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Everything posted by Luovahulluus

  1. I got it! Thank you, it looks great! The problem now is, I seem to have broken my sun flare (can't understand how that is possible). I planned to install the eden flare anyway. Just wanted to ask, can I just get it from ckan, or is there something special I need to do when installing flares for GPP?
  2. Might be related to what other players have reported: I just landed my first spaceplane (~300 parts including a rover in the bay) after installing this mod, and the descent took forever, time on yellow the whole time. I haven't noticed such effects before, but then again I don't think I've landed something quite that complex with wings before with this set of mods. Time certainly run slower than I expected. Maybe it was because the trajectory is in constant change in atmospheric flight too? I'm running the game on hdd, i7 6700k with 10% overclock. The Astrogator window was not visible. It would be nice if the window had a button for closing it in the upper corner.
  3. I have the same problem. I have 7 tourists that would like to see an asteroid up close, and one guy who would like to see all the moons of a gas giant... To keep these guys alive would need an insane amount of supplies. I did some googling and noticed that @JPLRepo was considering adding that possibility, but that conversation never got very far. I'd be really happy if that possibility was added. Rather sooner than later, as my first launch window is in 3 game days
  4. So I should always select a station/satellite around the planet when in tracking station, to get accurate delta-v info for craft design purposes? I will try that the next time I have time to play.
  5. Just wanted say, this mod has been a great help finding asteroid transfer windows. I play with Galileo's Planet Pack and the asteroids are not as neatly on a near-collision course with the homeworld as they are in stock. This is what I mean (those are all the small and medium asteroids, the grayish cyan planet is Gael, the homeworld): I haven't flown a mission to an asteroid yet in GPP, but now it actually seems doable (I have a mission that requires I build a casino with four asteroids in it). There is one curious entry, the one that only takes 6m/s to get to. How is that possible?
  6. Don't mean to rush... ... but is this ready to be published soon?
  7. @TriggerAu You said you might include a chance to find the transfer window to an asteroid. I play with Galileo's Planet Pack, where asteroids are not so nicely on a near collision course with your planet as in stock, but they are all over the place. It's a lot more work trying to find a good transfer to an asteroid that is further away on an inclined orbit. Having this mod work with asteroids would be a great help. It would also be nice, if the default starting point for the calculations would be the planet I'm on/close to and the destination would be the target body or asteroid I have. Atleast with Galileo's Planet Pack the starting location is, by default, wrong planet and I need to change it every time manually. Not a big thing to do, but still.
  8. Ok, good to know, thanks. I had a break from KSP for some time. The last time I played career, that didn't happen.
  9. Speaking of strange missions: I recently got my first probe to Niven orbit. Shortly after that I noticed I have some new missions to accept. Everyone of those six stock missions had the same requirements: fly by Iota, Ceti and Niven. They were all by different company. I have the contract configurator and some contract mod packs installed so it could be a problem with something else than the GPP.
  10. This was a great read! Nicely planned and executed mission
  11. Am I just imagining things or is it a lot harder in GPP to find an asteroid that will come close to the planet's SOI than in stock? I have a mission to bring 7 tourists to an asteroid and a space casino to build, which needs 4 asteroids on Gael orbit…
  12. @astroheiko You only need a single probe core to land on all of those places. If you want a kerbal to tag along, he doesn't have to land on tellumo, just drop the core down there at the end of the trip.
  13. I think it would be interesting to have Rald as a moon of Tellumo and the location of the KSC. This would make it easier to get into orbit, but harder to land or get much science from the local area. It would be a different kind of challenge when starting a new game. The slightly-bigger-than-duna Rald would be the perfect size.
  14. Seems like tweak scaled parts still take the room of the original sized part. For example I needed to attach three small wings to a craft stuck in orbit to safely get it to the ground (it always flips prograde, which makes it too aerodynamic to slow down enough in the atmosphere). I attach the wing to the rescue craft, scale it down, and drag the wings into the inventory. It still takes the same amount of space as the full sized wing. It just now occurred to me, I don't know in which scale the wing is stored in the inventory... Either way, it would be nice if tweak scale was supported better.
  15. I've had that too. Also in a separate install of the game, without GPP.
  16. As we are talking about skyboxses: I'd like to have my galaxy next to a big nebula. This would make one side of the skybox have the nebula (preferably a real one, with stars an such) and the opposite(ish) side would have the center bulge of the galaxy, with the trail of distant stars spreading around from there.
