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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. For as much as the idea sounds nice, I have to agree. Although, perhaps adding "Leonard Kerman" could be suitable and fitting. As for real astronauts... I would very much like to see a memorial for Yuri Gagarin. Yes, I am an American and I wish to see this. He is deserving of it. There are a few others (Hanna Reitsch for example, Germany's V1 test pilot, who is technically the first person to do a sub-orbital flight - and a woman at that), but I think it going a bit far to create memorials all over the place for all of them. Were Squad to attempt such however, I would like to suggest something right at KSC, like the Space Mirror Memorial at NASA, or the Wall of Honor at the National Air and Space Museum... which I think could incorporate quite nicely on the grounds of KSC, and as a walkway, plenty of room for expansion for the astronauts of all programs globally.
  2. End of an era. Very sad. Didn't realize he was that sick... terrible way to go. He was an amazing person, and he genuinely enjoyed and appreciated his role as Spock (unlike Bill Shatner) - the love and adoration it brought him by his many fans. RIP. Godspeed.
  3. Oh they age... nicely... in my belly, with drawn butter.
  4. In college... Neil Simon's 'The Good Doctor', and Morland Cary's 'Love Rides The Rails (Or Will The Mail Train Run Tonight?)'.
  5. I've done this before. Took the keyboard and dunked it into a sink of warm (close to hot) water for a few moments, to let the sugar from the soda dissolve. Then pulled it out and drained it off, took it outside and shook the life out of it to get as much water out of it as possible. Then I packed it in a plastic bag full of white rice and sealed it shut. I let it sit about a week on a windowsill in the sun. The rice absorbed the rest of the water. After I took it out of the bag I let it sit for a day, then I plugged it in ... it worked again. That was many years ago though, and I don't know if today's keyboards can handle a dunking in water. Another option is to take the whole thing apart, and use a spray 'contact cleaner', electronics supply store should have it... denatured alcohol is another option.
  6. Started in Cub Scouts, then on to Boy Scouts. Never went for Eagle. My cousins made Eagle, three of them... all gave their Eagle pins to our grandmother. In my early teens I joined Sea Scouts, following my father's path, joining the unit he and his friends started back in the late 1940's (after they got back home from Inchon). The Sea Scouts prepped me (gave me advantage) for when I enlisted in the military after high school. There is another branch of Scouting some of you might be interested in as well, Air Scouts.
  7. Been there, done THAT ^ ...cuts the boredom in half.
  8. This is a follow up from my previous post (page 90). I have two new ships I've sent to Mun, in an effort to try and duplicate the earlier mentioned problem I thought I'd perceived. I've not landed them yet, getting ready to, but I do have a question about what I'm seeing already. Maybe I'm misunderstanding how SCANsat works?... and/or missed something in the documentation? Should the SCANsat map be showing all objects/satellites in orbit?... or only those with SCANsat parts installed and active on them, like a BTDT scanner? Of the two ships I have in orbit (call them shipA and shipB), only the active ship shows in the mini map and large map. If I turn on the BTDT scanner on shipA, and then switch to shipB, both ships show in the mini map, but only the active ship (shipB) shows in the large map. If I turn on the BTDT scanner on both ships, both ships show in the mini map, but still only the active ship shows in the large map. Does that sound right? I have screenies to post if desired.
  9. That's a cool pic! Where were you when you took it?
  10. Clouds! Why not? Inspired by StrandedonEarth's post, I figured we can all share some clouds. So, let's see some clouds! Here's mine from today. Close to sunset... Looking straight up... chemtrails gone wild? lol
  11. And, Sampa, the shadows are symmetrical with the cloud and not the mountain(s).
  12. I'm not trying to make it a specific national issue, despite my words were with regard to the happenings here in the US; But, lets not forget that on a global scale, the UN wants to control the web, and has openly stated so. I too believe in Net Neutrality. I've stated many times 'we' have strayed far away from the true purpose of what this tool, the computer, was meant and intended for. As for it a topic for the KSP forums? Well?... maybe so, with good right. If such controls I've mentioned are to put upon the public (be it nationally or globally), how will that affect Imgur posting? Or streaming? Or someone from wherever having access to these forums? Or even the ability to learn about and obtain a copy of KSP? Maybe this IS a thing to be discussed here. Maybe the likes of a global community such as the KSP forum getting together and voicing a loud NO! is what needs to happen. So maybe lets talk about this in a global community sense and not a national politics sense. ?
  13. Doesn't look like a contrail to me, too dense. Beautiful shot!
  14. There's lots of real estate in the asteroid belt... who knows what the future will hold.
  15. That reminds me of the Yes: Fragile album cover artwork, done by Roger Dean.
  16. Sorry to say (no disrespect to Squad or the other streamers), but I do not watch. I read release notes.
  17. Shutting a reactor down isn't like turning a key to turn a car off. Sure, there are stop-gap measures to ramp stuff down quickly, but really all those measures do is to allow a little steam to bleed off (pardon the pun). Case in point: There's a reactor not too far from where I live which is in the process of shutdown. Environmentalists won their case and the thing is now forced to shut down. I won't go into the politics of it, but thanks to them, we've essentially shot ourselves in the foot for it - the taxes paid by the facility eased an enormous burden on the public, which the public is only just now waking up to the fact that they will have to back-fill the loss (meaning: they pay more taxes). In any case, the shut-down has begun. I have an engineer friend who works at the facility; He's laughing, because, as he tells me, it will take 20 years to shut the reactor down fully ... and during that time, it will continue to generate (and thus need cooling) throughout the process. The facility is known as Oyster Creek. Note they've been given an 'operating license extension'... the 20 years required.
  18. Here in the US, in 8 days, the FCC will vote on proposed new regulations which will directly affect Net Neutrality. If this goes through and they get their way, you're going to see things like limitations on bandwidth you're allowed to have/use, how much storage you're allowed, and how much time/access you'll be permitted ... among other things. Ultimately, everything you do from surfing to gaming to email will be subject to taxation ... which is what this is all about - more revenue ... and to control You - what you see, what you do, and what you say. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/20/us-usa-internet-neutrality-idUSKBN0LO2AH20150220 Sorry mods, this is politics, straight up and in your face, and it affects all of us here. :/
  19. Switch to the vessel in question... go to map mode... on the right-hand side of the screen, click on the little Crew icon. It will list the crewmembers and their status.
  20. The 'eyelashes' are the two little wisps at the corner of the eyes... the rest of it is "eyeliner", of course! Don't you guys know anything about women?!? lol
  21. Brings to mind: "If it ain't broke - don't fix it."
  22. After a minor problem with Doodton becoming an unresponsive Kerbal, resolved with Claw's Stock Bug Fix Modules, I sent Fredfrod up to rescue Doodton. Talk about irony. Their reentry to Kerbin met with disaster (Mission Control's fault), coming down in a not so ideal location with no turning back... At the last second just before impact, Doodton bailed out and let go of the ladder... followed by Fredfrod a second right after impact..... an attempt to save themselves, because surely their capsule would tumble and explode. Both ended up bouncing down the cliff face to their deaths. The capsule however, after a few tumbles, landed upright and slid all the way down the slope, coming to a safe stop on a bit of a ledge. Had they stayed in the capsule.....
  23. I did take screenies, but not one showing while it reported incorrect position. To top it off, I crashed the rover last night, and ended up with an unresponsive Kerbal ... which is now fixed, and rescued (but died during a reentry landing mishap). I'll send up another rover tomorrow and see if it happens again. If it does, I'll repost with pictures and a saved Persistent file.
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