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Everything posted by Dreadthrone

  1. Title. I docked another ship to my mothership earlier without any issues, but whenever I try to dock a rover (pictured below) to my mothership, the mothership starts wildly flailing around, not quite enough to rip it apart, but still enough to separate some docking ports (strangely, the docking ports in the second picture were the only things to come off, the one holding the rover seems unaffected though) and make it impossible to fly. The issue happens whenever I dock that type of rover, I haven't tested to see if it still happens with ships other than the rover. Restarting KSP doesn't fix it. http://imgur.com/a/fjdYR Almost every part on either ship is added or modified by a mod.
  2. Sadly. all vessels using UKS parts are going to break with the next update so I can't use it and the one Kerbalism adds is also a 2M to 1M adapter which makes it almost impossible to place on my ships without looking ridiculous. Until Porkjet finishes his mod, I'm probably just going to glitch two Dark Side Technologies centrifuges into each-other to make a full circle every time a ship needs a hoola hoop (I've tried it, it's weight inefficient but it works)
  3. I am also having issues getting this to show up in the VAB. I am on 1.1.3 and pretty certain I installed it and all it's dependencies correctly. http://imgur.com/a/7ZEwK http://imgur.com/a/H4JVl
  4. Thanks to both of you, I'll try them both fairly soon and use whichever one fits better Also, does anyone know if Porkjet has abandoned the mod with the epic looking centrifuge or if he's still working on it? The last I could find on it was four months old.
  5. Does anyone here know any mods that add circular centrifuges that are either 2.5 or 3.75m in size (not including the actual ring part)? I have recently taken to building huge interplanetary crafts, but they never seem complete without a good 'ol hoola hoop spinning around them. I already have darkside technologies, but the centrifuge that mod adds is a bit funky and looks out of place on most of my crafts. Something like the below would be perfect, but after much looking I couldn't find the mod it was from or anything close in the right size.
  6. I mean a version of the jet booster that has the red stuff removed similarly to the refurbished Atlander, so that it looks better on planes using stock parts EDIT: Nevermind, just downloaded the beta version and the amount of red on the jets is low enough to be stockalike in my opinion
  7. I would be happy to I haven't done much testing yet or tried any of the engines, but the Atlander and refurbished Atlander seem pretty good when it comes to balancing since they are a bit larger in size than the X200-32 and quite a bit heavier but also carry a bit more fuel and a command pod and RCS tank/gyroscope. Also, will we be getting a stock-alike version of the jet engine?
  8. Looks epic now after building a ship around one it seems to go very well with both stock and modded parts. Certainly going to be using this on tons of monstrous landers
  9. Looks great I think it would be a lot better looking and more compatible with the stock parts (and parts from the dozens of stock-alike mods) if the grey parts where the same color as the Rockomax X200-32 fuel tank though.
  10. This is certainly a thing to download when it comes out! (jeb approves! )
  11. NEWS halrim: we have invented lots of cool stuff that will not explode over the last couple years... now it is time to use it! bob: why did you choose me for this? washing machine torture subject? kug trainer? halrim: HAHAHHA very funny! you will be the warp drive operator! bob: yeah... who will be the orion operator? halrim: someone who doesn't value their sanity.. bob: ok... why am i going on this anyway? cant you find better kerbs for this? halrim: you were with jeb on the original pumpy mc plate! so you certainly know how to use a similar craft! bob: yeah... kinda.. jeb flew the thing.. halrim: where you the one who wrote kalixy quest? bob: nope... halrim: GOOD! we are going to send the writer to darkspace creepfest! ( NOTE: i suggest reading the last chapter of kalixy quest before reading this... it had the concepts behind this story) bob: why? halrim: it is etherian propaganda! bob: oh yeah halrim: i am going to be on the thing... i will report news... FROM SPACE! YEAH! bob: why aren't we just going to use the etherian pumpy mc plate interplanetary drive? halrim: that vessel is OOOLD ( this is set a hundred years after kalixy quest) most of its buttons don't even work anymore! bob: i mean COPY the model... halrim: this new one has a warp drive... bob: oh HELL YEAH! halrim: YEAH ONE NEWS REPORT WITHOUT THE NEED FOR DRONES! HISTORY: we cant put this up yet... we are still cleaning up the tomatoes.... we totally aren't :sticktongue:ing it off the wall... DON'T JUDGE!
