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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. Being I don't have Steam and have no need to rely on it (thank God), the only two things I do are: 1) Make notes on all my ships (which I do as I build them) as to what's what - staging, action keys, purpose, operational quirks, etc. 2) When the new release/update comes out, I just move the current install folder and put the new in place ... I'll worry about moving my ships/save-game over later, if that's even possible.
  2. Glad you got it resolved. Ghost in the machine indeed... I've dealt with many of them.
  3. Knowing how Windows likes to keep track of everything you do, did you maybe in the past view files in those other directories? I've seen such odd behavior before myself... an external terabyte drive I had been leaving plugged in... no reason to go to it, yet I'd see the drive light up with certain things I'd do - Windows Photo Viewer being one of them. Perhaps it's got something to do with recent/history some of these programs keep?
  4. In the tracking station, if you click on a vessel (in the list on the left side of the screen) and then look to the right side of the screen - there's an information and crew icon ... if you click on the crew icon, it will list the crew in that vessel. Is that what you're looking for?
  5. Is the Indexing Service running?
  6. Last night, after a long Ion burn, I brought my Moho rover back home. I still have some anomalies to visit on Mun, my next project, along with finishing my Munar base ... that's next.
  7. 9 hours isn't too bad in my book. My last trip up (Cape Elizabeth) took me nearly 12 hours. Then again, having 3 women in the car with mandatory rest stops every 2 hours does take its toll... they all have bladders the size of thimbles lol.
  8. bushing fluffers preparing to branch and hang reading inter-record gaps emptying bit bucket lying to HAL huh? oops!
  9. I've been to Mun several times taking my rover out to some of the anomalies. I've picked a spot for a base southwest of the Armstrong Memorial, I believe it's the Midlands. I picked the spot because it's kind of center to all the anomalies on Mun, which I intend to visit with rovers once the base is completed. Having scouted it out with the rover, I've left the rover parked there as a landmark, easy for the base components to find when landing.
  10. I'd been to Moho before, SCANsat, but today was the first time I landed on it. I dropped a little science rover into the South Eastern Lowlands crater... it kind of looks like a cat face... my probe is a tick in it's ear. I also finished my Mun space station. 376 parts, 284.63 tons, approx. 200km orbit... And I also finished my Minmus space station. 299 parts, 280.9 tons, approx. 100 km orbit...
  11. Linux Mint Xfce - lightweight and simple and uses Ubuntu as its package base. I just finished putting it on an old Dell Inspiron 1420 for someone, and it runs great. I personally prefer Debian, but the Mint LMDE are nice too. http://www.linuxmint.com/
  12. I seem to recall an article not too long ago about spacesuits for ants... an now you've built spaceships for them!
  13. The only FNaF movie(s) I'll ever need to see are on YouTube - Vanoss. Yea I'm a fan.
  14. From what I see, I have no worries of Oculus Rift replacing anything 'serious' anytime soon. It's gaming headgear and nothing more. Any advancements in hydraulics and tactile components will be integrated into existing systems (if they aren't already). The HUDs (headgear/eye-wear) already in use by the military (any military) are far more advanced than the Oculus Rift. Considering the worthiness of cockpit simulators, I think they'll be around for a long, long time.
  15. I had this happen once, with a rover that had crashed; There's a thread about it in the Support (modded installs) section. The rover continued to roll in circles without any power source. That's was the least of my problems however. The main issue never was resolved.
  16. Google is your friend. http://www.jwst.nasa.gov/
  17. All my photos are archived on my main Linux box, and after importing each new batch from my camera(s) I use exiv2 to rename each image to its date/time taken.
  18. From your desktop, open the File Explorer, find your file, Right-click on the file's icon... select Properties from the list... look for the Opens with option and click on the Change button... the rest you should be able to figure out (select which program you want to open/execute the file with).
  19. I've made requests in the SCANsat thread (to DMagic) about that just recently; If nothing else, with the BTDT scanner display, to note a relative bearing to the selected object. But I too would like to see an active terrain map while driving my rover - we need a GPS! Thing is, with what SCANsat is and does already, all the pieces are there... they just need to be assembled.
  20. Take a look in the Add-on Development section, and the Plugin Development Help and Support section within.
  21. To me, RedBull tastes like liquid Smarties candies. I don't find any 'boost' from it other than the sugar. I prefer eating the candies lol. Coffee however... I live on it. I love coffee. It doesn't keep me awake, I can fall asleep if I choose, but it does help if I choose to stay awake. With sugar and cream please!
  22. Awesome!... indeed, thanks BenjiGH.
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