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Everything posted by Luovahulluus

  1. Now all we need to do is find the bug, implement it in real life and profit!
  2. I can't see how you could possibly get that thing up from Tellumo. Care to elaborate on your plan?
  3. @carlorizzante, you don't need to have a rover. You can just select the investor from the KSC view, as if he was one of your rovers or rockets in the grounds. Maybe that way you can avoid bugs long enough that you can save, then restart the game and you should have the hotel contract.
  4. I have the Bases and stations contract pack and Tourism plus. Those work just as well as in stock. I do have some other packs too, but I don't remember which ones. We just moved and my computer is still packed away . Maybe tonight I finally get to install the GPP updates and launch my Tellumo rover!
  5. You could just wait a few days until the bus arrives and the mission should have been completed. Then just bring everyone home as if it was completed and use the alt-f12 menu to mark the contract completed. This way they have been in space for 40 days and you get the contract completed in time. And it's a lot easier than editing the save file
  6. Could you post a screenshot of your hotel? How did you attach the asteroids on it?
  7. Can you take off if you roll next to the runway? Or is the whole island broken?
  8. I got the space camp mission for 14 tourists. When I loaded them on, there was only option to load 12. After some investigating I noticed Tanus and Marsha were already doing a multi-moon flyby, a mission I had accepted before this space camp mission. They had apparently booked a ticket for both missions. I assume this is a bug.
  9. My problem was, I don't know if I was close or not, as the closest-to-target nodes were in the wrong place. The years of the planets close to the sun are very short. It's like the game doesn't check far enough if there is a closer encounter, but settles with the closest encounter of a year one too early. When I tweaked the maneuver node I got it in the correct year of the inner planet, but it wasn't very close anymore. A little more tweaking and it jumped back to the previous year.
  10. I don't know if it's normal… but it happens to me too. For example, my gigantic Tellumo rover, the rocket to transport it and the package it will land in, took 4 days to design and test, playing about 3 to 4 hours a day. For me, the design phase is one of the most enjoyable things in the game. When I was a kid, I used to design submarines and planes and even cities etc. for fun with pencil and paper. Now I can do similar things and even see if my designs work! I'd imagine this forum is full of people who used to play with Legoes for hours and hours, like I did.
  11. @Galileo Just saw this amazing video. Here is some inspiration for you! https://www.wired.com/2017/03/stunning-video-mars-took-three-months-stitch-together-hand/
  12. Someone lost a bet, and as a result Jebediah gets to design the Tellumo lander. So we are going from a small, sensible lander to a monstrous truck that will roam the planet. The rover will be kerballed and will receive more supplies (TAC-LS) every transfer window, until someone figures out how to rescue the crew. For the journey (and snack shortage emergencies) there are three Deep Freeze cryo chambers with plenty of glykerol. Notice Jeb and Bill posing for scale The hull is from OPT Spaceplane Parts and the wheels are from KerbalFoundries. But how do you land something on Tellumo, which weighs nearly 40 tons and doesn't fit behind the 10m heat shield? Any suggestions?
  13. The optimal time for an interplanetary transfer burn can change many days depending on if you want to do a flyby or establish an orbit. As I usually want to do the latter, I still need to use the Transfer Window Planner and KAC to set them up. Would an option to include the orbit insertion burns be something you might want to include in your next version? Maybe a generic 100km above sea level would do? And maybe put a small icon to easily make a KAC alarm next to those "warp to burn time" icons.
  14. I've recently sent my rovers to both Icarus and Thalia, and encountered an annoying bug both times. I don't know if this is a GPP issue, but I don't know where else to complain . I tried the Transfer Window planner, Astrogator and Mechjeb, and the result was always the same: I set up the maneuver node using the mods, but I don't get the target closest position marker in the right place. With a little bit of tweaking I got the markers to appear, but the distance was hundreds of thousands of kilometers off. More tweaking and the marker would jump to being millions of km off. Apparently the marker jumped to earlier lap around the sun of the destination planet.
  15. Winds on Venus are up to 100m/s but near the surface only about 10m/s. That's roughly the same as on Earth. Obviously the very thick atmosphere is making things a lot more difficult on Venus. On Neptune the winds are up to 666m/s (according to space.com) so maybe Tellumo would fit somewhere between them?