  12. halrim: so what distant galaxy has lars been launched to? camera man: darkspace prison creeplet:cool: halrim: that filthy mess.... kerlock is the BEST namer of buildings!not! i'm just saying that so i don't get sent there! camera man: yeah he is! once i lived on a street called "creeping fudge cake" I'M SO BADASS halrim: yeah... he is truly the best at everything! camera man: he also named my kug ( kerbal pug) "FEAR THE REAPER!" halrim: wow... truly the best name... totally not a reference..... camera man: oh and... I AM ULTIMATE!!!! halrim: what? camera man: you did not just hear that! halrim: should we get this report going and not fail? camera man: yeah halrim: ok! NEWS kerlock funds a gondola resort company! halrim: the last few months kerlock has been putting BILLIONS off kollars into building a high-tech gondola system for kerbals who need a break from space to have fun in! it will also have other places! such as hotels! kerlock: yeah... ultimate gondolas! they are cool! halrim: do i get i free ticket? after all i am the source of you propogan NO EPICNESS! kerlock: ...... halrim: i didn't say anything kerlock: yeah... lets just end this report.... have the full thousand kollars for this thing... halrim: wow... A THOUSAND KOLLARS IN THIRTY SECONDS! what is this? bribery or something:huh: kerlock: kinda HISTORY halrim: so bill... what have YOU done? bill: gone from being a space dude to being a professional puppy fattener! halrim: ..... bill: don't judge... halrim: i mean what have you done HISTORICLY bill: nothing:cool: halrim: ok NEXT munbald: history? halrim: FINNALY munbald: yeah i went to the mun! halrim: any information you have to share? munbald: WHUUUT IS INFUMITHION?!?! halrim: WHY!? THIS IS BEYOND LOGIC!!! munbald: halrim: YOU LITTLE THIS BROADCAST HAS BEEN TERMENATED REASON: CHAOS
  13. URGENT NEWS! ETHERIUM THINKS ITS BETTER THEN THE DREADLAND IMPERIUM! halrim: etherium recently launched a large rocket that was propelled upwards using nukes! NUKES WHAT INSANITY! but we boarded it and took the ship intact... lars: yeah... all the science and nukes on that thing... it was meant to nuke dreadland outposts on other bodies.... halrim: lol... lars: ...... halrim: anyway... we are building a similar system to nuke etherian outposts... its BIGGER! lars: .... screw you.... halrim: ok pics.... there is the ship we captured... lars: are you joking? halrim: NOPE! lars: WHAT IS THE TECHNOLOGICAL MIGHT OF DREADLAND!? it is nice and kracken juicing... halrim: .... lars: i think my sanity levels are near the void of ZERO.... ALL HAIL CTHULHU! halrim: drones..... and stuff him in the washing machine.... lars: what was i just talking about? WUB! halrim: oh yeah! those sound dampening drones really work! camera man: yeah... i LOVE those things... halrim: what do you use them on? camera man: my dog voidhugger dark mc Cthulhu barks allot.... halrim: voidhugger dark mc Cthulhu? are you kidding me?! camera man: no... halrim: ok i'm phoning my boss... this is NOT working... camera man: uhhh:blush: kerlock: hello THIS IS THE DARK LORD KERLOCK!!1!!!!! halrim: PLEASE FIRE MY CAMERA MAN!! HE IS DRIVING ME INSANE!! kerlock: please give me a reason to save you from this dude... halrim: HE IS DRIVING ME INSANE!!!!! kerlock: i like watching you suffer.... deal with it! halrim: ..... i am speachless.... kerlock: MUAHHAHA ( kerlock hangs up) halrim: lars please go cry in that dark corner...... it would really gain me some rep with my boss..... lars:
  14. halrim: ok this is ready.... camera man: yeah... i assume the camera is not broken... halrim: no its not broken... phone: RING! halrim: AHHHAHHAHHAHAHHAHH!H!H!H!H!H!H!A!HAH!HA!HHA!AHH! camera man: dude! its a phone not godzilla! halrim: oh... i thought it was lord Cthulhu! camera man: what have you been drinking recently? halrim: PERFECTA VODKA! camera man: no wonder! halrim: ok phone time... ( picks up the phone) kerlock the dark overlord: BEHOLD THE DARK LORD KERLOCK! ( yes i have a kerbal named kerlock in my ksp) halrim: OH hi boss! kerlock the dark overlord: ..... i really need to satisfy my firing innocent kerbals that did nothing wrong need! make sure that it is not you! halrim: yeah! nothing will go wrong! kinda kerlock the dark overlord: ok there are better kerbals then you! they would be more satisfying to fire! ( hangs up) halrim: RELIEF! ( does some very intense head butting) camera man: dude.. that cant be good for your health! halrim: ok lets get this report going... sorry that there is not the next part here... the small option was messing around...
