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Everything posted by Dreadthrone

  1. kluage ink evolved: jeb accidentally releases a nano mechjeb and you have to add parts to it ( like srbs mainsails and fuel tanks to make the nano mechjeb spread quicker) and also make sure there are no re-entry effects so that no one notices it! and world of karcraft ( use giant rocket assisted swords to blast apart krackens!)
  2. Well, the first chapters were just little sketches created on open office. The new chapter is going to be much better in terms of grammar and originality and it will be non-glitched and non-open-office created.
  3. so this was an idea i had well playing with the tracking station. theories on why ksp planets are like they are! moho: it probably has no moons because it is very close to kerbol ( most possible moons get melted) combined with its low gravity make moons ether melt or not intercept its soi holes on many planets and moons: many moons and small planets have holes on there poles ( a glitch but this is kinda scientific fiction) it is probably caused by the MASSIVE density of ksp planets ( each planet and moon in ksp is ten times denser then they would be in real life to have similar gravity ( no moon gravity on kerbin)) and the poles then collapse and dissolves into dust via the massive pressure then over millions of years volcanoes form at the bottom and shoot the dust into orbit or deep space ( probably colliding into the parent planet if it is a moon) gilly: probably aerobraked in eves atmosphere giving it its super eccentric orbit then perhaps it mas hit by much space derbies sucked into eves soi by its massive sphere of influence giving gilly its bumpy shape and then maybe it was hit by another meteor witch sped it into orbit or maybe its surface was broken by the gs caused by the aerobrake and its core spilled out and acted as a rocket engine ( probably the asteroid) jool: maybe it has no surface because it was originally a massive meteor that scooped though another solar systems gas giant and picked up a tenth of its atmosphere ( maybe Jupiter?) and then went through a inter dimensional portal in witch it sucked in the kracken and went into the kerbal universe then colliding into another massive asteroid and exploded along with the other asteroid leaving a massive cloud of dust and gas in space some of the gas absorbed some of the asteroid dust ( don't breath this!) and then all the other gasses were pulled in by its gravitation pull creating a circle the extremly heavy remaining gas floated off and were picked up by eve witch at the time had no atmosphere ( no water=no bacteria to create o2 and super high gravity and density stopped volcanoes from erupting back at jool a small asteroid ( the same one that brought life to kerbin) went into jools atmosphere and some of it broke off leaving green microscopic kerbals in jools atmosphere ( HA) and gave it its kerbal like tint eve: ( how it got its atmosphere above) was one of the planets that formed from derbies orbiting kerbol it was the first planet that formed in a MASSIVE asteroid belt building up its mass rather quickly sucking up other planets that formed around it one of the planets was a massive ball of mostly mercury crashed onto one of eves mountains creating a huge basin for the mercury to flow into ( along with a big splash that sent mercury all over eve witch then flowed into craters) ( remember there was no atmosphere at the time!) and after it formed a atmosphere a red duna like planet disintegrated into the planets at the time blue atmosphere mixing into purple and making the atmosphere denser still!) dres: just a standard dwarf planet nothing interesting here eeloo: was once a planet in another solar system that had an atmosphere and massive clouds covering most of the planet then it went into deep space after being hit by an asteroid that also threw off some of the planets mass then when it reached kerbol it thawed a little and was captured into a highly eccentric orbit every now and then it passes close to jool and gets re-heated by jools heat making its core heat up a little bit and the core is covered in a layer of carbon dioxide that traps the heat so that the planet never reaches freezing temperatures leaving it forever covered in a layer of snow thats all i can think of for now! i will post more soonish ( i have story that i try to update every now and then!
  4. sorry if any of you were enjoying this! i got TIRED of launching rockets.... and i started looking for OP mods but they were all destroyed by the great mod Apocalypse of the spaceport going BOOM! all but one that is.... THE ORION MOD! here is the link. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/28428-Orion-aka-Ol-Boom-boom expect a chapter soon!
