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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. While you're out on EVA, right click on your Kerbal, a menu will pop up ... the first-person is in the list along with EVA Report and Take Surface Sample.
  2. Sugar, which goes hand-in-hand with StrandedonEarth's (finely, freshly ground beans please) ... plus some hot water ..... and some cream thank you.
  3. Default, v5.1 ... and the more I use it the less I'm liking it. Now I have to waste more time and go in change behaviors settings. Why can't they just leave stuff alone. Pain in the arse.
  4. Today my phone decided to upgrade it's Android OS. Ok, yea, fine, security enhancements... but did it need to change the colors and icons for everything as well?
  5. To sum it up in one word? Lousy.
  6. I myself keep a Wordpad document which lists all of my ships, their purpose, and a listing of all the action key assignments along with any special staging notes.
  7. It appears that PewDiePie has hit the big time and made it to the top of the heap... [h=1]Forbes lists video gamer 'PewDiePie' as top YouTube earner[/h]
  8. Actually, yes. In fact, when I do vacations, I usually return with 2 days to spare ... they're spent lazing around and napping.
  9. I believe the type of game you're playing will matter here; Perhaps others can elaborate. I'm playing a Science Sandbox game, and for that all I need do is EVA a Kerbal over to the chutes and right-click on them and select the repack option. I think in a Career game the Kerbal has to be an Engineer, but don't quote me on it.
  10. My Mun/Minmus lander's Service Bay is packed full with just about every science experiment there is (stock), plus a SCANsat BTDT scanner and lights (because it's dark in there). Works for me.
  11. I went to the sun today (Kerbol), or near it anyway... closest I've been yet. I made a ship with a heat-shield umbrella, which by the time the ship got to 303051k they ablated away - but didn't totally disappear, that happened later. It was a tedious flight having to constantly time-warp and then drop out of warp so to reorient the ship and keep the umbrella facing the sun (a process which began after passing inside the orbit of Moho). By the time the ship was about 180000k away, the forward parts of the ship started to disintegrate/explode; The science instruments went first, although I got science from them before they did , followed by the batteries... after that, the forward-most heat-shield exploded leaving a gap in the umbrella. After that, the ship was pretty much done for. No Kerbals were onboard, this was a probe. At at distance of 142373k the ship finally folded, it just went POOF and disappeared. I'm considering it a success, did what I had hoped to do - collect science from "Near The Sun". The ship in transit... Last shot before it went POOF...
  12. If YOU were stranded on Mun, should we come rescue YOU? Of course you should go rescue him ..... if you don't, we'll see to it the powers that be defund your space program!
  13. He'll get to meet clock-boy Ahmed. (Anybody following the backstory on that kid?)
  14. Well, hell, why couldn't they have parked that thing there BEFORE I left for vacation? Would have saved me a few buck$.
  15. The expression I've heard a few times was: About 100 billion souls have existed thus far, about the same number of souls as there are stars in our galaxy - meaning there's a star out there for each and every one of you.
  16. The last ship I sent sunward didn't make it past its first pass. It got so hot, the solar panels melted off (goodbye Ion drive) and the entire ship started to glow (hot). I've thought about sending another - wondering if a sunward-facing end with a heat-shield umbrella would work.
  17. Any one of them which will get me there and get the job done.
  18. Shhhh... don't encourage them. There's enough advertising as it is.
  19. And I have to admit that launch was a hell of a lot smoother than a lot of my launches - even with symmetrical builds. They went to space. Time for me to go finish my current endeavor and see if I can claim the same lol.
  20. Can you correlate it to a map view? Could be mountain tops in the rising sun.
  21. Yes, the six shown should be more than sufficient. Any more than that and you might end up breaking the Styrofoam wings. Also, on that bigger plane (N9268), I wouldn't leave the antenna flopping around like that. Maybe try attaching it to the top of the tail, a piece of tape should suffice.
  22. I posted this back in August... not many noticed. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/132531-The-Kraken
  23. You forgot the apple in it's mouth. Can't have a proper pig roast without an apple in it's mouth.
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