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Everything posted by h0yer

  1. Community Real Agency Pack v1.1 for KSP v1.3.1 Intended for RealismOverhaul The Community Real Agency Pack (short CRAP^^) is a collection of real world agencies and companies and serves as a manufacturer-framework for modders who make replicas, but can't really decide which manufacturer a part should get, or simply don't bother with that. The mod started out as a small private learning project, the "Real Agencies Collection", which I have now 'transcended' into some sort of extended community project, since there was 'some' interest in having such a thingy. RAC and CRAP are essentially the same thing, RAC is just for KSP 1.2.2 and CRAP for 1.3.1 and has localization, and now a few MM patches for funky integration with DecalStickers... The pack contains large 255x160 .png logos for view in mission control, as well as downscaled 64x40 ones for the vehicle assembly building's manufacturer tabs. Almost all logos were taken from wikipedia, and carefully hand-scaled and resized to fit the KSP needs. And to round it up, it contains a neat selection of background info, in multiple languages, powered by wikipedia and the copypaste foundation, although I'm not really sure where all that info gets displayed, haven't see any of it pop up anywhere yet, hmm... *strokes beard (Translation/localization WIP) In a few words: CRAP is an agency framework, mostly intended for use with RealismOverhaul. Furthermore: The CRAP serves as well as reference for any modders, who make replicas, but aren't sure what exact manufacturer tag one should apply for having the parts in the proper manufacturer categories. The CRAP heap of agencies is (hopefully) regularily updated, by... heaping up more... agencies , or whenever someone has the needs to add manufacturers, that our poor eyes had eluded before. Currently available agencies: (For exact manufacturer tags, see "agents.cfg") Antonov Army Ballisic Missile Agency (ABMA) Aerojet Aerojet-Rocketdyne Airbus Airbus Defence & Space ArianeGroup Arianespace ATK BAE Systems Bell Aircraft Bendix Aviation Beriev Blue Origin Boeing Boeing IDS Bosch Bristol Siddeley California Institute of Technology (CalTech) Chrysler Convair Daimler-Benz Delco Electronics Douglas EADS EADS Astrium Embraer European Space Agency (ESA) Fokker General Electric Aviation General Electric Godrej Grumman Honeywell Hughes HVA Peenemünde IBM Ilyushin International Launch Services (ILS) Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Information Satellite Systems Reshetnev (ISSR) Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) KB Khimavtomatika KB KhimMash KB Yuzhnoye Khrunichev Krasmash L3 Electron Devices (L3 EDD) Lockheed Lockheed Martin Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Martin USA Martin Marietta Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Matra Marconi Space McDonnell McDonnell Douglas Mikoyan Gurevich Mitsubishi Mittelwerk GmbH Moog NASA North American Aviation (NAA) North American Rockwell Space Division (NAR) Northrop Grumman NPO Almaz NPO Energomash NPO Lavochkin NPO Mashinostroyeniya Orbital ATK Orbital Sciences PA Polyot PA Yuzhmash Pratt & Whitney Raytheon RKK Energia RocketLab Rocketdyne Rockwell International Rolls-Royce Roscosmos RUAG Space Safran Siemens Snecma Sukhoi SNTK Kuznetsov SpaceX Teledyne Technologies Thiokol TsSKB-Progress Tupolev United Launch Alliance (ULA) United Technologies U.S. Department Of Energy (DOE) U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Voronezh Mechanical Plant Yakovlev Requirements: ModuleManager, if you want CRAP integrate itself with blackheart612'S DecalStickers mod. Recommendations: Makes not much of sense if installed on a stock "Kerbalized" game, since only very few Kerbal-modders use actual manufacturers. Install yourselves a fully fledged RealismOverhaul suite CRAP integrates itself nicely with DecalStickers, you can boldly sticker-bomb you rockets like no man has sticker-bombed before^^ Installation: Standard procedures apply, first delete any old installments, if present. Extract the contents of "GameData" from the downloaded archive into your ".../KSP/Gamedata/..." folder, keeping subfolder structure. Voilá. Install DecalStickers and its dependencies (firespitter plugin) according to points one and two. Support: For any manufacturer update requests or bug report, please don't hesitate to open an issue on GitHub: https://github.com/h0yer/CommunityRealAgencyPack Or post here in this thread. If you want to participate in any way, just poke me with an ad-equate poking stick, probably the type beeing used on Soyuz keyboards, I like those a lot^^ Credits: Original Creator: Jan Hoyer (KSP-Forums/GitHub: h0yer) The entire RealismOverhaul team, because reasons. TiktaalikDreaming (KSP-Forums) for providing the "North American Rockwell Space Division", "General Atomics" and "Electric Boat" logos and his continuous support. For credits on all other logos, see "CREDITS.TXT" inside the compressed archive or view: https://github.com/h0yer/CommunityRealAgencyPack/CREDITS.TXT DOWNLOAD: GitHub SpaceDock Source Changelog: v1.1 License: GPL-3.0
