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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. My condolences to and your family on your loss, Cmdr. Having walked that road myself, I can understand some of what you're going through. Time. Just hang in there. As for your identity-theft woes, there are proper steps and channels to take... make it happen. Persistence.
  2. There are plenty of other Steam users here, I'm sure they'll have a suggestion or two for you. I dealt with Steam years ago; I wouldn't touch them with a 10-foot pole now.
  3. If you go to the KSP Store (https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php) the v1.0.5 is still available for download (zip file). If you're dealing with Steam... can't help you.
  4. I just installed it, along with a few other mods, and I'm getting an "Incompatible Mod Detected" message. I uninstalled all of the mods, and then reinstalled just this mod ... I got the message again. I think there's an issue. I'm running Win8.1 on an ASUS with Intel i7, 64k version of KSP, science game. Edit: Happy Golden Week to you... enjoy.
  5. I actually remember watching that on tv. It was quite exciting; More-so was when John Glenn completed that first orbit.
  6. IBM is to open up a 5-qubit quantum processor accessible to everyone via the cloud... go play with it. http://www.pcworld.com/article/3065654/hardware/ibms-quantum-computing-processor-comes-out-of-hiding.html http://www.research.ibm.com/quantum/
  7. I use FDM, the restart refuses to function with their site. Anyway, I unpacked the zip I finally obtained. 15 minutes into a brand new sandbox game in v1.1.2 and I'm hit with this AGAIN in the VAB. Never even made it to the launchpad. I have no more words at this point.
  8. @KocLobster No. I go to the KSP site (https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php), click on the Store and log into my account; From there I click on and select my download... I go for the Win Zip versions. Unfortunately I have a slow DSL connection, I have to work with what's available to me. Downloads from their server are agonizingly slow (3 to 4 hours), and are usually interrupted with those pesky HTTP 403 messages. I have consistently had this problem with their site, since my first download v0.23.5; They are the only site on the internet in-which I experience this. After my last post, I launched yet again another download and left the house to run and do errands. Gone several hours, I've just returned now to find your post and a completed download. Hallelujah.
  9. Again. 50% I truly am getting tired of this. Edit: And again. 32%
  10. That's the message that pops up when the server is overloaded... they're experiencing heavy traffic ('high winds').
  11. And that is a crying shame. From what I hear (right here in these forums), bug reports on the bug tracker also tend to get ignored.
  12. *sigh* A slow DSL connection, nearly 4 hours to download ... unpack the zip file, run the program (Win 64 version), put a capsule up in the VAB, add a chute, take chute off and discard - crash.
  13. Well I've not messed with wheels yet, but I have noticed a few quirky little things. Running 64 for the first time. No crashes yet, but, as I just said, quirky stuff. 2-cents... In the VAB, putting my cursor on things enclosed in fairings, like the root part because I'm going to move it, stuff disappears. This behavior is intermittent so far (very odd). The same with a capsule floating the water after touchdown. Putting the cursor on a part that is underwater, it disappears (the part, not the cursor). Also, as previously mentioned by others, maneuver node issues while in orbit. Trying to get back onto ladders while out on EVA is kinda scary again. Don't know if that's a real issue or not though. For sure, the FreeEVA mod isn't working as it should. The MakeItSmall mod is a help, but it too has quirks if you adjust the 'All' option.
  14. I tried it out last night on v1.1.0, and it did not seem to work. Having enabled it, then dragging the Kerbal into position in the direction/orientation I wanted to go, as soon as I hit the thrust the Kerbal snapped back into the 'north up' orientation.
  15. When you say the lawn is getting 'bumpy', I'll take it from frost heaves? I wouldn't roller it, not yet anyway, that would just compact the dirt and make hard spots. I would suggest looking into aerating first (and dethatching). The cores pulled can also be utilized to help smooth out, spread out / fill. The only thing I've ever seen a roller put to good use for is striping during a cut. You might want to go strike up a conversation with a groundskeeper (like at a golf course), and pick their brain about it.
  16. They weren't by any chance made of tissue paper and utilized 'hot air' did they? Been there, done that, almost got in trouble for it.
  17. Don't look now, but there are actually people out there who take the Onion as literal news ... much akin to those who view the news and politics of those on Comedy Central to be valid and legit as well.
  18. I have always found this most annoying. However, I discovered this mod, and ever since my EVAs are a breeze.
  19. Longtime JDRF volunteer here, and MS-180 too. Hope you and the Mrs have a wonderful ride / great day.
  20. It's funny you've picked this up in v1.1.0, as I first started noticing it in v1.0.5. I too thought it was mod related (adding KAC was when it first became noticeable). I will have to run a test, as Padishar suggests.
  21. Thanks, I'll give that try. EDIT: That worked ok. I set it to my screen's resolution and enabled full screen. Odd that should have been an issue however.
  22. After a long download, I unpacked the zip file. I ran the "Launcher" and let it download (and update?) the "Patcher". Then I exited, and then went and ran the "KSP" application outright. This is what I get every time I run it... So now what?
  23. I'm a tad annoyed. Downloading it, at 85% completion, the download fails. When I restart it (just now), I'm getting your 'highwinds' notice of a server migration. My DSL connection is slow to start with - meaning this download is hours, not minutes. Picture it.
  24. Yes, I do remember this from last year... our Black-capped Chickadees and House Wrens are now nesting as well.
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