  15. the total time answer would be..... around zero seconds... face it you NEED a suit to survive in space or you freeze to death.... and if you had an implant for that you would be blasted to death by radiation... maybe if you had an implant for that you could survive quite a while in space.... i don't think i would want to get three giant implants... after all you can let the drones do all the work! (and save a little money while your at it!) and to be honest... evas aren't NEARLY as cool as they are in ksp:( you don't really get much more science and its mainly a first time only thing.. plus if you plant a flag on mars that would go to show just how good your space program is... you cant get better rockets by climbing mountains and looking at dunes.... i think robots are the only logical step ( HUMANS ARE OVERRATED!) you can plant all your flags with a rover! plus you don't have to pay the giganormus money for life support.. after all.. once a flag is placed on some other planet... nobody cares if you plant another and people try to go intersteller! (technology grows because a thing is only interesting once!) i think by the point we go interstellar there would be better options for life support. (eat an apple and never need to breath again!) i think in theory it COULD save an few peeps but i doubt we will need them before we have the magic never breath again apples... and if your veins internally combust i don't think a living brain will save you... mars is cold titan could be nasty but the worst possible place to be would be drifting away from a space station at 20mps and not having any rcs because a malfunctioning monitor said you had twice as much fuel as you really do... there is not much o2 can do for you at that point but give you a slower more painful death.... and drones don't have parents... i might have an obsession with drones
  16. halrim: NEWS REPORT! a new kind of mind erase drones have been developed! why are we telling you about classified info you may be wondering? well.... to test the NEW and IMPROVED drones! camera man: drones released! computer: drones worked! halrim: YEAH:cool: halrim: get the new dude up here.... minimus explorer crew member: ok! history? halrim: YEAH click! halrim: what is that thing? mecm ( minimus explorer): it was the first dreadland vessel to reach minimus! it had two parts.... a lander and..... a... SPACE STATION! WOW! I NEVER KNEW THAT!!1!! halrim: oh wow! you are truly a expert on this subject! camera man please delete the inkt! footage... camera man: ok..... halrim: ok so how did the mission go? mecm: its end was lost.... it ether separated into its components ( lander and station) or was not disassembled... halrim: ok.... lets talk about the first EVER mission from dreadland! mecm: ok... it was the... CLAMPOTRONIC! halrim: the clicker is out of battery;.; mecm: the clampotronic was a totally NOT newb vessel! its only problems where that it was using rocket engines with oxidizer-less tanks! and that it was COVERED in clampotrons:cool: halrim: it was a GLORIOUS flight was it not? mecm: well.. it exploded on takeoff! halrim: ok that's enough! you can probably tell what i am going to say.... mecm: release the drones? halrim: YEAH! i'm not saying what the drones do though! mecm: nothing? halrim: ok please retrieve the cookie i have placed in the washing machine! then we can get to ending this report! mecm: (runs into the washing machine) there is no cookie in here?! halrim: (closes the washing machine door) washing machine: nuclear warheads activated! time untell detonation... 1:25 minutes halrim: QUICK GET AWAY! washing machine: FIVE FOUR THREE TWO ONE mecm: WUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUB! BOOM! halrim: VICTORY! camera man: ..... i am speechless halrim: drones! ( again!)