  2. So, the KSP 1.3.x version with localization support and a few minor fixes and restructurization is finished... Well, it was finished. It was finished, until I started to turn it into the Community Real Agency Pack. Which turned out to be finished as well^^ Well mostly finished, a lot of description entries need translation and/or copypasting from wikipedia, although I haven't found out yet, where they actually get displayed, hmm. Haven't made a release post yet, I'll wait a little bit... Would anyone be interested in partaking in maintenance? Otherwise the name would be somewhat misleading^^ At least one person, preferable someone with more experience than me, which should be easy^^ GitHub link for the pre-looksies. So this could be even fully Kerbalized... I like the sound of NPO Kerbomash Or SNTK Kerbnetsov^^ But another day... eventually...
  3. @MockingBird Heya! Still enjoying your funky little engines, they basically are the backbone of all my small probelets Since you are already making RF and RO configs yourself, I thought I'd just give you a little MM-patch I just whipped up for RP-0, if you're interested. I placed the parts to appropriate tech nodes, as documented in the CTTchanges.cfg in the RP-0 folder, the pricing is rather guesstimation^^ GoogleDrive link I think you can place the file directly into your NicheParts root folder for the next release, another folder might look nice, but is rather redundant, I guess^^ Consider the file and its content yours Peace and have fun!
  4. Yay, the retros work again But both drag and ballute burned up, structurally highly dispersive lithobraking inevitable^^ Both deployed at ~80km on mars, and the ballute has a max temp of only 220°C and I used only one each, without changing any settings. I guess RealChute does something as well^^ The dV numbers look interesting, if one stages only one ascent tank at a time, I checked the fuel priorities on the tanks and it even has quite some spare dV on ascent, 5200m/s in all, not sure where the differences come from. The descent stage says something around 739m/s dV, numbers from MechJeb, set to Mars, alt 0m, it almost sufficed to reenter and land without the chutes. But not entirely. The boring hoverslam turned out to be a exciting suicide burn followed by an excellently colorful structural rapid dispersal I'm going to do Kehrwoche now, I live in that particular (peculiar^^) area...
  5. Heya! Lotsa thanks for the appreciation There aren't that many hard-core RO players, but I guess enough for about 90 RAC-downloads on spacedock, which surprized me a little bit, I was anticipating much lower numbers^^ Well, there's been enough realism fans around to form the RO-commitee in the first place, if I may call them that way, writing awesome code and providing a unifying backbone for a lot of realism mods, which I guess speaks for itself And from the looks, most realistic manufacturer entries come from the RO team. It's only a few people who make replicas and tag them with a proper manufacturer. Just as an example most FASA parts are labelled FASA, and RO applies a few patches on the more prominent parts like the engines or the CSM and LM. I'm merely adding more tags to parts that are relistic, but still labelled FASA, like most tanks for example. I've started to 'homogenize' (what a fitting term, thx^^) manufacturer entries on the RO repo. I initially prepared a few MM patches, but have been invited to 'fix' the entries directly on the RO-repo, which saves a lot of time and work. Directly at the source of realism, so to say, that's why the RAC doesn't have any MM patches. And the thing with the CommunityAgencyPack... sounds quite fun Basically a fully kerbalized version of RAC, with a little bit of MM trickery and well placed wildcards, so modmakers won't have to worry about tagging them properly. Or the other way around, modders could use it as reference, hmmm. *strokes beard Sounds like a very nice little 'greater' project, let me let that sink in for a while...