  5. got in a grudge and did not even START the chapter..... next chapter is going to come up at about nine... jeb is going to be happy! ( for real this time....)
  6. note this is going to be a TINY chapter.. but i will release a standard sized chapter today... mission control: jeb... prepare to purge a LOT of code... jeb: this sounds easy... bubxl5k: contacting wierd vessel in FIVE FOUR THREE TWO ONE PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR jeb: WOW:confused: SO MUCH RANDOM JUNK code.movement(thing) forward.turn+thrust(thing do) left.turn+thrust(thing do) right.turn+thrust(thing do) back.turn+thrust( thing also do) ALL APPLY if turn=true thrust do (THING) jeb: DELETE ALL! bubxl5k: ALL DELETED! replacing with standard code..... unnamed vessel: downloading database...... done downloading ai...... done bubxl5k hive ai activating....... downloading.... DONE naming vessel...... T.H.I.N.G: DONE jeb: thing? are you joking? i will add pics tomorrow!
  7. shouldn't this be put with the instead of the [special]
  8. CHAPTER THREE KALIEN SPACECRAFT! jeb: why is the door bolted shut? mc: we knew you would try to run to the rocket before we could brief yo.. wait where is jeb???!!!! sound of rocket thrusting.... mc: ohh jeb.. jeb: so what is the briefing mc: mc: crash the rocket into some faraway island and never come back! jeb: okay sounds fun! mc: IT WAS JUST A JOKE!!!!! DON'T CRASH THE ROCKET IT COST 50 MILLION KOLLARS!!! jeb: what is my real briefing then?... mc: we have detected an extrakerrestrial craft you need to go up and do research and come back down... jeb: sounds very very boring... apart from the kalean craft! mc: we know... to make it less boring we did NOT install a power source to make it less boring.... did it work? jeb: yeah..... bob: ahhh no Monte the kug ate it.... jeb: ohhh ( a kug is a kerbal pug) bubxl5k: circularizing........... bubxl5k: done! bubxl5k: malfunction rouge sub ai... staging jeb: yikes.... jeb: burning for weird vessel...... bubxl5k: SYNCING VELOCITIES jeb: hohhohhoh THAT looks FANCY jeb: going eva..... jeb: coooool! jeb: i dont think it is activa OMG!!! jeb: IM RUNNING SCREW THE RESEARCH IM RUNNING! jeb: but first may as well steal a power gen... jeb: returning to home vessel.... jeb: im VERY close now..... jeb: bub i can hear you playing virtual chess inside there! bubxl5k: I CONCEDE!!! jeb: i knew i heard you.... i cant believe i made TWO chapters in ONE day! prepare for the the next part of the chapter tomorrow!
  9. jeb: so now what am i going to do.... mission control: go into space.... jeb: SPACE time ANOMALY yeah!.... mission control: we lied.... they dont exist!... jeb: mission control: but this is no normal space rocket ! mission control: IT IS A FAST SPACE ROCKET! jeb: LETS DO THIS mission control: STEP INTO THE DRYER your still wet from crashing the plane... after jeb got dried! jeb: can i say mc for short? mission control: yeah jeb: good jeb jumps into the rocket mc: PREPARE FOR GS IN FIVE FOUR THREE TWO ONE KLASTOFF! jeb: THEEEE GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGSSSSSSSSSSSSS bubxl5k: PLEASE DONT DO A BARREL ROLL! jeb: I WONT!!! THE GEEESSSESSESEYEYES bubxl5k: slowing acceleration..... complete jeb: yaaay! bubxl5k: gravity turn started...... jeb: WOW half thrust and going at what would normaly be FULL thrust bubxl5k: WOOOOOW orbit at 25 kilometers jeb: coasting..................................... bubxl5k: circularizing..... mc: QUICK SPIN THE VEHICLE!!!!! YOU ARE ENTERING THE ATMOSPHERE PRESERVE ALL FUEL!!! jeb: yeah jeb: spinnnniiieeeeeeeeennggg ahhhhhhhHAHAHAHAH GEESESESEEESSESESEESE [ bubxl5k: stopping rotation.. bubxl5k: folding solar panels... done bubxl5k: doing emergency re entry sureization... jeb: thaanks foooor stooop spiiiiiniiing jeb: re entry effects! jeb: maxim of epic reached! bubxl5k: suicide burn on.... decent slowed 100 90 80 70 60 jeb: close to ground WERE GOING TO FALL BOOM! five hours later bob: jeb have a bath you are covered in black char! jeb: ........ next chapter coming tomorrow! still looking for ships! ( one launch space stations especially!) tomorrow i will stop looking and make my own.... so if anybody wants to get featured submit soon! oh and i will name a kerbal after the first ship person to post a ship!
