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Everything posted by Fl0oo

  1. ++ Please don't stop, you are awesome!
  2. Thank you, I'll will keep building. You are right, but I'm in love with VenStockRevamp texture and models ... I will try some stock too.
  3. Danos GTR My first car-like rover/craft, hope you guys like it, it went through a lot of testing and was created accidentally. Its doesn't work properly on Mun,Duna or any other planet beside Kerbin and Laythe. Used Mods: VenStockRevamp PlanetaryBaseInc TweakScale DOWNLOAD
  4. Hi, please can you guys give me a save file with a proper network connection ... I lost my save and now I need to start over. Please please ... And i don't want to use hyper edit!
  5. I love the effort put in to the planets texture and topography, can you guys make the stuck planets a little bit more realistic? Pretty please ... Thnx for the mod, it's epic!
  6. OMG great work man! Finally a planetary base mod that I like. Thank you!
  7. A silly question ... where is the download link?
  8. Win 7 Memory 4.00 GB Mods: AIES(Just half of the mod) BahaArmory (Weapones) DeadlyReentry DMagicOrbitalScience Firespitter(just the plugin and the airbrake part) HyperEdit KAS KAX ( half of the mod) KWRocketry Kerbal_Joint_Reinforcement NearFutureSolar NearFutureConstruction TweakScale Stock-Revamp (re-texture some stock parts) Trajectories and Stock Bug Fix Modules
  9. I can't launch vessels any more, it's like a freeze i see space center buildings and some buttons, i can touch them but nothing happened! Please help ... i re-install the game ... and still have this bug even with you bug-fix-mod.
  10. Hi, it's there a link somewhere to make this mod compatibile with Tweakscale?
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