  17. looks very cool:cool: i will be following this.... but one thing... how are you supposed to get the images if you are planning on adding them at all? ( you cant make a hover car in ksp or get rid of the kerbal space center maybe mod like the crazyist thing ever?) i tried to make something like this once.... getting the pics was a total nightmare...and without them the quality drop is so massive that you cant survive without metric tons of humor. i don't think this needs a restart. i know a few mods that are good for this kind of stuff! these should both perfectly blend in with the time of the story and make it easier to get stuff into orbit! orion mod ksp interstellar ( sounds like one you will be needing!) this WILL need editing though... for the pics you would need to edit the werner von kerman to make him look super old and then insert a name and size it right to seamlessly blend in with the other kerbs i am in no way i pro at making these things.... but i do know something from 7.5 chapters of writing! ( one of witch is dreadland history;.; i might be posting a metric TON of things...) ( i pull pics from my old canceled writings and have kerbs humerusly talk about what went wrong.... since i have to play ksp for exactly ZERO hours ZERO minutes to get these old pics i can post trillions of chapters per second ( this is almost not an exaggeration!)) i hope this goes well!
  18. CHAPTER THREE halrim: ok new camera man.... halrim: camera man! how many hours before the next mind erase drones arrive? cameraman: about three hours... halrim: ok this must be FLAWLESS or else you get fired! cameraman: WHIT Ihs Fyerd bean? halrim: ok your fired... halrim: NEXT cameraman 2.0: i'm READY! halrim: ok lets get going.... launch the nukes.... cameraman 2.0: YEAH!1! LAUNCHED! halrim: QUICK START THE REPORT! halrim: OKOK A NUKE HAS BEEN FIRED AT ETHERIUM! IT IS TRULY A TIME WE WONT FORGET! cameraman 2.0: truly;.; halrim: it will launch mini-nukes if its launch site is checked... cameraman 2.0: YEAH THE NUKE!! WE FIRED A NUKE! WE ARE THE GREATEST! halrim: i think we have a culprit..... SECURITY LOCKDOWN PLUS RED ALERT!1!!! cameraman 2.0: i am jeb! jeb: muhahahahha! halrim: lets see what you say when you get blasted by a security mech..... halrim: LET THERE BE MUCH SPLATTER AND CRUNCH! (jeb gets crushed by a security mech the size of a large spacecraft..) halrim: WE STOPPED THE NUCLEAR CATASTROPHE meanwhile in etherian airspace.. bob: WUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUB WUBWUBWUBWUBWUB ( oh what is this symbol on the wall.... OMG I AM IN A NUKE IN A WASHING MACHINE!) back in ksc.... halrim: i totally did not tell jeb to put bob in the nuke... all the chapters for today!
  19. CHAPTER TWO halrim: sorry for the sudden cut last time! our low qual NO top of the line camera! bob: WUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUB halrim: oh that's just the washing machine nothing weird here:blush: bob: LET ME OUT OF WUBWUBWUBWUB HEEErWUBWUBWUB! halrim: certainly no person in there... it is perfectly normal:blush: halrim: cameraman.... would you mind placing your shirt in the washing machinne? i would like to show the audience a little trick... cameraman: sure! BOOM! halrim: I RIGGED IT WITH EXPLOSIVES! I COULDN'T TAKE THAT ANY LONGER! bob: WUBWUBWUBWUBWUB halrim: ..... i did not just say anything about rigging the cameraman's shirt with explosives ( rains some hardware) halrim: MIND ERASE DRONES...... SECOND TIME TODAY..... if this happens one more time you are FIRED! camera man: halrim: zeppelin operator get up here! zeppelin operator: history i'm guessing? halrim: damn right:cool: zeppelin operator: i was flying the K101! halrim: we are gonna have some good history today! zeppelin operator: the thing was supposed to be a kindenburg style ride.... but it crashed.... halrim: was a relative of bob on that thing? zeppelin operator: yeah halrim: MOST GLORIOUS DAY IN HISTORY! I WOULD SOAK IN BOBS BLOOD! zeppelin operator: ...... what did you just say? halrim: camera man... release the drones... AGAIN.... and erase all those memories! camera man: drones released..... halrim: and... YOU ARE FIRED!!!11!!!! camera man: what did i do?! why do I get fired?! halrim: uhhhhhhh YOU RIGGED YOUR SHIRT AND TRIED TO KILL ME!!! camera man: C'mon I HAVE THE AUDIO RECORDS RIGHT HERE! it says... 1:25 "I RIGGED THE SHIRT WITH EXPLOSIVES!" halrim: GIVE ME THAT!!!1!! (grabs a pen) (scribbles the record to say -1:24 camera man: MUHAHAH I RIGGED THE SHIRT WITH EXPLOSIVES!) halrim: (holds it close to the camera) SEE? IT SAYS CAMERA MAN RIGGED IT! PROOF ENOUGH?! zeppelin operator: duuude that is not normal behavior..... bob: FINALLY I'M OUT! halrim: drones...... more chapters tomorrow!
