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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. Mac - has something for everything, pretty much, built-in. Windows - For photos: I use Gimp. For video: I use Avidemux, and sometimes VirtualDub. For audio (not free): I use Studio One with an AudioBox USB and Audio Technica mics, but Pro-Tools is touted very highly by many I know. Linux - has a lot to choose from, but I use AV Linux on a live disc... it's got everything, and then some, and I can take it with me anywhere I go.
  2. Ok, well this is bizarre. I went back into the game to try and ram the dead rover with the other working rover... and I find that Kerbal Siggas is sitting in his seat rather than standing. Not only that, but I also had full control over him (right-click menu). So I had him get up and off the broken rover and walked him over to the working one (after gathering the science from the remaining experiments, 3 of them, successfully), and had him board its seat. I was going to drive him over to the rover complex (mobile science lab) which is not too far away, but decided to exit the game and come post results and screenies here. However, when I pressed the Esc(ape) key to get back to the KSC and menus - the game crashed. I've not tried to restart it yet. I want to look at the crash data, see if I can make some sense of it. Wondering if I should submit it to the Devs, especially with v1.0 release due at this point. - - - Updated - - - Can't read the dump file, but the error text file says: "KSP.exe caused an Access Violation."
  3. One would think the Kerbal is detached from the rover, because he's standing in the seat... but honestly I have no idea why this is so, still being seen as a 'Part'. I've switched back and forth between the rovers, and all the other craft on have on Minmus as well. I've even gone to KSC and come back, and exited the game and come back; The situation remains the same. I can right-click the Kerbal, but all that shows is his EVA propellant level. I can right-click on the batteries and turn them on/off, but no other parts of the rover respond (no right-clicking on the science experiments, or lights, etc). In my reviewing the persistent file, I went back into the game and moved another of my Kerbals out of the mobile science lab and onto the surface - EVA. Examining the persistent data between the two of them, nothing looks abnormal; To my eye anyway, I'm not very up on all the variables used in the persistent script. Maybe I should take some time and look at KSP's dev docs and learn more. One thing I've not tried is ramming the rover with the other. Good suggestion. I'm going to go and try that right now and see if he moves / falls off.
  4. Claw, sorry to be a pain in the butt... I just recently had issues which were resolved with your fixes, but as of yesterday a new one (new circumstance) popped up. Haven't resolved it yet. It's a weird one. I started a thread on it in the Support (Modded Installs) section ... wasn't sure if I should put it here. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/112493-Unresponsive-Kerbal-after-rover-crash
  5. I have a thread here on the forums where I tested some 'solutions' for the quadcoupler and Rapiers / LV-Ns ... and pretty much the same can be applied here. This is a static test I just did, 4 aerospikes on a quadcoupler - with small tanks as a buffer. Full throttle, burning nearly a full orange tank ... note the overheat level.
  6. Years ago I used to play OGame, and I had a utility I used for 'system scans' called IMacros. Basically you'd perform and record the operation once, and then instruct IMacros to repeat it x number of times or until told to stop. It's for use in a browser though. You might however find some manner of animal out there that does something similar. ?
  7. "Gonnes" are hand-cannons. Indeed, an inventory, or list of who has what.
  8. Running Windows 8.1 | 64-bit | 8gb mem, KSP v0.90, with SCANsat_v10, Romfarer_LazorSystem_v35, and Claw's StockBugFixModules.v0.1.7d (DLLs: AnchoredDecouplerFix, EVAEjectionFix, KerbalDebrisFix) I have a rover on Minmus which has crashed; Going too fast down a mountain and then slammed into the flats at the bottom, 2 flat tires, rolled and flipped several times before coming to a stop (sort of). The rover landed upright, smashed, with the Kerbal driver standing in the external command seat. The rover continues to roll (very slowly, circling in reverse) even though all battery power has been shut down; I can still right-click the batteries to turn them on/off. No other part of the rover is controllable. The Kerbal is not responsive or controllable; When right-clicked however, his EVA propellant shows. The Resources display shows both battery level and EVA propellant levels. Examining the Persistent file, the Vessel declaration for the rover (named: M-Sci-Rover) is not listed as debris; It's listed as 'type = Rover'. The Kerbal in question (named: Siggas), is listed as a Part with 'name = kerbalEVA', and 'state = Seated (Command)'... yet Siggas is standing, not sitting ... see picture below. Claw's StockBugFixModules for some reason are not preventing this issue. I've also reviewed Claw's thread for the mod, and have tried (manually editing the persistent file) all of the listed suggestions - to no avail. My persistent.sfs file can be obtained here. There is a second rover present (also named: M-Sci-Rover), sent to pick up Siggas to continue the mission; It is operational, autonomous. Any suggestions or solutions would be appreciated.
