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Everything posted by smartdummies

  1. So far have not re-experienced the no drag bug in RO. Thanks for the prompt response ferram.
  2. More results from testsing with the FASA Saturn: - The APS unit is not able to ullage the S-IVB. I needed to attach 4 (burn time of 5 minutes) and then add RCS thrust from the SM in order to be able to restart the S-IVB. From what I can tell the Saturn had 2 APS units and the ullage time was ~80 seconds - There is no fuel cell included in the lunar module any more, and this is (note that I am not using TACLS) causing me to exhaust the batteries before reaching the moon. I have tried to place a stock fuel cell array in the service compartment on the SM but this did not appear to work, bu I am still concerned with the ability of the LEM to retain battery power throughout the landing and return to CSM
  3. Alright, trying this out and I have run into some issues with the FASA Saturn V craft. (removed after reading release notes) - Did a re-entry with the Apollo CM from a 4681km x 76km orbit and only used 3 units if the ablator and maxed out the gforce gauge so I suspect that something is not right somewhere. If my periapsis needs adjussting I can understand but that gforce does seem to be to high as I expect my Kerbals would have died if DRE was installed. I would have had a much higher apoapsis but ... - I am having troubles with restarting the J2 on the S-IVB stage. It starts fine after separating the lower stages and I can circularize my orbit without a problem but I am having problems when I go to perform the Lunar insertion burn, I cannot get the fuel flow to stablize. Any suggestions here would be nice. Firing the RCS works to restart the SPS but not the J2 and so I am a bit stuck. Edit: Think I might have found the proper solution to the ullage. Will be trying again. Any thoughts and advice on the re-entry is welcome as I do not know where to begin for this one.
  4. Ferram - Playing around in RO 10.1 on KSP 1.0.4 and I had a return of the no drag bug using Garabedian when re-entering a FASA Apollo CM. My logs can be found here https://www.dropbox.com/s/2tnd0kh1s4gpkr6/output_log_RO.zip?dl=0. The list of mods is extensive but if you need me to I will list them out.
  5. NK the link in the OP for the download is broken. Getting a 404 error from GitHub.
  6. Looks like I errored then, basic keyboard-chair interface issues. Ven, I am truly enjoying the now look and I love the buttless engines. You do deserve a huge thanks for the work you have put in.
  7. I am playing this on 1.0.3 and it is working quite well. I do want to mention that I had a bit of an issue when I installed this on a pre-existing save (without this entirely - not an upgrade front a previous version) with the gigantor solar panels. The panels were rotated 180° from where I originally had them placed and this caused my panels that were on the tops of my tanks on my mun and minmus isru stations to be on the bottom. A little persistent file editing fixed this but it was unexpected.
  8. Thanks for the quick response! Downloading now. Edit: Well after a few hours of playing with too many reverts again, I am pleased to say that I did not have any issues with the drag. Job well done sir!
  9. I just got the no drag again. I wish I could tell you how may reverts I did (more that I would like to admit for sure) but it was... significant. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2r3wd8unawoq9ju/output_log1.zip?dl=0 Mods Blizzy Toolbar 1.7.9 B9 Procedural 0.4 CrossFeedEnabler 0.3.3 Far 0.15.3 Froude KJR 3.1.3 MechJeb 2.5.1 (Release version) ModularFlightIntgrator 1.0 DPAI 6.2.0 RCS BuildAid 0.7.2 RealChute Trajectories 1.3.0 KAC 3.3.1 Ven's 1.8.1 Waypoint Manager 2.3.0 Iterestingly based on what I saw here is my leading part (science jr in this case) was borked, FAR had a ref area of 0.000, lift, drag, side force, BC, and terminal velocity were all NaN and there was no heat being applied to the leading part. But my remaining parts were getting heat applied so it seems that only the part right next to the decoupler was affected. If I can get this again I will save my screenshot (I did the print screen, but then copied the link for the logs before I pasted the screenshot showing the flight data, d'oh!) and also see if altering my orientation has any affect. Oh, here is the craft file for the rocket in question. https://www.dropbox.com/s/l6kr82pb1rs7j3k/Auto-Saved%20Ship.zip?dl=0
  10. If it happens again I will make sure I keep my logs for you. These occasional, random bugs are always the worst to try and fix.
