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Everything posted by Darthzeus

  1. (Yes I know it should have two radial intakes on the front mk 1 to mk 3 adapter, however, I forgot to add them until it had been balanced for VTOL, and I wasn't feeling up to re-balancing at the moment) (Weapons pending)
  2. Battle vs. Iamonfire Turn 2 Scout sniper's engines can't be fired 'till day time, then it is questionable if it could fly straight Persist
  3. @iamonfire, expect our move some time today In the meantime... Here's the first ever replica craft I've made, an F-35 Lightning
  4. replacing engines appears to fix it. From what I can tell, it's just anything that was painted prior to the .24 update
  5. Saw that, the enlightenment crafts may have been a jab at your choice in team colours
  6. Knew that sounded weird, was tired when I typed it. Sadly, can't fix it now, so oh well!
  7. Uh... it was actually a reference to the popular simulated reality game ingress... but whatever floats your boat...? There is a faction called the enlightened, working for a man named Roland Jarvis. Team colour is green.
  8. Well, in the pursuit of MOAR POWER, we present some additions to the line:
  9. DL link seems broken (it's a .jpg)
  10. You could say no where to hide, but I have a single challenge against that before I believe you. In the persistent file of the battle between Iamonfire and I, I have parked an enlightenment tank under a bridge at KSC. I'd like to see your station kill ​that
  11. Awesome design, I've recently been trying to get a self-righting model to work recently
  12. Amazing work, I myself am still attempting to learn the finer points of detailed asthetics
  13. Funny, because we had to go through and replace every engine and decoupler in all of our crafts, because of a similar glitch making them not appear in staging and looking derpy in editor.
  14. We here at team Murica have decided that the best offense is a good defense, and have thus refrained from making any attacks on enemy craft this turn Persist 4 Armadillo Tanks 2 Enlightenment tanks 2 Scout Sniper mk IIIs 1 Macher mk II Block 2 1 IPBM
  15. Expect things in the future, upon examination of the tech tree, there is a whole node called "actuators" that has nothing but the advanced grabbing unit, who's model doesn't actually use actuators, rather some kind of suspension system. I would assume this to be a place holder for more to be added. (Could also just been a nod to infernal robotics)
  16. OK! I'll call in the crew and we'll get ours deployed
  17. Potato, egg sandwiches, blister pus How do I science?
  18. BATTLE Kerbin, Max altitude 100,000m Whoever wants to play takes first turn 10 crafts no tonnage/price cap K-drive allowed Will play anybody, we're still getting the hang of this
  19. More crafts for our fleet, after the alarming wake up call we got from IAmOnFire
  20. Ok, since ramming's disabled literally the only thing we could do is keep running the scout sniper around the solar system. We've decided to be good sports and surrender rather than dragging this out to eeloo GG
  21. Design renovation occurring soon Persistant
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