  9. Pretty much done rovering around on Mun, all biomes visited, I turned to Minmus. The game plan is to visit all biomes and the Minmus anomaly. Got a little overconfident (reckless is more like it) with the speed, my rover handles it better on Mun, and I came tearing down a mountain (in background) at 20+m/s. When I hit the Flats at the bottom, 2 tires flattened, and the rover proceeded to spin and flip. It rolled over several times, exploding parts all along the way, before coming to a stop. When it did stop, the driver was standing upright in his seat - not sitting - and now I'm stuck with yet another unresponsive Kerbal. I have the Stock Bug Fixes installed, but they're not working(?) in this instance. Now I've got to examine the Persistent file and see if I can figure out what went wrong. The second rover in the picture, undamaged, is the 'rescue' rover I sent up for the driver to continue his mission... it's autonomous, but I need the driver to take surface samples. Any suggestions about how to get the driver's attention would be welcome. Also, the trashed rover is moving, creeping ever so slowly, backwards, in clock-wise motion. The batteries have all been shut off (I still have right-click control over that), but the wheels continue to slowly turn. Note that the 'focus' is the rover and Kerbal combined ... showing both battery charge and EVA propellant together. So either the Kerbal now has batteries on him, or the rover EVA propellant. Weird.
  10. The Monty Carlo reference was with regard to a somewhat different study - photon migration through tissue ... but it does apply. The actual reference I had in mind (but referred to improperly) was... http://physics.wooster.edu/JrIS/Files/Walker_Web_Article.pdf That's the bouncing around I'm referring to. I don't think your car and racetrack analogy fits here.
  11. Old news. I remember the day the announcement was released... the implications tied to hopes for data transmission. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1992ApJ...401..759M - - - Updated - - - Not very slow, but not at 'light speed' either... as demonstrated in the Monte Carlo study. And they are, in essence doing exactly that - bouncing around. (Edit: Yes, I know, apples and oranges, but it does apply.)
  12. Did I not state: "(absorbed and re-emitted by atoms enroute)" ???
  13. Wow... that's the first time I've seen the new 5... way cool... like it... thumbs up!
  14. From everything I've read and understand thus far: Photons are generated deep within a star's core (gamma rays and neutrinos), and travel to the surface via convection currents (absorbed and re-emitted by atoms enroute) before being emitted from the photosphere. The current belief of transit time in those convection currents is anywhere from 1 to 3 million years ... meaning those photons are not traveling at 'light speed'. That tells me they're 'experiencing' time.
  15. Something I've noticed: Zooming in on the big map can end up with Anomaly text appearing in (over top of) the zoom window, as such... ... Also, for future consideration: Can the zoom window be made larger, or at least an option for a scalable window?
  16. I for one would like to have that option. While I don't need to see its orbit, it would be nice to at least see its position. Agreed. Would you also be putting provisions for saving window positions? That would be helpful. Either that, or how about linking the Instruments window to the bottom of of Mini map? I very much-so look forward to a more useful Slope view. With regard to targets in the BTDT display: Would it be possible for the display to also show a relative bearing as well as distance to target?
  17. I can't look at it. Ouch... thank you for the brain hemorrhage upon scrolling that.
  18. Really?! Interesting! 1987-88, an involvement with my friend "Tom" - for Strategic Data Systems Corp., party to Maersk, party to USMC. Container ships. Ships cargo, personnel, parts inventory. Mobile satellite link. I was called in to solution the uplink/downlink delay timeout problem. We wouldn't be talking the same animal, would we?
  19. This much I can tell you: In the elderly/aging, such situations, the inability to tell the difference between dream and reality, is a subtle indication of the onset of age-related dementia. Combine that with storytelling of life events, where the events told are bits and pieces combined from other multiple life events, is also a sure sign. Being the case, it would then be wise to go see a (geriatric) neurologist. If you're intentionally looking to have lucid dreams, vitamin B (complex). And remember, any time you take a vitamin supplement (like B-complex), you need additional supplements as well so your body can process it.
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