  17. Flyby of the two closest moons (Ceti and Iota) with four tourists: reward 550k Build a space casino: reward 765k I think the casino should give more money and the flyby less. I also have the fly by all of the gas giant's moons mission before visiting any other planet or researching mainsail or the orange fuel tank. Seems like quite a challenge at this point… atleast I'll get a good amount of money from that: 3,740k
  18. Seems I'm not the only one with problems with the Investor tour mission. It broke my game. And I mean game, not the save. Here is what happens: I take the investor tour contract, and go to the KSC view (where I can select which building to enter). There are two kerbals, who have spawned below the surface. I choose the one with the casino contract and suddenly he is a few hundred meters above the surface (I didn't check the altimeter). He drops down and survives. I have the contracts+ mod installed, and it tells me the only thing left to see from his list is the tracking station. I walk maybe 50 meters and the mission is complete (I can't even see the tracking station from there). I go back to the KSC view and try to launch an unrelated ship. The camera is stuck on an awkward position on it's side, the staging of the craft is all messed up (everything in the same stage) and I can turn on sas but I can't throttle or launch. The same thing goes on if I go to an other vessel already in flight. The same thing goes on if I start a new career game. After completing the contract I have both the casino and the investor tour contracts available to me. I don't know if it is your intention to let people build multiple casinoes? Closing KSP and starting it up again fixes the issue.
  19. Investor tour breaks my game. And I mean game, not the save. Here is what happens: I take the investor tour contract, and go to the KSC view. There are two kerbals, who have spawned below the surface. I choose the one with the casino contract and suddenly he is a few hundred meters above the surface. He drops down. I have the contracts+ mod installed, and it tells me the only thing is left to see from his list is the tracking station. I walk maybe 50 meters and the mission is complete (I can't even see the tracking station from there). I go back to the KSC view and try to launch a ship. The camera is stuck on an awkward position on it's side, the staging of the craft is all messed up (everything in the same stage) and I can turn on sas but I can't throttle or launch. The same thing goes on if I go to an other vessel already on flight. The same thing goes on if I start a new game. After completing the contract I have both the casino and the investor tour contracts available to me. I don't know if it is your intention to let people build multiple casinoes? Closing KSP and starting it up again fixes the issue.
  20. Places like that are exactly where I would like a contract pack to take me.
  21. It would be really nice to have some special missions that would make us go to see some of the spectacular features of the planets. If I find the time, I might do a contract pack myself if there isn't one yet. I can only put an hour or so into the game per day, and I'm having too much fun playing it to start a project like that right now… Edit: Then I would probably need some coordinates to some cool features or something. Or suggestions on what to see and what to do…
  22. I had some (maybe three or four) contracts pop into the available contracts list for maybe half a second. I have nearly 90 mods installed so it could be a conflict with another mod. Oh, and it would be nice if the "Listing of Contract Packs" from the beginning of this thread was updated. Quite a few of them are not updated to 1.2. And it would be even nicer, if the mod description would tell if it only supports the stock planets.
  23. Did you try it already? I'm planning on starting a new career and would like a very different experience this time around. Is there a wiki or some info on the planets somewhere so that I could determine where to start?
  24. @eloquentJane I can see how this is a big challenge to manage, but you have done the biggest task already, setting the whole thing up. My suggestion is to lose the intricate points system and just let people do it as they wish. I understand it's not what your vision for this mission was, but it would greatly diminish the workload you (or whoever will take over) have. The accomplishment will still be big enough test of skill, patience and computer hardware. You could keep three levels: 1. 500 kerbals on Jool 2. 500 kerbals with life support 3. 500 kerbals with life support and remote tech. @Jetski May I ask you what are computer specs? I'm just trying to estimate how unplayable the game will be for me when I finally get the kerbals to Jool. My progress has been really slow as I haven't been able to play much. I have bases planned for the first 150 kerbals when the next launch window comes. Now I have to grind some missions to get the funding for them. Additional problem is that my KAC doesn't work anymore.
  25. I have the same bug as Wcmille. KSP 1.1.2 with lots of mods, latest KAC from CKAN, Windows 10, 64-bit.
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