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Everything posted by Tim_the_Plumber

  1. No it is fine when I leave but when I return it has suddenly gone without me actually getting it. I am sure a D class asteroid should not do this.
  2. I get to one, I mine it and change it's course, I go and do other things, I come back and it's nolonger 95% good stuff but is now useless. What is going on? I note that the old bug of everything bouncing about on asteroids has been fixed, thanks, but why this? Also any chance of being able to use space mining to build parts for space ships? I'm thinking guirders and such to start....
  3. I wish my ships did not randomly blow up. I wish this game was less bugged.
  4. I wish that I could have a ship attached to an asteroid which did not flip out when you come out of time compression causing explosions and such. I wish that asteroids did not spin once you had stopped them. What is it? Do they have a mind of their own and can resume their spinning about when you are not looking?
  5. Any idea why it has to be very very expensive Xenon? Cheap stuff not good enough?
  6. Steam downloaded a new up date. It eraised all my contracts. I was just fueling the Duna mission at Minimus. It will need a complete refit. I have put it down to some sort of coup on Kerbil..... I hope it does not happen again.
  7. 8, Sample storage box; Just imagine the back of the truck, a tool safe type thing that will allow you to collect lots of samples and bring them back without each one needing it's own module... - - - Updated - - - Have done will try that. Thanks...
  8. OK, I am not any sort of expert, I am just building up to a trip to Duna, but I have some requests; 1, Can the Kerbals wear different colour suits so you can see what sort, pilot, engineer or scientist they are. 2, The RCS system; I want it to be just for me to work. I don't want the damn thing to try to correct alignment that's what the gyros ae for! 3, My fuel mining station on Minimus keeps fling off into the vacume if I switch to it when the drills are down and working. Same thing happens when I come out of time compression. Any idea why? 4, Space planes; I don't mean the cool get's it's self up and down things. I am half way through the tech tree and don't have the good engines for that. So the ones I am using are just re-entry gliders. They need a normal rocket launch. The thing is they can't go on top. If I try that they just bend all over the place and the thing spins to death. So they have to be towed up. It's just not dignified! Don't really want a solution just wanted to have a moan about it.... 5, The vernor engine things; Great on a big ship but on a little one they are just too powerful to use. Any chance of a 20% as strong version? 6, I think the cooling/heating thing keeps crashing the program..... 7, I'm sure there's more but... Thanks...
  9. Really? I find it easier. It's so I can see the bits I have written at a glance.
  10. If the flairing was going to cover the rover it would have been off center to the center of mass of the rover. The whole lot was then centered, mass wise, to allow it to be attached to the base of the lifting rocket and rest of the lander unit. It is currently attached to the low orbit collection of empty fuel tanks and stuff. The tug is now also there and I have to reassemble the correct stuff from the station to make the passage to the Mun and possible Solar orbit happen. Maybe a refuel from Minimus.... Nice to have a well worked out plan before you set off.
  11. That would need more tech than I have. This is the budget version of getting to the stars. Well OK, all those resources in the various bits of rock floating around up there. The wheels of the rover are making the whole thing need to be off center to allow the encasement but I am now working on the next bit getting the center of the link on mass center if not exactly the center of the flairing. P.S. The thread is answered, thanks to the mods and al who have posted.
  12. Ah! Ok, but the thing will work for the first stage of it with the occaisional wheel sticking out a bit. I'll give it a try! Cracked it! It's off center but hey, you can't have everything! Thanks!
  13. They look great! But the thing just does not want to work. I put it on and then open the base bit, move the next section up, click endlessly to try to get it to accept the position, it very rarely does and will not get any further 99% of the time. Just will not accept the clicking of the left mouse button. Swear swear swear!
  14. How do you import a new flag? I fancy a stylized rocket with flames coming out of the base and maybe a small kerbonaut coming out of the top. This would often be mistaken for a .... and balls motife similar to the Top Gear habit of writing such things about the world....
  15. I have a fork lift truck thingy at my Mininus base which helps with the pushing around ships that need to dock to the mining station. I'm also considering moving it 2km to a slightly better spot. I might do this with the rover.
  16. The cerw list has now magically had the ability to sack people put on in or now it works. Sometimes some of the functions can be a bit hit and miss. Well done if somebody has sorted this.
  17. I've been thinking along the lines of testing a rocket engine for safety to see how far away a Kerbil pilot you don't need needs to stand. I am considering right under the center of the next big lift booster stack.... for a few of the bleeders.
  18. Starting off or getting there? I fully expect us to get the mining of asteroids going which will lead to build industry in space then large habitats. These habitats will become more and more wonderfully heaven like. Some will have very large populations. Billions of people. We are probably well out of this century here... At some point one of these will have a fall out with the rest of us and choose to fly off to avoid the controls and laws of the rest of humanity. See the Mayflower. The journey to the next stars taking 150 years is not a problem when you are a billion people doing all the things that any advanced economy does.
  19. How do you dump the oxygen? Also can we have a fuel tank, rocket style that replaces the oxygen part of the tank with liquid fuel? Please, it seems silly to be launching half full.
  20. Once you get the idiot who managed to get into trouble back how do you get rid of him? I have too many pilots and they cause the price of a new useful engineer to be twice the cost of launching a brand new shiney 4 engine space tractor unit which will be gong to collect a decent sized asteroid mining it as it goes. Seems a bit steep to me. Scientists and engineers would be jumping at the chance of freezing to death in interplanetary space surely!
  21. Ah!!! Found the menu you mean. It's the one you fist get when you load it. You can't get back to it from in game. You have to load from scratch. - - - Updated - - - Can you sustain 40 mps over the Mun for 30km at that? Or can you travel 35km just on your rear wheels on Duna after an unfortunate moment on Ike? P.S. How do I change the "unanswered" bit at the top of the thread to "answered"? Mods, If you can do it please do so.
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