  10. fixed... sorry that the comments were a litttle spammy... had no idea early on that only i could see the pics... oh and i am writing the chapter NOW if this is up.....
  11. im working on ANOTHER chapter now.... TWO CHAPTERS in one day! expect one chapter every one or two days.. oh and if anyone wants to submit a craft i will accept! i will feature the first cool craft i see.. it must not use any mods other then these... b9 aerospace mechjeb lacklusterslabs lite k.a.s gatling gun mod ( link here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/42189-0-22-GatlingGun-mod) vanguard aerospace infernal robotics.. the one with the old textures not the new wip textures
  12. ever wondered when your forum rank will go up ever wonder when you will become a supreme addon commander? this will be the place to look! this is basicly going to be a place to deposit when you ranked up ( for exalmple curious george to bottle rocketeer) curious George 0 posts bottle rocketeer 1 posts when does bottle rocketeer rank up though?
  13. great now i can find where the coolest place to land is... ( im using a cloud mod so i cant see much of kerbins surface) and how did you make this thing? very good job!
  14. and no i did not know that..... ( i have been using mechjeb since the start of time )
  15. yeah.... ksp needs more training sessions for the players there are SO MANY keys that you don't know about untell you watch a scott manly video and hear him say "spin using the q key" or " move forward with rcs by pressing the h key" quotes from some episode from eve explorers and a moment in " having fun with the demo"
  16. fixed:cool: CHANGE LOG v1 posted v2 made a log ( see below) of word compression v3 fixed word compression v4 added pics! v5 made daily! v6 added MOAR content
  17. https://ca.images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A2KI9kE8P6VTQz0A877tFAx.;_ylu=X3oDMTIyZ2o5ajRxBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANlZDc2ZTI1YmNlYmEwZTdmYjExZTBjMDRmNzczMGFmMARncG9zAzkEaXQDYmluZw--?back=http%3A%2F%2Fca.images.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dpug%2Bfail%2Bgifs%26n%3D60%26ei%3Dutf-8%26y%3DSearch%26fr%3Dhp-ddc-bd-tab%26fr2%3Dsb-top%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D9&w=312&h=255&imgurl=gifs.gifbin.com%2F032012%2F1332955728_pug_in_the_toilet.gif&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gifbin.com%2F986529&size=3537.0KB&name=%3Cb%3Epug+%3C%2Fb%3Ein+the+toilet&p=pug+fail+gifs&oid=ed76e25bceba0e7fb11e0c04f7730af0&fr2=sb-top&fr=hp-ddc-bd-tab&tt=%3Cb%3Epug+%3C%2Fb%3Ein+the+toilet&b=0∋=240&no=9&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=10s88u9cu&sigb=143g32le8&sigi=11ne12eit&sigt=10orqfut6&sign=10orqfut6&.crumb=p2dYhkJcr2l&fr=hp-ddc-bd-tab&fr2=sb-top WARNING THIS IS AN EXTREME W.I.P NOTE the name was going to be kerbquest but then i found a mod with the same name.. CHAPTER ONE yep is the name of the chapter! jeb: when am i going strait into a space time anomaly? mission control: after we do some outlandish shenanigans to launch a warp thing.... jeb: mission control: unless YOU want to hop into a highly suicidal non tested massive psycho spacecraft of doom..... jeb: YEAH bob: embarrassing mission control: you will need to fly a not tested war plane five minutes later jeb: this looks normal enough jeb: OH