  6. Hmm, I put it wrong, my bad^^ I'm aware that the configs are in the RO folder, but I guessed they where contributed by SSTU. It's confusing, aahh, lemme explain what I mean: Some (almost all) RO configs come from the RO masters and reside inside RO, some come only as MM patch from the modder and are inside their RO compatible mod, like NicheParts or the NAR MEM cone of fun for example^^ Some come from the modders, but get contributed to RO, if I' ve understood that half ways correctly, and I really just guessed the latter one, wrong me, bad me, less guessing, more research, d'oh^^ Sorry for all the confusion
  7. @Shadowmage A'ight, I'll pass it over to the RO guys I 'guessed' that the configs came from SSTU, but I guessed wrong, huh^^ Hmm, I think the marmalade just started smelling a little richer And of course, thanks for the tips regarding the settings in the configs! Cheers!
  8. Heya! First let me thank you for this superawesome mod! Been using it for quite a while now in RealismOverhaul and so far things work really neat My most 'beloved' part is the procedural interstage decoupler with integrated ullage motors and automatic post-ullage decouple function, that's just the perfect combo, sweet marmalade! Another thing which I really like are all the tank buttage and noseage options, they make things really easy and efficient. And the large suite of available engines! Now my observation/question/suggestion: In RealismOverhaul, the ullage motors blast away for a little more than seven seconds and the auto decouple function on the decoupler, if enabled, decouples after roundabout 4 seconds, which often leads to really colorful iterations of unplanned rapid disassembly, if one forgets to click buttons and/or slide sliders^^ And the RO RD-180 seems to have no RO or RF config, it uses LFO^^ Is there a way to adjust the auto decouple time? And is there a way to make auto decouple on the ullaging procedural decoupler a default setting? Could you please introduce a slider for setting auto decouple time, that would be really awesome! And maybe another procedural decoupler variant, a girdered/trussed decoupler, like on Soyuz, Proton and Titan LVs. I think a simple solution would be making a griddy texture with transparency/alpha between the struts. Or a fancy 3d model. Shall I open issues on GitHub? I'm always quite unsure about just directly opening those due to lack of experience^^ Peace and have fun!
  9. Heya! Sorry for taking so long, I had my hands full with my minimod. My head is still spinning a bit^^ It's a bit odd^^ Now the deorbiting SRBs don't have any fuel in them, both the monolithic one and the multipart one, but the fuel type seems to be configured corretly (BAPCP). There is neither a fuel amount slider, nor can anything be done from within the RF tank UI, I have the weird feeling my install is slightly 'damaged', not because of you mod, more because of me fiddling around with my game's guts^^ I didn't try to land this time, so no explosions^^ Everything else feels as good as it can be, at least in the VAB Do you have any hints about the external tanks' staging sequence?
  10. Heyyyyy... Another small update for the KSP1.2.2 branch Another handfull of agencies that were found wanting have been added. Yea, and I somehow got amazed by GitHub Desktop in combination with that funky Atom.io text editor^^ If I only had tried them a little bit earlier, could have saved me about 50%-70% work This will be as well the last update for KSP1.2.2, a localization compatible version for KSP 1.3.1 is already almost done, and from the looks (feels acauly) the RO team isn't really far away from achieving KSP1.3.1 readyness. Have fun!
