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Everything posted by gigaboom2

  1. Here are two: http://www.plantphysiol.org/content/36/5/566.full.pdf http://www.agron.missouri.edu/mnl/73/09lysikov.html This is mostly true, but say that the radiation affects the chemical makeup on the endosperm, this could have a significant effect on something so small and delicate. Something could probably be altered by radiation that does not have to do with the DNA, but it would be smaller and less common. (I'm not a biologist or a chemist, so I may be wrong) However you are correct for this case as only the pollen will be altered. I know, but I want to do it myself and see what I can get.
  2. My plan is essentially to get something that has at least one benefit over the usual stock. Not due to of the direct effect of radiation, (shown in legitimate studies over 60 years ago to not be good) but due to the mutation. The Plan: Grow some corn. When corn flowers, harvest pollen, irradiate pollen with my trusty rusty x-ray tube. Pollinate corn with irradiated (and hopefully beautifully mutated) pollen. Take corn that grows with irradiated pollen, and plant it. Let second generation corn grow. Notice if all plants have developed a similar trait. (ie. stunted growth, leaves stained red, premature death, growing human faces) If so, this trait is to be ignored because it is most likely directly due to the radiation, and not all plants mutating the same way. Irradiate pollen from promising plants. Repeat steps 3-7. My question to you is, do you see any problems with this? Do you think that I should change something? Do you think I should scrap this plan in fear of me creating Godzilla? Do you think I will eventually grow an apple?
  3. The Exploit-o-tron 110 M/S !!!! 110 Pts. 7: 27 Time (It could do better but I suck at flying planes) 50 Pts. 1 Landing Gear! (Only plane with powered wheels) 5 Pts. No Reaction Wheels 5 Pts. Total: 170 Bonus: Can Fly At Night!
  4. Maybe you should take another shot after 1.0, there will be better areo and bigger wings.
  5. Here is my plane. ​The Frogger No Reaction Wheels 5 Max Speed 35 1 Ion Engine 10 Time 23Mass 4 Xenon Use 2 Acrobatics 3 Total 72 - - - Updated - - - You hit embed and get <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="//imgur.com/a/XXXXX/embed"></iframe> You use (Imgur)XXXXX(/Imgur) but replace the () with []
  6. It is very possible to make an SSTO that is launched from kerbin and goes to eve without refueling. If it is ion powered, it can fly around on the surface too. It is just getting of the giant planet that makes it so difficult.
  7. So the whole challenge is a joke? Or do we need to get it done today?
  8. I am the same! Never visited Dres, Eleeo, Bop, or Pol, or returned from Vall, Tylo Laythe, or Moho. I just feel that it is beneath my skill to do. P.S. I hope to knock a few of that list soon...
  9. I know "Flight" is illegal, but how about you can make your rover a glider, that is, no control surfaces or thrust, but can speed up travel after climbing a mountain or something?
  10. I wish that I could make a ship like that. But My "Common Sense" and "Computer Processing Speed" just won't let me.Good Job! P.S. You should at least count up the points to see how much it would have scored.
  11. I forgot, it could only fly at 12 km with no bombs, I will change that. My ship has a turning radius of about 40 km, and I don't feel like flying it that far out for another 10 points. I'm good with second place.
  12. Sorry, Here You Go I dropped bombs and drained most of the fuel. Also, in the next update, they are adding bigger wings. Bigger Wings=Less Wings=Less Lag=Bigger Planes=MOAR BOMBS ​If this challenge is still going after the 1.0 update, you should make separate scoreboards.
  13. The Flying Narwhal MkII This ship is 239.5 tons and 585 pieces of pure power. Used 15 basic jet engines because turbojets were too weak at runway. This Narwhal caries 56 bombs and has a functional horn. Mission Completed in 1 hour and 57 seconds. Points: More BOOM: 50 x 12 = 600 Swift Payback: 0.01 x 135 = 13.5 Engine Maintenance: 15 x -2 = -30 Parts Maintenance: 585 x -0.2 = -11.7 TOTAL: 553.8
  14. Why did you use RAPIERs? Because unless that monstrosity is going into space, I think the basic jet would be better off, because it gives about 40 more thrust at runway to help you get airborn and costs less points. P.S. That is the most elegant ship I have ever seen:wink:
  15. That Happened to me in my first ship, if you cut the throttle and dive, it helps.
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