  16. It would be quite interesting challenge to land if there really was a moving atmosphere around you. Try using parachutes in a 30m/s wind . Maybe a space plane would be the way to go?
  17. About ten days ago I started to design a hovering crane to help with my mission at Ceti. Here is what the crane did: https://youtu.be/-m9TG_pTZBA Here is a full mission report with some nice pictures of Ceti: http://imgur.com/a/OyRTA
  18. Iota's terrain looks very nice indeed. Too bad I had the GUI on in all of my screenshots when I was visiting it. Ceti looks very plain and boring in most places compared to Iota, as far as I've seen of it. Nice views on Ceti seem to be pretty rare. I'm just going to edit the post to include a pretty good Ceti picture, just not to make it feel bad And that typo has been annoying me for two weeks now…
  19. I haven't really paid attention before, but I realized I can't see the any rocks either. I have the scatterer folder in the gamedata folder. I installed all the visual mods from your download. Am I missing a tick from some box somewhere or something? And by the way, this rover, which just reached this peak, is now in the lowlands biome.
  20. I feel exactly the same way as @Norcalplanner above. I do, however, use quick saves and loads to make the best I can do with the equipment I have with me. This is true too, and I don't judge you for doing that. But I'm not running a real space program, I'm running a Kerbal space program. My kerbals have been a spacefaring race for just over 160 days now. Clearly there hasn't been years of planning Just not to be completely off topic, here is a picture of a rover that just used two thirds of it's monopropellant fuel getting out of the cargo bay, effectively stranding itself on Ceti. It had barely enough twr to lift itself up at Ceti, as it was based on a model I used on Iota, and I didn't think about the higher gravity before launching. The shuttle doesn't have enough crew capacity to get everyone home and if doesn't have enough reaction wheel authority to turn it upside down for easier access to the bay. The solution here, the most kerbal way I believe, is to build a hovering crane that will lift the rover to the cargobay. And because flying that will be quite difficult, I'll write a kOS script to help me with flying the thing. It may not be very realistic approach, but I believe it will be fun and challenging, especially as I really don't know too much about programming… And no, I won't be testing it for years, the Kerbals run out of food in 40 days…
  21. Testing the rover in it's destination feels like cheating to me. I'm going to explore new worlds so there should be unknown factors. I've had the wheel controls mapped to the arrow keys for a couple of years now. I only put some orbital scanners on the bottom of the craft, and I'll use them before going to the surface, so losing them (or the plough) doesn't matter. The rover handles pretty well on Gael. There are some problems with driving with SAS on. My kOS script has a speed control which keeps the speed in the range I want it to be, an adaptive steering which makes the wheels turn less when the speed is high to avoid spins and roll-overs (or it can just take over control and drive the rover to some specified coordinates or a selected target and stop 40m before hitting it). It also has a custom SAS: It points the front of the craft to the direction it's going and pitches and rolls the craft to the same direction the slope below it is. This way the craft will always land on it's four wheels. It also has some additional features for a craft that is designed to go 20 to 40 m/s on a low gravity world. Thanks for the advice on the antenna though, for both of you. I haven't played the game that much with them. I decided to put two more small radiators on the craft and pack four 15G relay satellites with it.
  22. I made an Icarus rover. How does it look? I even included a plough in case it will be snowing! I will first do some mapping and science from the orbit, then land on the surface and drive around for a while. Does this craft have any chance of surviving? The wheelbase is a little narrow and CoG is higher than I'd like, but I made a kOS script that should keep it upright. Nearly all the parts are connected to the central fueltank. This way they should be protected from overheating, right? Is that one antenna enough?
  23. Are you sure you don't mean ethereal? http://www.dictionary.com/browse/ephemeral
  24. The first time I watched it without sounds on my phone and it was like "meh". On second time, with sounds, it was a lot better. Now there was a story where the images belong. The biggest problem was, the scene with the kerbal looking back to Gael was badly cropped. You should have shown the surface he was standing on (and not just because the surface is so much prettier than what the stock moons have). And I feel like the video missing a fast paced ending, like aerobraking in a gas giant, lift-off from a strange planet, crashing into some surface, jumping off a cliff with a rover etc. Something that would give glimpses of what the planets look like on the surface.
  25. There should be a range, 'without inclinations' to 'with inclinations'.
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