  20. this is NOT over.. i just cant do much ksp at all anymore i got bored... prepare for many "wubs" as halrim derps through many guests who have something historic to say! halrim: today from your ( least) favorite history channel! since it is illegal to not like this show.... bob: so what are we even doing here? halrim: SAY SOMETHING ABOUT HISTORY!!!!1!!! bob: ok so the 'krucible' project was a mission that was totally-not-inspired-by-the dark elf flagship from thor! halrim: i just happen to have a clicker here that has an image of the thing! bob: ok ( click) halrim: ok so here is a picture of the thing......................... bob: OH SHI halrim: so what is happening in this picture? bob: oh nothing it is just doing a barrel role! halrim: and totally NOT crashing into the vab? bob: yeah.... kinda.... halrim: so who made the thing? bob: jeb... he is one crazy honkydoodle! halrim: where you on that thing? bob: OHH THE MEMORIES ( pukes on halrim) halrim: OHH GROSS ( runs to the washing machine that was there for no apparent reason) bob: what are you doing?!!? halrim: GETTING THIS PUKE IF ME!! bob: that is NOT how you get pu OH DON'T CLIMB IN THERE! ( washing machine starts) halrim:WUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUB! camera man: QUICK STOP THE RECORDING! THIS CANT GO PUBLIC! halrim:WUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUB THIS RECORDING HAS BEEN TERMINATED REASON: harsh brilliance! RECORDING CONTINUED. halrim: ok PREPARE FOR VENGENCE!!!11!! bob: ..... halrim: ok so here is a picture that will ruin your life.... click! bob: what is that? it is functioning perfectly! halrim: THEN WHY IS IT EXPLODING! bob: dude... that is BLATANTLY photoshoped! halrim: it is not.... bob: no one will believe that..... halrim: they will! i have power over all of dreadland! if they don't obey they get executed! bob: halrim: cameraman please delete that footage.... bob: halrim: INTO THE WASHING MACHINE YOU GO YOU LITTLE FREAKLET %#*(%(&@^*&% bob: WUB! BROADCAST TERMINATED. reason... editing failure.. deploying mind eraser drones to calm public.... this chapter took an hour even with no pictures.... prepare for MANY of these VERY fast! ​wub!
  21. sorry for the ( basically) dead page i just haven't been having much fun with ksp for some reason...... this might become weekly... or maybe even longer i have been playing ksp for over a year now and have visited two planets. and i have done ninety percent of the interesting stuff! planetary surfaces just aren't interesting enough and loading pictures is pretty much doubling the time it takes to create these. and videos just cant be as funny as stories can. so this is going to become a mere side project i will upload as often as i feel like it. ITS NOT OVER YET! expect two more chapters for this season i just cant keep the main story line suspended for fifteen plus chapters. this is going to be the shortest season ever! but for now just have a chapter made from some OOOLD pictures i have lying around of my first ksp vessels! it is a new series that you can find here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85282-DREADLAND-HISTORY-a-ksp-comedy-season-one?p=1254072#post1254072 (WUB!)
