq.html
  23. Looks like fun. Are 'other people' mandatory or can you go it single player?
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