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Everything posted by DECQ

  1. BlakewayParts \ Parts \ Fuel Tank \ BLK SmallTank \ BLK SmallTank I hope it is removed? I just did a lot of detail in the game, and I know how to put them in the KSP, but now at a loss.. As you have not changed anything in the txt. ?? It is not necessary.
  2. No, you must have "KSP / GameData" and in "GameData" folder, create a folder, "BlakewayParts". Put it all files, model, texture and your cfg. eventually you will have a folder is "KSP/GameData/BlakewayParts". Then, enter the cfg that I sent to you, it means that: MODEL { model = BlakewayParts / BLKSmallTank scale = 0.64, 0.64, 0.64 } scale = 0.64 // Mesh = model.mu rescaleFactor = 1.0 model = BlakewayParts: This is the name of your folder in GameData BLKSmallTank: Name your model If you want to create a folder more, such as: BlakewayParts / FuelTank / BLKSmallTank <--- (this is the name of your model) You simply put: MODEL { model = BlakewayParts / FuelTank / BLKSmallTank scale = 0.64, 0.64, 0.64 } scale = 0.64 // Mesh = model.mu rescaleFactor = 1.0 "BlakewayParts \ Parts \ FuelTank \ BLKSmallTank \ BLKSmallTank" This garbage can, it is not necessary, if you put cfg I sent. Take a good look that I sent
  3. Also, do not rename the texture and mu.files, it will not work, it is easier to export all , then create a folder in GameData/BlakewayParts. Put it in your files and modify cfg this. PART { name = BLKsmalltank module = part author = JBlakeway // --- Asset parameters --- MODEL { model = BlakewayParts/mu your name. file scale = 0.64, 0.64, 0.64 } scale = 0.64 // Mesh = model.mu rescaleFactor = 1.0 specPower = 500.1 node_stack_top = 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.0, 0.0, -0.1, 0.0 node_attach = 4.01, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 TechRequired = generalRocketry entryCost = 3000 cost = 300 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 title = Blakeway Liquid Fuel Tank S manufacturer = Blakeway Space Industries description = TBA attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 mass = 0.025 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.3 angular_drag = 2 crashTolerance = 6 maxTemp = 2000 // 2900 = BreakingForce = 50 BreakingTorque = 50 bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel amount = 120 MaxAmount = 120 } RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer amount = 146 maxAmount = 146 } } It should work, important specify the correct path name of your model, but do not add to it .mu Example: MODEL { model = BlakewayParts/blakewayfueltank scale = 0.64, 0.64, 0.64 }
  4. Now it works? Just do not climb into txt.
  5. try to put mesh = model.mu If this does not help perhaps lacks rescaleFactor = 1.0
  6. Show full cfg. need to look. Most often, which is why there are problems.
  7. I understand you put their folder in the KSP / GameData / Squad / Parts / FuelTank? . Your work should be in the KSP / GameData. Just show cfg.
  8. Here cfg under which Orion solar panel will produce energy. I will look more on engines, are currently not able to correct the error, but I think understood how Corrected. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9nf7jsc7kaqpxwb/AAA4MHxqCTOpZjzuSj-4cGxOa?dl=0
  9. Damn, it's trouble, I will look at the problem. As for the Soyuz, this will come down ??
  10. As far as I know Tips initially wanted to raise the ship in orbit of a few blocks, and NASA Rocket to establish a direct flight to the moon, "How UR700 / Vulkan". But in the end come to an almost equal options, it is the dawn of space exploration and the first docking took place relatively recently, today it looks more attractive after the huge experience in the construction of space stations. As today's Russia that can not afford to build a Super Rocket only considers this option.
  11. Apparently the Soviet Union was more worried for crew life, primarily used as a proton is not manned due to fuel and even the EAS system could not save the crew at the start of the accident. Because in fact developing a new ship "Federaziya" could run it at a cheaper proton instead Angara .It was not even considered as an option.
  12. UR500 "Proton" will never carry people, look at what kind of fuel it work, and now Imagine UR 700 is a bunch attached to each other rocket with toxic fuel on the KSP sample, it did not take seriously, Chelomey received funds in competition with Korolev only due to the fact that his office was working son of the then Secretary General of the USSR. Imagine an accident at the start of the toxic giant UR700? What consequences
  13. Look at the fix. It should fix the problem. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/umpw8l9tdv4vsbd/AACeybJS-EDZ-i2rqh5qK2vAa?dl=0 Again I added a link to Craft files. See the first page.
  14. Yes, it worked, thank you very much !!!
  15. I'm having trouble with the new creation of the solar panels, if earlier (in my opinion to version 1.0), they were clearly how to do, but now in the cfg are just. MODULE { name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel animationName = ... resourceName = ElectricCharge chargeRate = 99.99 } } Opening the stock model, I noticed that they were standing on sunPivot, but did not help, there may be a trigger for ??? It would be interesting to know, did not find the information, perhaps badly. THX.
  16. Yes, of course they are individual pieces as soon as I have time to watch how to fix them, I think is not so simple.
  17. 1. Strange why they flew. 2. I would have gladly introduced the documentation, possibly the first country to make the add-on in a short time 3. No, Rys said that "Its free float. Not planned to update 1.0.5." So I took it from the add-on that let Dragon, not the old. If suddenly decide to Bobcat upgrade add-ons to 1.1, and he personally have any complaints, I will remove this link, no problem. Check, repair it.
  18. I will watch it with that, although I have not encountered problems, if someone else they arise, let me know.
  19. 1. Yes, you can send them to me and I'll put it on the stream indicating the author. 2. I do not know about the parachute, strange. 3. Yes, did not understand how solar panels work, will look at the problem.
  20. I can not run the RO on my KSP,i like RSS/RO but can not do it unfortunately...
  21. No, this is not normal. Dragon spoke about this error, see what the problem is.
  22. Canadarm work, just remove the Mini AVC plug-in folder, Canadarm has dependencies on other add-on (read on the author's page), but he is always in working condition. Pointed out that the shuttle Orbiter2010 initially.
  23. Why do not you believe in Dropbox,? it works very well. :\ If he has enough not payload remember that first of all it is the first version, and secondly to start the payload can be simple stock parts, or all that is placed in Fuselage.
  24. That craft. file, if you are faced with the difficulty of its build. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/i23utmhw6tragak/AACVS0ItN7lMepQaWRvzqXMna?dl=0
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