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Everything posted by Norpo

  1. Messed up a mun landing. Badly. It was your regular mun landing.. Then I started my suicide burn too late and went in at 50 m/s. I EVA'd going downwards, expecting the worst, and I figured kerbals could survive more than a fragile command pod. When everything hit, I heard an explosion, and the lander went flying, but to my astonishment, it survived. All of it survived. Except the LV-909, amazingly made, thoroughly tested, only one on the lander, rocket engine. Looks like obdock kerman may be stuck there for a while..
  2. You could base it off the numbers the contract gives you. When you see the contract in the contract tab, press the [+] next to notes. It should give you all the detail on the orbit. Remember though, most of the time, it accepts 5% deviation, so you shouldn't worry too much about getting it COMPLETELY perfect. It gives you the apoapsis, periapsis, longtitude of ascending nodes etc. etc., all the information you'll need on the orbit to get it exactly right. As long as you get the general shape, then it should be fairly easy to just raise the apoapsis and periapsis to where they should be according to the notes. Also keep in mind that satellites (at least in my experience) require an antenna, and a goo container. If you get it in the orbit, and it has an antenna and a goo container, all that's left is to release the controls for 10 seconds (don't press ANYTHING for 10 seconds, and I think you may need SAS off as well) and the contract should complete. I have had a few instances where it didn't complete, or the orbit disappeared, sometimes restarting the game helps. This is based on my own experience, and I haven't done many fineprint satellite contracts, so some of this may be incorrect. When in doubt, read the contract for more detail!
  3. This. ^^^ It's worth noting that these orbits also appear EVEN IF you haven't accepted a satellite contract, it means that there is one available in mission control, and its showing it's orbit in the tracking station so you can get a better idea of what the orbit is like, instead of looking at the numbers and guessing. Thus, they can even appear without you accepting a satellite contract.
  4. Really, the force the VAB can withstand seems fine to me, but i've read that it's the strongest of all the buildings. If they were all like the VAB (kerbodyne booster going full throttle going straight at it CAN destroy it but unlikely, anything bigger yes) then I think it'd be okay, maybe if they were a little stronger it'd be better. Considering the outrageous cost of repairing, (Unless sandbox repair costs are broken, i've never seen a repair cost in career) you could spend an entire career without a science lab, and spend hours of gameplay trying to get the money to fix it. (Out of curiosity, is it possible to destroy mission control, where the contracts are gotten? If so, then that seems broken, as it could completely disable your career if a stray booster goes haywire and you don't have the funds on hand to fix it, as you can't get any more funds without contracts, unless i'm missing something..) I think a nice compromise would be to add another difficulty slider, or set of difficulty sliders, for all the buildings, to set the amount of destruction they can all withstand. From extremely weak (you LANDED on the VAB!? At 15 m/s!? BOOM!) to Extremely Strong (basically as long as you don't hurl a delta IV heavy lifter at it you should be fine). Would be a nice feature to have, if only to prevent situations where you can either have weak structures or structures that don't explode at all. I like destructable buildings, but if you can destroy them just by launching a rocket, or a small booster accidentally just barely hitting it, then I may reconsider. I haven't built something big enough to auto-destruct the launchpad yet, but i'll be sure to always use launch clamps from now on. Also another nice difficulty slider would be to have a choice in how much repairs cost. Are they a minor annoyance, or do they end your career? Keeping all this in mind, I think it'd be nice to have difficulty sliders for all these, some people like easilly destructable buildings, and some people don't.