  11. I would have to agree that it is memory related. This has only happened to me once (using Ferri) When it did I reloaded my last quick save and it repeated, I exited to the main menu and reloaded the game and it still happened. I then exited to remove mods and then I could not get it to reappear even after reloaded the same quicksave with all my mods back in play. I should have preserved my log from when it happened, but as it was so reproducible before I exited to eliminate mods I figured I could get it to happen again. I have been trying to get it to happen again (I am a horrible pilot and so I revert/reload often and can easily get KSP near crash limits on memory) but have not seen it since. IMHO this indicates a memory issue (only difference between it working and breaking was memory usage) and at that point I would suspect a breakdown in stock code over FAR.
  12. Technically speaking RSS never required FAR it was just highly recommend due to issues with stock aerodynamics. RO is what had FAR as a requirement. That said, I would still highly recommended FAR for this as the stock areo is less bad but still not as good as FAR. The current FAR build is stable and playable and I do not have issues with both this and FAR.
  13. There seems to be an issue when grappler causing parachutes to think that they are in fairings. I was attempting to complete a retrieve debris from orbit contract and with FAR the parachutes do not activate because they report being inside a fairing after grabbing the debris piece. I have tried reentries without grabbing and the parachutes activate properly (I have no fairings on the vessel), I tried again after arming the grappler and the parachutes worked appropriately. But when I grab the part the parachutes start reporting that they are in a fairing and cannot deploy. When removing FAR I can retrieve the debris and still have my parachutes activate. I have tried both stock chutes and RealChutes and both have the same behavior. I had this using Ferri and also the current dev build of 9f7d5b2 (I hope this is correct - I just downloaded from the link in Gryphon's post above so I assume your commit today is what I got I do apologize if it is not, I do hate to give incorrect information) Output log here https://www.dropbox.com/s/hnvebmbl1bd8cl7/output_log.zip?dl=0 Craft file here https://www.dropbox.com/s/ok6jy3480dwaqb7/LKO%20Retriever.zip?dl=0 (this one has stock parachutes) Save file used in testing (LKO Retriever in orbit ready for rendezvous - this one has RealChutes) https://www.dropbox.com/s/d2n674cd05cjply/FAR%20Issue%20Test.zip?dl=0 Duplicated with the save using only - MechJeb 2.5.1 (not the dev builds) - RealChute
  14. Just want to mention that I see this often in stock when reverting to launch/VAB, so I am not sure that this is a RSS bug.
  15. Looks pretty good. Not sure you really need to put a lot of pipes in. Just enough to convey the idea and represent that things are flowing would be sufficient, imho
  16. I regret to report that there are still issues with engines remaining occluded after staging. The LV-N is not able to fire because of this. Here is my craft: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/34786356/Auto-Saved%20Ship.craft and I have tried staging the fairing and decoupler together and separately along with trying different sized decouplers and stack perpetrators to no avail. I am currently using MechJeb (15.0 - not one of the dev builds), RealChute, DPAI, KAC, Waypoint Manager, and KJR. I have tried a fresh install and still could not solve this. If needed I can re-launch and provide output logs.
  17. This sound like EngineIgnitor is being incorporated into RF
  18. Quick question - What altitude and velocity did you deploy at? Squad's changes in 1.0.1 causes chutes to fail when opened too early. I will be testing later today and I will see if the chutes fail at lower velocity deployment (< 250 m/s)
  19. Ohhhhh. Does this mean we get Neptune and a few more moons? If so can I make a request for Iaptus? Tried doing that one myself once but it ended.... badly
  20. Quick question regarding Universal Storage. It looks like I would need Tweakscale in order to use as the parts have their stock sizes still but when I look at the config files they have the Tweakscale module removed. Some advice about how I can use this in RO would be great. Thanks.
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