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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. I'd don't suppose RSS feeds from those sites would be of help?
  2. A voice I remember: Jack King, the former NASA Launch Commentator, has died at age 84. "With one exception (Apollo 13), King provided launch countdown commentary for every American human spaceflight from Gemini 4 in 1965 through Apollo 15 in 1971." http://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-mourns-loss-of-former-launch-commentator-jack-king RIP
  3. A little bit late for that, especially considering this thread started out a bash. Not that I have any love for North Korea and its leader, I've been biting my tongue, wondering when a mod would step in.
  4. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in-excess/201407/pony-play-station http://www.bronystudy.com/index.html Everyone is entitled to their own interests. Not everyone will agree with or appreciate your interest. Hate has nothing to do with this. Personal choice has everything to do with this.
  5. They've made a movie out of a Clash song? lol
  6. One of my most favorite movies / actors. The coat scene makes me laugh every time ... some day I'm going to pull that on someone.
  7. It will be very interesting to see how time warp is handled in multiplayer... and mods, and reverts.
  8. The article just goes to show you that any idiot can write a review, and that most of them do.
  9. The UN desires (declares itself) the FAA of space, and wishes to control all aspects of the web (and Antarctica). And we all know what a bang-up job they're capable of.
  10. lol ... I'll admit I do text, but I don't use Facebook (dumped it) nor Spotify nor etc. No Thank You. I'll stick with email and Skype. I'm a very 'social' creature - it's called getting off your arse and getting out of the house and living life. A long, long time ago, inside of an IBM headquarters & development shop, hung a sign which read: "Manual Is Better" I meet young people nearly every day who can't manage the simplest of tasks; Spelling, punctuation, (proper pronunciations), basic math, calculating the tip for a bill, writing a check or reconciling a ledger of their own finances*, the list goes on ... but they do know how to push a button or swipe their phone/screen and take selfies. It's the same crew that think they should be paid an executive's salary for flipping burgers. * Yes, I know checks are outdated, everyone uses plastic. But not everyone using that plastic is conscious of their spending (fiscally responsible) and think that in-indebtedness is an ok way to live life. /rant off Back on topic. Our money utilizes a metric / base-10 system. Does that count for anything? Yea, Metric is ok.
  11. I was looking for more information about this incident, and surprisingly I'm not seeing much of anything from NASA itself about it. Instead, what I find from NASA, is a report from the day before the incident. So, you tell me. http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/06/iss-dodges-minotaur-debris-pdam/
  12. ...except I prefer to play with a minimum of mods (stock bug fixes, scansat, lazor docking cam - that's it).
  13. Back in my day in school, you were taught both, and how to convert. Conversions were done by hand/formula, as we didn't have calculators or computers. Today, I'm not sure what they teach... maybe social liberalism and revisionist history - or so it seems.
  14. No no no... yodeling, not accordion music.
  15. ... although every 'bible' there is, whichever distro you might follow, states otherwise.
  16. I've had problems with SAS fighting itself since I first started playing (v0.23.5), and the same problems with it in v1.0.x ... only more pronounced now. These days I skip the SAS modules altogether and just go with RCS; Also, struts (no need for mods). That way I don't have to worry about tweaking gimbals.
  17. Is that the best you can do? Scientific notation. Science!
  18. A few years back, our gaming forum (using phpBB) crashed because a few of our members tried to see how deep they could nest quotes. We had quite a mess on our hands to clean up. edit Ah yes, we're on our way.
  19. I don't know, last time I looked nearly everything here has labeling in both our standard units as well as metric... even rulers. So many have issues with the US. Yet, so many want to come here. Why is that?
  20. Huh? Oh, wait, I think my KardBlock app just kicked in.
  21. Downloaded PIA image. Gimp, scaled up 800% and 1000%, nothing fancy done otherwise. It gives me the impression maybe a pooled liquid of some kind, or the remnant of the impactor's mount sheared off flat - with something very reflective beneath. I say this because I see no shadow cast (neither by the 'white spot' nor along its border rim), and find the small peak and its shadow to the right of the 'white spot' interesting. There are other spots of interest in this image as well, and other bright spots as seen in previous imagery. Have they released anything of those in higher resolution yet?
  22. I seem to recall this recently, back in March... http://home.web.cern.ch/about/updates/2015/03/lhc-experiments-join-forces-zoom-higgs-boson
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