  5. I bet its either: CustomBiomes would make sense as they said they'd add biomes to all planets, or at least to "expect" it. Top of the list because squad said they'd probably implement the one feature this mod adds, biomes on all the planets. Kerbal Engineer Redux/other data readout mod: yesyesyesyes Data readouts in stock! This would be incredibly useful. Something to improve the atmosphere, FAR, NEAR: Unlikely, as many actually make the game easier in a sense, because it makes the air more realistic, and thus easier to go through. I wouldn't expect this, unless squad is also adding something to scale the planets up to keep it around the same difficulty. Would take quite a bit of work to implement naturally, but would be great nonetheless if it was added. And, something nobodies mentioned yet, I doubt it'll be added, but hey, it'd be awesome if it was. Drumroll please... KIDS: (kerbal isp difficulty scaler): Why not? They're already adding a bunch of difficulty scaler stuff, i'd love this if this was added, then i'd actually have to build giant rockets to get to the mun. If this was added, it'd be another difficulty scaling option in stock, and options are always good. Although i've never used it, i've heard it's great. It would provide a greater engineering challenge, as opposed to the sheer "just use boosters now instead of liquid fuel" funds add right now. It would also add a bit of meaning to the difficulty options for sandbox, and provide ample opportunity for challenges for those who have played a long time, and also perhaps lower the learning curve a bit. EDIT: oops, I forgot FinePrint. adds extra contracts, would flesh out the game a lot considering it's current contracts are mainly the test contract ones, and those can get boring after a while.
  6. Mun rocket failed, boosters curved inward on booster decoupling and an entire stage was lost. Luckily, it had *just* enough delta-V to get to minmus, land, and come back! Kerpollo I, and thus around 39k funds, were NOT all lost! Close enough! (no screenshots I was terrified the entire time because FPS was low and I had quicksave off )
  7. Yeah, i've always found the contracts give you a LOT of time to do them, there's really no way i've found you can really fail them unless you accidentally leave the game on 100000x timewarp for 10 minutes, but I suppose it's easy to forget about them; especially during inter-planetary travel. Still, 10 years to rescue a kerbal is a LOT of time, especially considering it's only in kerbin orbit and it's normally in a fairly low orbit, making it a relatively easy mission, if you've already rendezvoused with something before. Still, the deadlines are very long, I wouldn't mind a difficulty slider that shortens them (Unless there is one, and I just missed it) Associate from contractor: "Billy-Bobfred Kerman is in orbit! Oh no! If he stays there too long, the kraken might eat him! We have to rescue him! It's urgent!" Gene Kerman: "Define urgent." Associate from contractor: "Oh, about 10 years, we're in a MAJOR hurry! Maybe get around to it after that Eeloo probe you just launched a few hours ago comes home." Really, time doesn't mean much time doesn't mean too much, aside from launch windows, unless you use a mod like Kerbal Construction Time, or a life support mod.I hope that changes sometime, but i'd prefer it to be an elegant solution that doesn't require too much maintenance, otherwise i'd probably just find a mod to disable it Or, hopefully, in a best-case scenario, it'd be a difficulty toggle. (Do you want the VAB to insta-build rockets, or to zoom time forward by an amount depending on the complexity of the rocket on launch?) Kerbal construction time (the mod) does this, but with the whole inventory system/start construction system and upgrades system, it's a little too complex for me, when I just want to get the rocket out the door and launch it as soon as I press the button labeled "Launch".A large part of the game for me is just building stuff and launching it fly, I don't want to have to click 10 buttons to see it fly, I don't want to add it to a queue of "waiting to be built", I want to hit launch, then see it on the launchpad. But because of this, no passage of time is made, and thus I can actually just send a dozen rescue missions within a day of eachother, no matter how bad the previous 11 failed.
  8. This review brought back vivid memories of my first ships, tumbling inside and out, with no regard for safety, nor efficiency, they were what they were, and that was awesome, because they were giant trashcans full o' boom. I figured RCS was an automatic thing, I always got into orbit, but that's because my ships were always at an angle anyways, I had no idea what to do with manouver* nodes, and landing on the mun was a dream. Little by little I learned, I sent my first ship to the mun, then minmus, then I ventured out among the planets, and headed to duna, heck, I think I even did an eve flyby at one point! But I know i'll always have room for improvement. Not just in the sense i'll get better at saving funds, not just because i'll finally get to eeloo, but because, after all that, I will not get there in the conventional way. I will get there by doing what I did, in the beginning, to find the "normal" way to do it. By experimenting. There is literally* a thousand ways to do any one thing in kerbal space program, and that's what I love about it. Each mission is mostly like the last, until you try to challenge yourself, and that's when it becomes completely different. When you challenge yourself by only ever having your center of mass completely misaligned, when you only use mainsails, what would most people call this? Completely, and utterly, insane. And that's a GOOD thing. That's what this game is. 10/10 would play again *yes I know this is a typo I was too lazy to google it to get it right *no, I don't think I misused literally Thank you whackjob, for summarizing kerbal space program in the best way possible. Couldn't of said it better myself.