  11. Hmm, sounds interesting, repurposing the chute manifolds as modular bays for scientific modules. I'd recommend making KAS/KIS boxes, just for the giggles
  12. The ballutes look really nice! Are those screenshots made with the stock chute module? On my RO install with DeadlyReentry, they clip through each other. (The version before the last one^^) Will give it another hug after work
  13. I think that 'tooling function' came from the 'Kerbal Construction Time' mod, now split into the scrapyard mod, iirc.
  14. Hi everyone! Been 'developing' a minimod, the "Real Agencies Collection", and I'm rewriting stuff for localization support, and wanted to ask, if any japaneese, chineese and russian players would like to help out a bit? There actually isn't much to translate, the english agency entries are just shortened wikipedia texts. I think I can guess which parts to copypaste from non-english wikipedia pages, but japanees/chineese/russian cuneiform makes it pretty impossible for me to know what I'm actually copying over. Well I can now read a bit cyrillic, but only with excessive amounts of squinting and nosebleeding afterwards^^ So one would just need to browse through wikipedia and copypaste the first few descriptive lines into the dictionaries. Here the GitHub thingy: https://github.com/h0yer/RealAgenciesCollection/tree/dev-loc-1.3/RealAgenciesCollection/Localization Peace / have fun!
  15. Hmm, the RD-270 from the SovietEngines pack are nice for making launch vehicles that lift 1000+ tons to LEO. ProceduralParts are more or less obligatory. If you fiddle around enough, you can put a whole Saturn V into orbit, or an entire launchpad with LV, like Maccollo on his "Flags and footprints on Venus" video on YT^^
  16. I have come quite fond of using SSTU stuff, it has basically the full complement of SpaceX engines, and even an Orion capsule, if that's the droids you're looking for.
  17. Been churning through the maelstrom of the RO repo to find moar agencies. Squeezed out another little update, moar than 20 new agencies. Some might feel a little odd but what gives. Added a generalized 3rd Reich flag for all logoless WW2 era German agencies, something not too eye stabbing and offensive.
  18. Turned out that I'll be applying those manufacturer fixes directly to the RO suite over time, so I won't be developing them further inside this mod. I guess after playing and wholly enjoying the whole RO thing, I should maybe, well... contribute something, even if it's just a small thing with neglectible impact^^ And I played with the thought of even 'excorporating' my mini-mod directly to the RO team, it's just a collecton of logos, nothing fancy, I could be the caretaker/janitor of all the logo and agency shebang... Furthermore, I just released a mini update with some agencies/manufacturers added, see OP. Only source DL available, ATM.
  19. Oh, that's wonderful, I'd love to contribute directly to RO I think I have already forked RO, I'll take a few deeper looks... That would basically make any patches for my minimod obsolete, which I'm OK with, and is even somewhat desireable^^ Perfect, the weekend is just a few hours away
