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Everything posted by Disiuze

  1. Banned for a new avatar and signature.
  2. Banned because in my timezone he posted at 17:09.
  3. Banned for Rocket Related Avatar.
  4. Banned for discriminating vehicles.
  5. You are hereby banned for the Banning committee for banning a valuable member.
  6. Edqqhg iru phqwlrqlqj Dphulfd. Translated: Banned for mentioning America.
  7. Banned for not having Caesar Cipher.
  8. Banned for countering with an obvious ban reason.
  9. Banned because it's beating flixx'.
  10. becoz hes an oven. How many Ships can a Ship Ship if Ships could Ship Ships?
  11. Banned for having a cool unknown location.
  12. Floor 908: You encounter a Darude - Sandstorm parade. You run to the stairs and mute the sound.
  13. Banned because: Stout, Stout SHAKO, For For two refined. DEMO, DEMOpan DEMODEMOPAN.
  14. I plant a flag on the hill and claim it as mine. My Hill.
  15. BannedBecauseICan'tPressSpaceBecauseI'mDoingAChallenge. (Forum put a space in this post.)
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