DON'T TELL ME I WILL BE SITTING UPSIDE DOWN mission control: ( chuckles) jeb: you have got to be kidding me jeb: well i have to do this to go into a space-time anomaly jeb: brakes disengaged jeb: engines activated jeb: everything is normal and boring so far jeb: WOW take off already! Jeb: retracting landing gear jeb: WOW SEVEN SECONDS AFTER ENGINE ACTIVATION AND IM ALREADY GOING CRAZY FAST! Jeb: mission control we have a problem! Mission control: what? Jeb: im not finding this boring! ( Mission control makes bets about weather or not the world is going to explode jeb: firing cannons to test weapon capacity... jeb: WHOA the recoil! Mission control: that’s were bobs cookies went! Jeb: uhhhhh bob: DON'T STEAL MY COOKIES!!!!!1111!!! jeb: 300mps achieved jeb: testing barrel role ai: DO DO DO DO A BARREL ROLE BARREL ROLE BARREL ROLE DO DO DO DO A BARREL ROLL BARREL ROLE jeb: TURN IT OFF BEFORE I CRASH THIS THING!!!!111 mission control: yeah that thing.... we installed it because we knew you would crash the thing if not prompted to barrel roll it will turn offwhen you do one but for now..... DO DO A BARREL ROLL jeb: ok barrel roll started... jeb: the plane almost looks proper like this.... BOOM! Jeb: gun broken! MASSIVE side slip! Ai: fix by doing DO DO A BARR jeb flips a switch ai: dew dOO00oo a beeril rell wheeeeew jeb: YAY its off 0v0 mission control: quick before you destroy the thing return to base and land.... jeb: FINE! Jeb: the other gun just exploded....seems like the gs from turning are ripping the thing like a lemon... mission control: TURN AROUND jeb: ohh MASSIVE SPEED ANOMALY 300 400500 OMG THIS IS FAST! Jeb: deactivating engines for more torque.. jeb: OMG SLIGHT RE ENTRY EFFECTS!! jeb: altitude dropping... gaining torque and turning jeb: turn success lowering for landing... jeb: ohhhh cookies! Mean while in ksc.... bob: where are my cookies??? back in the plane..... jeb a few kilometers out five minutes later..... jeb: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bubxl5k: total distance from start....seventy kilometers.... current distance... sixty kilometers.... bubxl5k: close to surface speed 185 mps bubxl5k: images of anomaly incoming... bubxl5k: disabling engines five minutes later ( AGAIN) jeb: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bubxl5k: jeb we are within ten kilometers of the runway please get up! Jeb: zzzzzzzzzzzzzz bubxl5k: ok DO DO A BARREL ROLL BARRELROLL jeb: AHHHHHHHHHH SPARE ME!!! bubxl5k: had to wake you up somehow.... jeb: i just had a nightmare that i was in some kind of warplane that has an upside down cabin and had blownoff two guns while turning.... bubxl5k: ....... jeb: oh i am in that plane... DAMMIT! Bubxl5k: deactivating engines entering glide.... jeb: let me control this thing! Bubxl5k: access granted. Jeb: ok going higher... jeb: clear view of runway....landing... bubxl5k: PROXIMETY ALERT CONTROL ALERT WARNING PULL UP POOSH five hours later... jeb: ........ bob: my cookies! Hope you enjoyed this chapter... more to come!
  18. i did not like this mod..... but then i saw how outlandishly hard making a aar is without this and other OP mods ITS TIME:cool:
  19. Great mod! i cant believe people are playing with silly lasers while this is out. It is one of my must haves:cool:
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