  9. I am actually a 2, I pack in at least 1000 m/s extra delta-v for EVERYTHING, however, let me tell you a story from my hard mode career save... I'm CRAZY about trying to recover as much as I can, but mainly out of greed. I seriously can't stand losing a stage, so i'll try to recover as much as I can, but I have.. kinda lost a kerbal to that recently, I forgot engines don't turn off when you decouple them, and my parachutes were cut cause I was going up, and then the capsule, with a ton of Mun science, and a kerbal, were in that capsule. Splash into the water at around 20 m/s, which is too much for a mk 1 command pod to bear, and, well, you can see the rest. A successful mun flyby, only to fail because I forgot to hit "X". Oh well, it happens. All this loss for a possibility of 1000 extra funds. >.> Thankfully, the second mission with Bill at the command seat went better. But, sending a second mission put a SERIOUS dent in my funds, and i'm doing a bunch of contracts to try to get it all back.
  10. The old control surfaces were replaced with the 5 Elevon parts (named Elevon1, Elevon2, Elevon3, and so on..) They function exactly the same, they just come in different shapes and sizes.
  11. 75: ...Call the first version a "prototype". Repeat until it succeeds, you've gone through so many versions that you can only see notes of your original plan on the ground, or until you remember version #3 of whatever your doing was doing a lot better than version #82.
  12. I also hope they re-balance science gains for the new biomes, to be honest, the fact that you can max out the entire science tree with just 3 bodies (kerbin, mun, and minmus), when (i'm just guessing) there's at least 14 bodies in the entire kerbol system, is too easy. I hope the difficulty modifier allows for global science changes. Biomes are nice, because then it's not a situation where you can go somewhere once, land, do almost nothing there other than take readings, take off and return to kerbin, and never return (right now its like this for bodies without biomes), but I do think in this case the mun, and minmus provide too much science. Maybe if there was a mechanic where if you use, say, a sci jr. in the mun's highlands, you'll get less points when you go to a new biome and use a sci jr. there, because it's the same planet, just a slightly different biome.
  13. Bill and Bob, along with a white shirt whose name I forget (obrey kerman? nah that doesn't sound right, I might remember later), are on the Space Potato Grabber, currently locked onto Our Own Gilly, a D class asteroid in orbit around kerbin approximately 950 tons. I may of under built for it, as the ship had barely enough to get the asteroid into a stable orbit, and adjust it's inclination to be near equatorial. The space potato grabber is almost out of fuel, and I forgot parachutes. (oops) I'm going to have to rescue them soon. Jebediah is inside a landed spaceplane that I forgot to take him out of, he's going to get out of there to rescue Bill and Bob, and Obrey Kerman or whatever his name is. I should really remember these things >.>
  14. Q: Have you ever achieved a stable orbit around Kerbin?(2 points) Yup. Q: Have you ever landed and returned from the Mun?(4 points) Yup. Q: Have you ever landed and returned from Minmus?(4 points) Yup. Q: On how many objects outside the Kerbin system(which includes Kerbin, the Mun and Minmus) have you landed on(doesn't have to be a return mission)(2 points per object, or 24 if you've landed on all) Duna and Ike, so 2 (Did both in the same mission) Q: Have you ever successfully docked?(10 points) Yup, many times Q: Have you ever intercepted an asteroid?(16 points) Nope, that's gonna be my next mission though. Optional question 1(if you use mods): How many of the following difficulty enhancing mods: TAC life support, Remote Tech, Deadly Reentry, FAR, RSS; have you used at the same time in a save?(4 points per mod) I use mods, and none of those. Optional question 2(if you don't use mods): Do you rarely(in less than half of your career saves) use reverts/reloads? If only your revertless/reloadless worlds were counted, would the amount of 'yes' answers to the above questions be roughly the same?(+0.25 points for every 'yes' answer to the above questions that would remain the same, not including optional question 1) I use reverts. Very, very, frequently. (no) Q: On which of the following objects outside the Kerbin system have you done successful return missions: Duna(2.5 points), Ike(2.5 points), Dres(5 points), Moho(5 points), Gilly(5 points), Laythe(10 points), Vall(10 points), Bop(10 points), Pol(10 points), Tylo(15 points), Eeloo(15 points), Eve(30 points) I have a spaceship orbiting around duna that can easily get back with more than enough delta-v, that landed on duna and ike, but it hasn't come back yet, so that doesn't count. All told, a score of 1.2, but mainly because I tend to stick inside the kerbin system. (I don't really like going interplanetary, everything has to be just right before I even consider finally sending my ship out)
  15. Rescue missions caused by forgetting a ladder. Only in kerbal space program. In all seriousness, Kasuha is right with editing the persistent.sfs, just don't change anything else unless you know exactly what you're doing, or else bad things WILL happen. I'd keep a backup of the save/persistent.sfs file just to be safe, either that or send a rescue mission, or download HyperEdit and just refill the kerbals EVA pack that way if you don't want to send a rescue mission.
