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Everything posted by ShadowZone

  1. I made a mini jet that got to 60km with turbojets (and lost a few parts in the process by burning them up during ascent), added some LFO stuff but never exceeded suborbital. Will try again. I am pretty sure it's possible
  2. Thankfully my wife is very understanding. And my kids love building things that explode... so there.
  3. Thanks! You can be sure that I will try out how this works in version 1.0
  4. What should I say? I really want to make ring stations. Big ones. But with the new aero/heat model? I don't know...
  5. 2:35pm over here as long as it arrives until 7pm when I put my kids in bed everything is peachy Squad: you got 4,5 hours! (and I assume that your servers will crash and burn 2 minutes after release - no pressure *g*)
  6. Finish it! No matter the version, the parts or the effects. You need that closure, trust me
  7. I am pretty sure there will be a lot of those unforeseen bugs as soon as 1.0 hits. And I am confident, Squad will fix them pretty soon. This is, in my opinion, no big deal. Still looking forward to the release
  8. I would like to submit my attempt. Unfortunately I believe there are some problems with it 1) My transfer craft uses some part clipping (where the 2.5>1.25 cone tanks of the "arms" meet the center of the Craft, also the cockpit clips into it. It's purely for aesthetical reasons. The lander on the other hand has no part clipping except for cubic octagonal struts being used as attachment points.) 2) My lander design was faulted. I forgot to add ladders so I hyperedited the original lander back home, added ladders in the VAB, hyperedited it back to the exact same spot, but did the parachute descent again (including the correction burn), so it should have had the same amount of dV and weight as the original craft. Still... you could count this as a violation of the rules. As you can see in the video the design in principle works, regardless of the ladders. 3) This is a big one. And I am very ashamed of it. I did not quicksave from Eve ascent till Kerbin landing. Why? I wanted to keep that quicksave to return to a point in the mission where I could try out something different. But I forgot to turn off the monoprop engines. And when the main engines fired they fired as well and ... well there was no more fuel left in the lander can. I could have quickloaded again, do all the ascent with the lander again and all of the tedious transfer burns. But I was pressed for time and I resorted to infinite fuel to get the now empty tanks working again. The final lander stage would have had about 2000m/s of dV after resupplying (the Mothership had monopropellant reserves), enough to slow down the descent right before splachdown. Technically and in theory it would have worked. But I don't have any proof of it. So yeah... big elephant in the room here So I totally understand if you fail me. Time (and the impending 1.0) were too constraining for me to do it as thorough as I would have liked. Nevertheless... here's my Eve mission report in video form. Hope you enjoy it!
  9. Don't mind if I do I hereby submit my mission in video form (a little more than 2 hours in total): KER dV specs should always be visible on the top of the screen. Mission Craft: "The Joolishka" (all stock except for MechJeb) Full imgur album. Written Mission report: Jebediah, Bob, Domore, Fermal and Roeny Kerman are the chosen ones to fulfill one of the most ambitious missions their space administration has developed: Getting to the outer rim planet Jool, visit all of its 5 moons and return safely back on Kerbin with the science data. For this, the Kerbal Space Program boffins have cooked up a marvelous vehicle that will guide them to their destination: The "Joolishka", a massive rocket that puts more than 6100 tons on the launch pad. With about 14.000 m/s dV it should have enough power to get the crew through their desired mission. On the launch pad, all 5 crew members waited inside the crew module for the ignition sequence to start. And then it happened: With a might roar the Joolishka rose to the skies! The vehicle performed outstanding. And after reaching LKO it turned out the penultimate stage of the lifter still had some fuel left. So mission command adapted. They sent their biggest refueling vehicle, the "Refuelus Maximus" up to rendezvous with the "Joolishka". The resupply operation went without a hitch. And the remote drone operators even managed land the refueling vehicle safely in the ocean for recovery. Then it was time to do the transfer burn to Jool. The onboard computer, who the Kerbals nicknamed MJ, calculated a transfer window that used less than 2000 m/s of dV, so commander Jebediah gave the order to execute the maneuver. After some long months the crew finally arrived at the big green giant and immediately got to gather some science. Due to the aerobraking maouver they even got some atomspheric readings of Jool. As luck would have it, the "Joolishka" made a Tylo encounter on the second aerobraking pass. And Tylo, the big bad dark moon of Jool was the first target anyway. Do the brave crew made the necessary adjustments to head to that celestial body. After circularizing the orbit around Tylo it was time to ditch the transfer stage and continue on the main "Joolishka" vehicle. Now Domore Kerman was in the hot seat. It was the first time the lander vehicle inside the "Joolishka's" cargo bay would be used. It was designed to land on all moons of Jool, with an extra descent stage for Tylo. But after some tense seconds the lander descended softly on Tylo and Domore did his duty by collection science samples from the surface of the moon. And of course planted a flag to commemorate this occasion. With enough dV left in the tanks to get back up into orbit, Domore Kerman did exactly that. The rendezvous with the "Joolishka" worked out fine and after refueling the lander it was time to transfer to Laythe. It is one of the most beautiful locations to visit in the Kerbol system and since it has an atmosphere is also very easy to get to, since you can perform an aerocapture. Since the mission profile demanded that every landing would be performed by a different pilot, the task fell to Fermal Kerman to enter the lander and head down to the watery surface of Laythe. Everything seemed to go smoothly at first. But then: disaster! Fermal forgot to retract the solar panels of his lander during descent. The reentry heat destroyed the fragile panels and for a second there it seemed like the mission would be in jeopardy. But the engineers back home hat made the lander very reliable and equipped it with a lot of batteries. Just to be safe, Fermal shut down half of them to have a reserve left should the need arise. Despite the solar panel mishap, Fermal Kerman returned safely from the surface of Laythe and docked with the "Joolishka". After another (boring) refueling operation it was time to do yet another transfer and visit Vall. Roeny Kerman switched places with Fermal, after some angry words about the solar panel, and prepared for descent. Due to amount of dV in the lander and the location of the landing site being close to another Biome, Roeny took a risk and set the lander down again to gather even more science. The risk paid off and the lander ascended safely into orbit and made its rendezvous with the mothership. After Vall, probably the most tedious transfer of this mission was upon the crew. In order to get to Bop the transfer has to be quite accurate. But with a little help from MJs maneuver node editing capabilities, they managed to get an encounter with the ugly brown dwarf moon. And since they almost sound similar, Bob hat the honor of landing on Bop. Not wanting to let Roeny have all the spotlight, Bob also managed to gather science from two Biomes. And then it was almost over. Just one more moon awaited the crew and it was Pol. Jebediah Kerman was the chosen pilot to complete the task and complete he did. Of course, being mission commander, Jebediah couldn't do less than Bob or Roeny, so he as well managed to get science from two biomes of Pol. The low surface gravity made it easy for Jeb, almost too easy. There was a short scare after the pilot saw some dangerous looking formations while descending down. Fortunately those surface spikes didn't hurt as much as he feared in the beginning. In fact they didn't hurt at all. So the crew rejoiced once Jeb was back on board. They plotted their return vector end exited the Jool system. Time to go home! And so the brave crew of five returned home. After a successful aerobraking manouver the Joolishka got into a stable parking orbit above Kerbin. Jebediah, Bob, Roeny, Fermal and Domore Kerman were looking forward to finally head home. But it was not over yet. First they had to deliver their bounty: all of the science they managed to gather from Jool and its moons. In order to do that they detached their science module and sent it on its way down. The crew and ground control watched with trepidation as the lab entered the atmosphere. A sigh of relief was heard when the parachutes opened and the lab splashed down safely in the ocean. The recovery crew immediately picked it up to reap the rewards of this long mission: 20781 science units. Precious data from all of Jool's moons. Marvellous, the boys in the R&D department were elated. So it was time to get down to the surface for the crew. They detached the command module from the main body of the "Joolishka" and started their deorbiting maneuver. Tensions were high as the module dove through the atmosphere, but again all systems worked flawlessly. And so it came to pass that the grandest mission of them all, the "Jool-5", was completed. But was it, though? That was up for mission command to decide, whether or not the crew managed to meet all required parameters. Thanks for reading
  10. This is a big one First, it uses my Gigalauncher that can propell 1200 tons into LKO. And that is necessary, because the lander alone weighs almost 400 tons. The entire ship is around 1100 tons or something like that. Lander is in the back, on the front we have a cargo bay with a rover inside. Mission profile: Get to Eve, drop the lander close to the coast of a big landmass, drop the rover on that landmass. Release the Ion bike, ride it to the shore, explore Eve with the rover, gather all the science you can gather, get back to the bike, ride it to the lander, get back up to space, rendezvous with the mothership, get back to Kerbin, land the lander capsule (preferably on water), profit! Click here for the craft file. (Careful, 1680 parts!) Why Appleseed? Well, it's Eve, and the biblical Eve was thrown out of paradise because of an Apple... so... yeah. Actions Groups: 1- Toggle rover Ion Engines 2- Toggle lander can engines (turn off after docking with mothership!) 7- Toggle lander ladders 8- Release waterbike from lander 9- Toggle Solar panels (mothership) 0- Jettison cargo bay doors to release the rover No idea if this will work with KSP 1.0
  11. I finished my final mission for v0.90 - an Eve sea level return mission with a 400 ton lander. Looking forward to KSP 1.0!
  12. Since 1.0 is upon us, I want to do a completely clean unstall. However, I would very much like to save some settings, especially the custom part categories I made in the Editor. Where are those saved so I can backup them before Monday?
  13. Me, I pulled off an Eve return mission from sea level last night. Had some problems due to design flaws, but after changing the mission plan and foregoing some science, I made it back to Kerbin. So, what did you do the last few days... or are going to do until 1.0 hits on Monday?
  14. I finished up my last (or final, rather) 0.90 mission. An Eve Rocks attempt with a sea level return lander. Had to cut it short because the original mission plan was flawed. But I managed to get back to Kerbin without any quicksave, recorded it and then reloaded the quicksave from Eve's surface. Got to try again with some adjustments to finish the mission as it was intended. The picture shows the lander entering back into the mothership.
  15. Finish the mission! I personally would love to see that mission report
  16. Probably because Squad has this whole countdown thing going on and don't want to spoil the surprises
  17. I would like contest your third assumption. Who says Harv hasn't worked on this for the past few months on the side?
  18. I think I am going to install Outer Planets and will try to set my space program up in such a way, that the exploration of Sarnus will be the main goal. I'll probably limit my use of Kerbal Engineer. I will only use data for TWR for planets as soon as I have explored them with a probe and gravioli detector to analyse their properties. So yeah... I think this will be a new YouTube series for me, kicking off with v1.0 - all fresh, all new
  19. The vertical engines are placed in such a way that I did not need to adjust any thrust output. The aft Aerospikes have different throttle output levels to compensate the offset center of mass. But if you take this thing as it is, activate infinite fuel (which you must, because fantasy tech ) and throttle up, it should fly straight. With RCS and the reaction wheels included it's a non-issue.
  20. I know how this may look, but I am going to go ahead and would like to throw my own channel SHADOWZONE in the pot for the "showcase" category (since Saturday I no longer qualify for the "up and coming" after reaching 500 subs).
  21. Yeah I did consider, however if you look at the YT-1300 cockpit, it resembles the MK1-2 more (in my opinion) and also offers more than just one seat. And thanks for the rep, I appreciate it
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