  20. With SSTU, you can recreate basically any rocket, and it comes with an Orion capsule and service module.
  21. Work in 'progress' (quite stuck actually^^) I'm trying to code-salad something^^ Essentially just ModuleManager configurations for correcting manufacturer tags on certain parts, which are configured by RealismOverhaul. Why? Because There are several parts, which are effectively produced by the same 'agency' but have slightly differing nametags, which disperses them over several different 'agencies', which doesn't look very nice/orderly, imhso. Example: Some parts are tagged as "NPO Energomash [Glushko]", while others are flagged as "NPO Energomash V.P. Glushko" and a few more permutations. What I exactly intend: Applying "%manufacturer" changes on partconfigs, only if "RealismOverhaul" is present (:NEEDS[RealismOverhaul]), either substituting RO configs, (:FOR[RealismOverhaul]) or overwriting/patching them (:AFTER[RealismOverhaul]), but that's the point where I'm clueless which applies better in what I'm planning to do. I skimmed through the MM wiki and found a few hints, but am still quite clueless how to properly apply those patches, without collapsing the RO universe^^ Her a few lines I prepared for initial testing: // WIP // MM patches for correcting manufacturer entries in RealismOverhaul. //RealismOverhaulEngines //NPO Energomash //Decided to do only NPO Energomash for now, without OKB or Glushko differentiation //RD-107 and RD-108 series, formerly represented with bracketed Glushko suffix @PART[*]:HAS[#engineType[RD107-117]]:FOR[RealismOverhaulEngines]:AFTER[RealismOverhaul] { %manufacturer = NPO Energomash } @PART[*]:HAS[#engineType[RD108-118]]:FOR[RealismOverhaulEngines]:AFTER[RealismOverhaul] { %manufacturer = NPO Energomash } //SSTU //Orion Service Module, formerly represented with verbal and, instead of the ampersand @PART[SSTU-SC-C-SM]:FOR[RealismOverhaul]:NEEDS[SSTU] { %manufacturer = Airbus Defence & Space } //FASA //VSR //RaiderNick //BobCat I'd be happy about any help, tips and hints.
  22. Well, just released the thing: Could a moderator please lock this developement thread, it's obsolete now. Thx
  23. Real Agencies Collection v1.0.4 - for KSP 1.2.2 About: The Real Agencies Collection is not a real mod, it is just a small framework, a collection of real world companies, inlcuding their logos and some basic information, configured into KSP-agencies, so parts from realistic-ish-esque-alike mods, that have a matching manufacturer tag, will show up in their respective manufacturer categories in the VAB, with neat logos. I've selected original, as well as fused companies and consortiums, from the pioneering times to the modern world of rocketry and aeronautics, just to have them all (most of them), and add a teeny tiny bit of immersion. As a nice side effect, all companies can be selected as 'mission flag' and might even appear in mission control, offering explosion. In short: An agency framework for RealismOverhaul. Agencies currently available: Army Ballisic Missile Agency (ABMA) Aerojet Aerojet-Rocketdyne Airbus Airbus Defence & Space Ames Research Center Applied Physics Lab ArianeGroup Arianespace ATK BAE Systems Bell Aircraft Bendix Aviation Bigelow Aerospace Blue Origin Boeing Boeing IDS Bosch Bristol Siddeley California Institute of Technology (CalTech) China Acedemy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) Chrysler Convair Daimler-Benz Delco Electronics Douglas Dynetics EADS EADS Astrium European Space Agency (ESA) General Electric Aviation General Electric Godrej Grumman Hercules Honeywell Hughes HVA Peenemünde IBM IHI Aerospace International Launch Services (ILS) Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Information Satellite Systems Reshetnev (ISSR) Italian Space Agency (ASI) Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) KB Khimavtomatika KB KhimMash KB Yuzhnoye Khrunichev Krasmash L3 Electron Devices (L3 EDD) Lockheed Lockheed Martin Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Martin USA Martin Marietta Marquardt Corporation Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Matra Marconi Space (Matra) McDonnell McDonnell Douglas MDA Space Missions Mitsubishi Mittelwerk GmbH Moog MT Aerospace NASA North American Aviation (NAA) North American Rockwell Space Division (NAR) Northrop Grumman NPO Almaz NPO Energomash NPO Lavochkin NPO Mashinostroyeniya OKB-1 Orbital ATK Orbital Sciences PA Polyot PA Yuzhmash Pratt & Whitney Raytheon RKK Energia RocketLab Rocketdyne Rockwell International Rolls-Royce Roscosmos RUAG Space Safran Siemens Snecma SNTK Kuznetsov SpaceX Teledyne Technologies Thales Alenia Space