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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. Business news always follows through ... as in, follow the money. Say goodbye to Russian made rocket engines. New contracts have been awarded to US firms. The department of defense has awarded contracts to two different firms, one of which is a combination of Lockheed & Boeing to build a solid fuel engine (booster). Amazon has been awarded a separate contract to build a hydrogen fuel engine. Let the competition begin! Elon Musk is still in the running - for now... no contract awarded, but it leaves him the chance (still) to prove his rockets worthy. https://defensesystems.com/articles/2016/03/01/air-force-eelv-rocket-engine-contracts.aspx http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-defense-rockets-idUSKCN0W3301 Enjoy.
  2. Yea, that. Notice how those things only work when you've got an Overlord forcing such things to work... and mind you, successful in science fiction fantasy only. That all but ruined it for me. What really annoyed me was that after the final (3rd) episode, they premiered some new 'Magicians' series commercial-free. I thought it was 'ok', although I use that term loosely as I thought it was overly drawn out in dramatics. I found the end utterly anticlimactic. They should have let Stanley Kubrick produce it... but alas, like Clarke, he's dead. Edit: It's been bugging me, the thought in the back of my head, the name on the tip of my tongue; But this afternoon it came to me. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and the 'Noosphere'. Those of you familiar will see it.
  3. NAVY beats ARMY, 21 to 17! Go NAVY! That's 14 years in a row. A valiant effort ARMY... kudos. A great game, hope some of you got the chance to watch it.
  4. Shades of Celestia. I'm still waiting on the release of Celestia.Sci, it's been a long time coming.
  5. Definitely got a chuckle out of that one.
  6. Been a long long time since I read the book; But I liked the part about some dying civilization or something like that, where all the lawyers and accountants and clerks and such were put aboard a spaceship (while the rest of the population, scientists and engineers and doctors and such, rode in another) and sent to some planet ... the lot of them thinking the rest were going to follow and help rebuild the civilization with them. lol Not a bad idea, really.
  7. That's taking it a stretch, don't you think? It's all in the power of his pen.
  8. You got that right ... sad, pitiful. The man in charge has successfully dismantled the space program along with just about everything else here ... he's all but reached his goal. Utterly amazing.
  9. Zing! You win! Only 3? Damn, now I feel like there really is something wrong with me ... I deal in "pots", not "cups".
  10. Like any other creature we know, their first word to learn is "No".
  11. Most folks would likely jump to tell you 'superglue / crazyglue', but it tends not to work well with those plastics. My suggestion is JB-Weld (epoxy), that stuff is stronger than steel and bonds to almost anything. Use sparingly. Flymetothemun, as I recall: The Toshiba laptops were prone to overheating (a certain model/series of them anyway). One of the contributors was the heat generated as I described (illuminated keyboard keys). There was another issue, but I forget now what it was. Anyway, Toshiba had issued a driver update to help alleviate it. If you do some searching on Toshiba's support site for 'yourModel' overheating, you'll likely find it.
  12. Holy cow... you went wild with it. I would have waited for the right material. Hope it works. I've had to deal with Toshiba laptops overheating ... two of them. Both of them, the problem was solved by disabling the keyboard illumination feature (keys light up in the dark). Don't know if that's the same problem you were having?
  13. Of course you do realize that Squad has absolutely nothing to do with this, and that you should post this on IPS's forums... right?
  14. I believe the Imgur button is for inserting album links. For individual images, Tex_NL is correct.
  15. No, I think the Pe was fine. I've had plenty of vessels come in at that with no problems what-so-ever. I think the culprit here was the Science Bay, although it was the heat shield which exploded first. YES, YES, and YES! Those stack decouplers with the built-in separator motors are an excellent idea ... these should go stock! Pay attention here @SQUAD !
  16. This isn't really a request for support, but I didn't know where else to post it ... I think the Devs should see it. KSP: 1.0.5 Windows 32-bit Problem: Odd NRE I noticed in my log, first time I've seen this. I'll keep an eye out and see if it occurs again and possibly why. Mods installed: FreeEVA-0.5.2 HullCameraVDS.V0.51 KerbalAlarmClock_3.4.0.0 SCANsat-v14.4 StockBugFixPlus.v1.0.5a.2 x-science-v4.11 Reproduction steps: unknown Log: unavailable, will save next occurance
  17. Such disappointment. I was up on Mun rovering around again (a manned rover), a 70+km trip out to the Highland Craters (one way). On the return trip, just a scant 18km from the lander, the rover took a bad hop and got squirrely and flipped - my countermeasures failing me. I should have known better than to exceed 15m/s. Now I've got a rescue mission underway. To add insult to injury however, the lander from the rover mission, with the two remaining crew, burned up and exploded on return to Kerbin. Since when do heat shields explode??? This wasn't a steep descent either, the Pe was10,000m coming in, and the ablator wasn't even close to being half toasted. RIP Joepond and Linke, I've had them forever ... how will I break this to Fredpond?!?
  18. I want to report some odd behavior that I discovered just last night. I was up on Mun rovering around, using the small zoom map as my roadmap (very handy). My trek was a long one, over 70km, out to the Highland Craters and back. On the return trip, at one point I noticed in the small zoom map that my rover icon had disappeared. Moving along at a decent clip, every time the rover took a hop the small zoom map would show the trajectory - but no icon. See image below... I couldn't figure out what I'd done to cause the rover icon to disappear, but then it dawned on me ... I crossed the edge boundary of the big map (coming from the east, heading west). See image below (far right on the map)... I found that closing the small zoom map and then re-opening it solved the problem. See image below... I don't see this as a bug, although without being aware of it, it can be a little alarming. I'll assume, but have not tested, that the same is true for crossing the boundaries west to east, north to south, and vice versa.
  19. That last one looks like he could be playing a left-handed slot machine.
  20. What?!?!! +2 scolding points for you! It's all good. I actually agree with you. In fact, one of my big disappointments about the SyFy channel is that most of their programs aren't even SciFi!... more like zombies and supernatural haunting stuff. There's so many science fiction movies that they could show, like great old obscure stuff from the 1950's would be great even... lots of rockets and space adventure in that.
  21. I'm interested in seeing how they handle the end, when the Overlords meet their masters.
  22. Good gads!... this wouldn't be Rutt's Hut would it? LOLZ! NJ's got quite a few such "gems", like the Getty Grill in Paterson for 'death dogs' (which I understand is now closed), or the Tick-Tock in Clifton. The true definition of "junk food".
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