  22. mission control: jeb! jeb: i don't care if it dose not blow up. mission control: jeb we know that! jeb: ............ mission control: nuke propelled massive probably-pathological-murderer created weapon of mass propulsion jeb: derp. the pathological murderer part is kinda disturbing though. mission control: dah who cares! the creator was merely a highly unstable mental psychopath! and at the time covered in spice! jeb: very very disturbing indeed. mission control: we already have a craft with the w.m.p jeb: what is the name? mission control: THE AMAZING.... PUMPY MC PLATE! jeb: wow i don't know what to say... mission control: here is a live feed picture...... jeb: omg! mission control: you and bob are going to space in that thing! jeb: i don't think that TWO PEOPLE could man that thing.... mission control: don't worry Lars and edmin will be with you! jeb: yay! two more crew! five hours later.... jeb: blastoff in three two bob: ONE! HA beat you to iiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!! THWEAAA GEGEGESSS jeb: aww i dont get the glory of saying one;.; mission control: jeb? we have a problem! jeb: what? mission control: jeb: why do we care about a crater on duna? mission control: that was our launch pad....... jeb: ..... bob: LOOK OUT THE WINDOW! bubxl5k: i would if i had a moving head... oh and you just breached the sound barrier! jeb: re-entry speeds going up! wow! Lars: wow plasma! i just patented a plasma ball! jeb: dude YOU CANT PATENT A NATURAL THING!!!11!!!! lars: well i took the plasma and clumped it into a ball! when was the last time you saw a ball of plasma in nature:D? jeb: when i re-enter! lars: oh we are getting this plasma by going super fast! going this fast is not natural:mad:! jeb: well i patent grass then! lars: NOOO MY LAWN!!! jeb: and i also patent sugar!! lars: NOOO MY CAKE!!! jeb: i will un-patent it if you DON'T patent a plasma ball! lars: FINE! bob: jeb we are in orbit! jeb: trajectory CORRECT! roll CORRECT! orbited CORRECT! Lars CORRECT! lemon CHECK! surface of planet..... SUCK! bob: hahhahaha! Lars Lemon! HAHAHAHAH! lars: ....... jeb: what now? mission control: so... our list of "things to do with w.m.p's" says: Possibility no1 "blast into space at a massive velocity" CHECK possibility no2 "ferry a ship to duna" possibility no3 "land on eve" possibility no4 "launch from eves sea level and go into eve orbit" possibility no5 " jeb: can you just say "p" instead of possibility? mission control: FINE jeb: AND stop the list! mission control: fine! jeb: now what?... mission control: sending a vessel to pick you up! jeb: mission control: don't worry we have a more exiting mission! jeb: what:) mission control: we have a station in orbit around kerbin that is monitoring the extra-kerrestrial spacecraft! we need someone aboard the station just in case something bad happens! jeb: fine. mission control: don't worry it was a lie! jeb: so now what? mission control: TO DUNA! bill is flying up a lander right now! jeb: what about that telescope? mission control: it just found a new planet! SENTAR jeb: meaning? mission control: Super Exotic Neurotic Tub Achieved Rings! jeb: cool! mission control: its orbit is beyond that of eeloo but the ship you have there has enough nukes on board to destroy kerbin and make it into a cloud of dust orbiting the mun! so we decided that it would make a cooler target by FAR then duna! jeb: if we have enough nukes to get this thing back to kerbin then yes! mission control: ok doing calculations.... mission control: it looks like it! jeb: lets have some nice kodka before we go into space... it is the source of all badassity! bob: bill will bring some up... meanwhile on the launch pad.... bill: so i'm going to sentar? joke? yes? maybe? werner von kerman: dude why do you just keep asking that?! you know i will say yes one hundred percent of the time! bill: did you check the life-support? werner von kerman: YES!!!!!! bill: science? math? werner von kerman: YYEESS!! bill: ok. werner von kerman: actually no. go tell jeb that we have a shuttle going to pick him up for science experiments on the derpstation five hours later...... jeb: bob: now we will experiment with pugtonium! jeb lets just hop on a spacecraft and go to the mun.... bob: you know what jeb... remember that shuttle that took us here a few hours ago? jeb: .... yes bob: it is currently in a near orbit and this station has a pod system that has seats for two! jeb: YEAH but where would we go? bob: the pumpy mc plate.... jeb: bob: don't worry there will be much baddassery here we will take some fuel and go for the mun with the ENTIRE spacecraft! then we land on the mun plant a flag go back into space hop into.... pumpy mc plate and and then we return to kerbin circularize at a very high altitude and wait for a nuke craft to bring us more nukes and give us enough delta v to go to sentar! jeb: i don't think sentar is a good idea yet... bob: they are sending a probe to duna whatever the case... lars: OMG OMG QUICK THE TO THE PUMPY MC PLATE! MUCH PUG MATTER GATHERING NEAR SENTAR!!!! jeb: pug matter? what is pug matter? lars: i have no idea... but i suggest going to get it! bubxl5k: plotting course for pumpy mc plate... pug matter sounds fun. bob: good that this station has a self destruct system... bubxl5k: suggesting... that we blow the station to pretend that we died? this station itself cost five bucks... jeb: what is ksc buying? back in ksc.. werner von kerman: wow... the pumpy mc plate sure is a good joke for now... they will be surprised when they see the new faster BETTER GREATER ship we have constructed they will LAUGH for a long time that they thought the pumpy mc plate was the greatest ship in the kerbin system... they will have fun riding this thing... but it is only a test... for now.. the pumpy mc plate cant return from sentar... not enough nukes... but this new craft oh i want to say the name so much!!!! has more crew capacity and less mass wasted on fuel but twice the quantity of nukes.. back on the derpstation jeb: what the heck was werner thinking when he randomly transmitted this into space... but i picked it up and it seems like the pmp ( pumpy mc plate) was just a little trick to show of the technology... but in reality they are secretly sending up a larger spacecraft i think we should just wait for the new craft... bob: well YES werner von kerman: i see you broke the surprise jeb you little !@#!#!$#! jeb: werner von kerman: well its finished so may as well send it up now.... bubxl5k: new craft found..... largest ever seen by kerbalkind.... BOOM! jeb: we aren't on the ground right? BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! jeb: OMG i can see the entire surface of the planet lighting up! werner von kerman: i knew jeb would love this thing... station heads up speakers: WARNING INTEGRITY COMPROMISED!! STATION IS HIGHLY UNSTABLE! SUGGESTED ACTION..... GTFO! jeb: RUN! bob: get to the shuttles! ( yes jeb is freaked out...) lars: AHHHAHAHAHHAHAHHHHHH! SAVE MEEE!!! Sorry for the MASSIVE wait... the reason this does not have any station pics is because i couldn't keep this chapter unposted any longer! i will add pics tomorow. ​
  23. I am not an expert in any way but....all life that we ever know existed ever got water from one source or another in theory it is kinda possible and it could get water from combining o2 and hydrogen. And that would be complex as something insane and it would have to form on land ( making it even harder) AND why would it need an exoskeleton? iron is pretty hard stuff and silicon is decent ( probably stronger then flesh) and i don't think the weapons would be much stronger without going unrealistic mode... for example try making a beautiful drawing without using pre-mixed colors... or even ink to draw with! you would be left with a blank sheet of paper ( maybe red if you got so angry you cut yourself...) and there is very little sunlight there. oh and it takes 59 earth days to rotate... and considering the highly insane quantity of energy it would take to migrate all the way around the world try walking around the world without eating and try supporting a brain with THAT little energy. i think a creature made of silicon on mercury would have: some kind of heat storage ( for fifty nine days) or could just try to use the heat from the planet hopefully some kind of hibernation ( especially if it has a brain) wings maybe ( yes mercury does not have much atmosphere but it does not have that much gravity ether so it could balance out) plus could be used as giant leaves for photosynthesis. some way to survive the psycho madman heat some way to make it less complicated basically i think it lingers waaay to far to the sifi world simply due to the insane complexity. so basically it would make an epic super cool pet ( you wouldn't have to pay for food ether) but the only way i could see this being done was if somebody decided that they had enough of this bs and wanted a silicon dyno pet and somehow took silicon put it in a mostly water filled vat and made it into a creature then hated it and put it on mercury. I wish I could have it as a pet though;.;
  24. Thanks for the feedback! No more signature. Now I just upload directly onto the ksp forums. I just copied some stuff from Open Office and it worked fine. Now it just makes a lot more sense to upload directly. For example if I make the story first then if I miss my shot that hit in the story I would have to redo the ENTIRE mission! Even if it is orbiting eeloo! What I do now is just write while the boring parts are going by and take pics every now and then and then upload them to imgur. The new chapter is almost ready but it is not fully complete!
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