Thiokol TsSKB-Progress United Launch Alliance (ULA) United Technologies U.S. Department Of Energy (DOE) U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Voronezh Mechanical Plant Features no "code" so far, only configs and pictures. The indiviual logos were taken from wikipedia entries, I merely resized and cropped them and made them transparent, where applicable. The descriptive texts are just cleaned up versions of the very first few lines from their wikipedia entries. The 'mentalities' are rather arbitrarily chosen, please feel free to point out funky business. Some of the rather intricately detailed logos have pretty washed out downscaled versions, my apologies, I have only paint.net and might have not always chosen the wisest of sources and scalings^^ Media: (North American Rockwell Space division) (NPO Energomash) (Rocketdyne.) WIP: - Localization for KSP 1.3.0... (wip) - Proper configuration of mentalities... (wip) - Addon Version Checker (AVC) support - Module Manager (MM) patch for conformal RealismOverhaul manufacturer entries (obsolete) - Fix file structure in download archive (done) - Very unlikely, but one never knows, a module that, according to the current ingame calender date and pre configured timeline tags in the partconfigs, changes manufacturer tags on individual parts, as well as enabling and disabling certain manufacturers and/or locking/unlocking of individual parts. Some funny simulation of company takeovers, fusion, conglomeration, disbandment, transformation, LosTech, mostly for people that like 'historic' playthroughs. Example: Soviet Union era OKBs get disabled on 26 September 1991, discontinued rocket parts get disabled, continued rocket parts have a new manufacturer. Or Martin Marietta and Lockheed becoming Lockheed Martin, all parts from the former two companies can now be found in the new company. Why? Huh... Sounds funny. But no priority, just a thought. Support: - SpaceDock - CKAN (implemented through SpaceDock, dunno if works properly) - If you find anything suspicious, malicious, devious, obnoxious or insidious, please don't hesitate and post any bugs here. - If you have suggestions regarding more agencies, dosn't hesitate, just tell which one you'd like to have. I'll wait until I have another batch to add (not too long) and make a new release. - If you happen to be the owner of a company in this mod and are very unfond of finding your awesome logo in this awesome game stuffed with awseome mods, please tell, I shalt remove thee^^ - If you want to participate in any way, feel free to participate, just poke me with an ad-equate poking stick. Dependencies: - Probably Module Manager, dunno^^ Intalling instructions: Download the *.zip (or *.rar) file from GitHub or SpaceDock, open it up, and extract the "RealAgenciesCollection" folder it into your "KSP\Gamedata\..." folder. Or use CKAN. RealAgenciesCollection v1.0.4 Download from GitHub Download from SpaceDock License: GPL-3.0 Changelog: v1.0.4 v1.0.3 v1.0.2 Credits: To aaaalll my friends! Wait... wrong movie^^ Credits go to all respective companies and their logo-designers, to all involved contributors on wikipedia, to the entire RealismOverhaul team and to TiktaalikDreaming for providing the 'North Amercan Rockwell Space Division' logo. Detailed credits on the logos can be found inside the credits.txt file in the download.
  24. Hi, it's me again^^ I'm currently making a mini-mod, intended for providing a whole lot of real-world-agencies (companies) for RealismOverhaul. In that regards, I noticed a hand full of 'discrepancies' on manufacturer tags on different engines, mostly just minor things like "NPO Energomash [Glushko]" having that [Glushko] suffix, therefore not showing up in the VAB's manufacturer tab labelled only "NPO Energomash". Another example would be "Airbus Defence and Space" which exists as well as "Airbus Defence & Space". So I thought about writing some ModuleManager configs to only 'righten' those entries without touching anything else. I took a look in the current RO-repository on GitHub and looked at the RD-107 engine configs. Since I'm basically 'blank' in regards of writing MM configs, I thought I copy the first few lines, if that is legit^^ I've prepared only a test config so far, containing following entries: @PART[*]:HAS[#engineType[RD107-117]]:FOR[RealismOverhaulEngines] { %manufacturer = NPO Energomash } @PART[*]:HAS[#engineType[RD108-118]]:FOR[RealismOverhaulEngines] { %manufacturer = NPO Energomash } Would this work or would I break things with configs like those two entries? Any kind of info would be much apreciated
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