  16. Been to kerbin (duh), The Mun, Minmus, Duna, and Ike (Duna and Ike were the same mission, landed on both, waiting for a duna to kerbin transfer window to come in.. a year. Not the amount of time i'd prefer, but hey, Bill and his fellow kerbonauts can enjoy the view.) Next mission will be Jool, it's transfer window is in a mere 17 days or so, so I gotta make the ships fast. Probably gonna visit laythe. I'll have to send Jeb over there, since he's been doing nothing but sit in a space station for the past 2 years or so... I'll probably keep jeb at laythe, far more interesting than a space station around kerbin.
  17. Me? Hop into one of those 10% success rate, unreliable, often-forget-parachutes death-traps? No.
  18. Sent a bunch of fuel to low kerbin orbit using no Kerbodyne/ARM/Nasa parts (personal challenge I set on myself), around 3 orange tanks of fuel. I was gonna try to dock it to my space station, but it's so heavy and big (over 100 tons) that I doubt it would stay on with just a regular docking port. I'm thinking of attaching a docking port hub to it and making it a secondary station, or just replacing the old one. The lifter was 1000 tons. Very inefficient but lots of fun to fly! I plan to use the fuel from the tanks for a Jool-5 mission (or maybe just a Laythe mission, haven't really been there yet and if I want to go anywhere at Jool it'll be Laythe)
  19. My first attempt resulted in me running out of fuel, doing a flyby, and being flung into solar orbit (which, as I recall, they are still in) My second attempt resulted in a collision. EVERYTHING exploded. Huge milestone, at least, "Getting something to hit something other than kerbin" My third, (or fourth, can't remember) attempt resulted in a safe landing, with no fuel left, I rescued the kerbal later on, when I had learnt more things, such as "Learning to not strand your kerbals for 3 years on a moon" and other exciting things like "Packing more thrust onto something so it can actually return" (if only I had known minmus had less gravity, then I would have tried that first..)
  20. After the water ate up the rescue pod from a failed mun lander launch (Seriously, what's that water made out of, anyhow? Solid depleted uranium? Though i'm guessing the fact I used a lander can didn't help much either), he died, but he reappeared again after the second try (Which DID work, though i'm sure jeb is really going insane due to the fact that he didn't get to go along for the trip..) I imagine he'll probably get a basic space station core into orbit, next.
  21. Whenever I almost dock, but the game decides i'm off just enough that it means that I get flung at the docking port full speed because of it's magnets, then I get flung away in a random direction at 1.3 m/s, which, when you're near a space station, is pretty fast, and it feels like it especially when i'm going in the general direction of a solar array I just installed... Generally, 1 out of 2 things happen 1: I crash into the space station, damaging something 2: I mess up my docking almost irrecoverably Oh yeah, and the command seat bug where the kerbal gets flung out.. and becomes a statue
  22. This seems like a great idea: especially for making new parts for the public, what better way is there to make balanced, usable parts with a goal than to make them designed for that goal specifically? Also, you mentioned "interesting custom solutions", I wonder if it would be possible to add other mods such as TAC life support, but not add the actual parts from it, also maybe mods that add new goals (KSP interstellar, for example)
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