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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. Finished mapping Eeloo. Yay. Next (and final) will be Jool and its moons... that will complete the Kerbin system for me. While that's happening, I'll wrap up my missions on Mun and Minmus. And then? Maybe I'll toss a coin - in or out. lol
  2. Other than a thumb, because they only have one finger, albeit a big one. That's all that's required for pushing a button, typing, picking ones nose, picking up a snack, etc. Try it!
  3. Providing there's power/electricity and normal phone service is still working, I still have BBS software hanging around, so my friends/family could dial in and at least leave messages... provided they still have their dial-up modems. If that's not available, I still have a ton of ham radio equipment to communicate with. I myself don't see it as a bad thing. Computers are a great tool, but what they've expanded into and become is not.
  4. Went out to Jool with a SCANsat, first time I've been out there since v.24.2 ... mission failure. As I came in, I retracted the solar panels for just a touch of aerobraking, but forgot to extend them afterward. By the time I realized it, too late, there was no Energizer Bunny available to help me out ... batteries went dead. The second pass put it into Jool. Tomorrow I'll try again.
  5. I see not much has changed with Steam... "Waiting for cloud-4.steamusercontent.com..." still
  6. What did I do in KSP today? I got major league disappointed ... I was out rovering around on Mun, when something very important came up and I had to (literally) jump up and run away from the computer to attend to it. I got back just in time to find (what was left of) my rover hurtling across Mun at 40+m/s in pieces, with no idea where the occupants of the rover went to (I think all 3 of them perished in the crash). Basically, Kaboom. My disappointment was when I did a restore from a quicksave I'd done, only to find it missing all the work I'd done (last night) on my Voyager2 project - because I didn't quicksave there/then(?). I only started quicksaves just recently, I don't like using it (trying to rely on it)... this reminded me why. At least the Voyager2 ship I built is still showing in the VAB inventory.
  7. Yes, negligible for KSP, agreed ... but I was just thinking in light of it being there as a science goal to attain. There was a recent post put up about a 'hidden biome' on Duna(? was it?), thin atmosphere only picked up and detected when passing between two biome zones ... if I'm recalling this correctly. My bad... I should go look for the thread to link to before writing this.
  8. I hardly rely on a 'bad astronomy' blog for information. The papers and research/theory in question are quite legitimate and valid... "Flipping minor bodies: what comet 96P/Machholz 1 can tell us about the orbital evolution of extreme trans-Neptunian objects and the production of near-Earth objects on retrograde orbits" - http://arxiv.org/abs/1410.6307 "Extreme trans-Neptunian objects and the Kozai mechanism: signalling the presence of trans-Plutonian planets" - http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.0715 This is not new speculation, just additional data/theory being added to already existing research. I understand the view however, as my own sentiment when I posted this on Facebook also included a note to "Look out, here come all the Nibiru and Planet-X'ers again.".
  9. Let me put it this way: A computer just about filled a whole room. Seriously though, when I graduated high school the PC didn't exist. The computer(s) I used were the likes of PDP's and the HP-1000 (CPU shown below)...
  10. I don't know what manner of precision KSP's software/variables uses, but I'm sure it's documented somewhere. Celestia's math package had very good precision out to somewhere around 16k light years, its precision matching that of the valid parallaxes of star distances measured by Hipparcos. I'm sure the same could be done (or has been done?) with KSP? If not, it should.
  11. We have a huge part of this planet we've only begun to explore - our oceans. Just as every new journey into rainforest jungles reveals new plant and insect species never seen before, more-so occurs with deep dives into the oceans! Life is far more diverse than we realize, or as I suspect - can conceive, and above all so very persistent! *edit* I'm inclined to think many here are too young to remember Surtsey, the volcano which came up from the ocean bottom off of Iceland and broke surface in 1963. A little less than 2 years after doing so, 1965, plant life was discovered growing on its shores. Given the slightest chance to take hold, life will appear and persist!
  12. If Moho is to the KSP analog of Mercury, it should have an atmosphere (exosphere - very, very thin) ... and water ice in the craters at the poles.
  13. School? Wow... I think that was... what?... 100 years ago now? lol
  14. Well they're calling them ETNOs because of their extreme inclination - if you want to call that a weird orbit... and they're really far away. (I think) the truth is, that up until recently not much attention has been paid to the region beyond Pluto up to the Oort cloud. I think maybe astronomers were too busy hunting for Earth-like exoplanets, and cosmologists too busy pondering large-scale structures.
  15. According to their speculation, both new planets would be quite large, far larger than Earth. Did you view the article? The two exoplanets I've mentioned have been viewed visually, actually seen in orbit... we're not talking star wobble here, or magnitude variance due to occlusion or transit. We are already imaging some Kuiper and even Oort objects (2012 VP113 as mentioned in the article); Meaning, this (these two new) should be possible to see (once they actually find them).
  16. I'm surprised nobody here has not picked up on this yet and posted about it. It seems that a group of astronomers from Spain (and the UK) feel they've data and observations which indicate there are at least two (2) additional planets beyond the orbit of Pluto... what are being called ETNOs (Extreme Trans-Neptunian Objects). The initial article I read had stated that, if they did exist, they'd be hard to find if not impossible using current technology. I find that a bit hard to swallow however, especially since our current technology allows us to see (visually) exoplanets such as Fomalhaut b and HD 189733b. TNOs are interesting to begin with, and these more-so ... at least the implications in this new 'theory'. Maybe after the New Horizons mission is done with its Pluto fly-by it can turn its attention to this? http://www.universetoday.com/118252/astronomers-are-predicting-at-least-two-more-large-planets-in-the-solar-system/ http://www.astrobio.net/topic/solar-system/outer-solar-system/trans-neptunian-objects-suggest-planets-solar-system/ Will we see new planets beyond Eeloo in the future as well ?!?
  17. The only thing I use outside of the stock menus, is the Subassembly tab... which is now most inconveniently hidden beneath the Advanced Mode tab.
  18. ??? How do you build something that tall and get it out to the launchpad without building down into the floor of the VAB?... or is that what you've done here?
  19. Once you attain orbit and are ready for your turnabout docking manuver, do you throttle off first before going into docking mode? I've Mun and Minmus landers of (from the sound of it) similar configuration. I throttle off once reaching orbit, before attempting docking maneuvers. I also have the lander's main engine(s) toggled in an Action Group key, so that when it's attached to the Command module I can deactive its engine(s) so they won't fire.
  20. Made it to the next anomaly I planned to visit, turned out to be the Neil Armstrong memorial. First time I've been there. Long drive. Charlie, Chuck, and Seanrod all got to jetpack up and pose for a photo op... sorry, not posted here. One more anomaly to drive to, far out across the Northwest Crater. Then it's a drive back to command base, a long, long drive... then home.
  21. Had my rover out and about on Mun, trying to visit some of the anomaly sites. Found a monolith, but was a little disappointed to find it buried... with no way to dig it up.
  22. The release of this *news* is still a bit early, but I hear and understand what you're saying. It does have potential to change a big part of the picture however - maybe. I'm sure we'll have to wait a few more years before final evidence and conclusions are drawn. They are not finished with the dig in Dmanisi. I know at this point anyway, that the current out of Africa scenario matches the split and diversity of the ASPM allele, both of which happened about 50,000? years ago. I've many friends in Georgia who are watching this, so I'm expecting future updates on the dig.
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