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Everything posted by Darthzeus

  1. Uggh, gtg for a bit, will move later today
  2. But that is we attack with anything lighter than his craft, as it's turn would go before a heavier one, correct?
  3. So i don't find the instructions very clear, so the first turn we deploy all of our crafts where ever, but don't attack, correct?
  4. I is this open challenge? if so we'll take it, just give us a bit for everyone to get woken up
  5. Should be fixed. Sorry everybody, I shall be more vigilant in the future Oh and yes, the "solid tank" appears elsewhere on the forum. The engineer is the third member of our party, Rexmundo
  6. Yeah, working on it now, not sure how to remove it from the imgur album though... any help?
  7. Ok, so that was from another member of the team, not me, and he says he made that totally scratch, so either freak coincidence or he saw it and retained a lot of it in passing. If it would cool the waters we could pull it from the line for re-design.
  8. I have definitely been copying things recently, but it's not working...
  9. Team Murica is officially jumping in. We are a group of 3 engineers who run a run-down company that doesn't do much. However we do all enjoy violence, so here's the fleet! Open for battles. ​WIP
  10. My mistake, been in that mind set from developing a mod pack for minecraft, this would be the point, in that there would be a list for people to consult, not a single modpack download or anything
  11. Cthulu Mech: High preist of the old gods. Master of the deep ones. King of the nightmare corpse city of r'lyeh. Distant cousin of kraken. Sinker of boats. And cities, for that matter:sticktongue:
  12. It's cheating to be rendundant, CHEATER
  13. I pull the plug on the mortal Kombat simulator, then rewrite it to drop the next poster into a standard KSP n00b launch
  14. Well, there's a modification of The Beetle. She was originally designed as a heavy SSTO VTOL station core capable of lifting to LKO then be docked to to create a space station. Solar panels aren't unfolded yet but if you look they'r stored on the medial side of the engine columns, right next to the kerbal's heads
  15. I almost asked that, as I have already made an "airbag" system utilizing the 1000m/s impact tolerance of said soccerballs
  16. The Decapatron 9000 standing by to launch Was a bit shaky going down runway, but lifts off first try! (look at their faces, they have no faith in me!) At a last minute decision, I set heading for the insular airfield Capsule detaches from the docking port, abort tower just barely pulls us off the rest of the plane. The decaptron has been decapitated! (drop from 1335m) Impact at 151m, clocking in at 60.2 m/s Aaaand a celebratory last shot to prove the cockpit didn't break right after that picture' so that puts me at a drop of 1335-151, or a drop of 1184m, and an impact speed of 60.2 m/s Yeah, I know, it's crude. But it worked, dang it
  17. Actually started a 3-man group collaboration a week or two ago to do exactly that after my first ever eve mission landed with exactly 0 fuel and some shattered solar panels. We'll step it up though. *Takes gauntlet* *Realizes it'll add excess weight to craft* *Throws it back down on the purple dunes*
  18. Greetings, kerbalkind. Recently I have been really in to all the DMP battle servers going up, but am repeatedly dissapointed when each and every one has some combination of pointless military mods full of pew pew shot guns and rocket launchers. I view this as a waste of the ingenuity of the KSP core design, and while I won't get in the way of people making such mods, I don't like them. KSP is about creativity, ingenuity, design, engineering, piloting, and conceptualization. Slapping a pair of machine guns on the Ravenspeare mk IV and flying in circles attempting to gun down your fellow is sad. So, as the kind of person who rather seek new answers than just declare other's answers are wrong, I have begun the development of a list of mods for DMP combat. There will be no guns or other specifically military features, instead just a wide variety of versatile parts that one can shape into varied ways to smash the opposition. Rather than hand you all guns, I would rather give you screwdrivers, and see what people can use the screwdriver to make. In the ideal server, every hostile encounter would be like a boss battle, like walking into the last room of a dungeon and having no clue what the spectrum of violence the enemy will deploy is. So to gather some ideas as to what I should add, remove, tweak or otherwise alter, I will post a list of currently employed mods. Any feedback is welcome! WorldCup 2014 HL's SQUID tech MK 2 cockpit internals Lazor Systems (no sunbeam or missiles) Planetfactory (Defaults removed, Super Eve installed) ARM Infernal Robotics Kethane KerbPaint Kerbtown (Silo, Kerbin City, Extra KSC's) Kerbal Attachment System HL Airships & Submarines Firespitter ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads Enviromental Visual Enhancements (Appears to be broken ) CrewXfer Interstellar Again, any feedback appreciated!
  19. No offense to teams two and three, but team one appears to be the only ones who did the challenge for what it was intended for
  20. Really awesome. Downloaded. But is it just me or do you launch clipped into the hill? Anything I make explodes instantly. Also, door got stuck halfway open . From just EVA running around it though, and VTOL down into it, it looks amazing. Good work
  21. I don't know if I totally agree with Kerbin SOI being neutral, Kerbin atmosphere maybe, and you wouldn't have to worry about LEO campers because surface to orbit missiles would wipe them out. Definite yes on extraplanetary launchpads and kethane, for those of use not interested in sitting around KSC trying not to die. I don't know about having blatant military mods, I mean, you lose all finesse and strategy when you hand everyone gatling guns. But things like lazor systems and KAS would allow you to think of better ways to kill people, rather than just arming the trolls. As to the atmospheric combat, hooligan lab's airships & submarines mods allow some great options for stable atmospheric flight. Finally, servermakers, I would strongly encourage the implementation of Burn Together (it's a mod). It allows the piloting of fleets whilst out of atmosphere, which I see as a suitable replacement to Mechjeb
  22. If you're using extraplanetary launchpads as well, gilly or minmus are great launch loacales. However, if you're just doing a refueling outpost, mun is easier to flyby. For on ground or in air, if you're just refueling, I'd suggest dropping a lander and hauling fuel back up. Where to do the conversions dosn't matter, except that it takes electric charge, so depends on how you're making power. No, nobody mines kerbin. Except cupcake, but that was just to show off.
  23. Hello everyone, so I've been working on this for just under a day, and can't figure out what's wrong. The UI commands work fine, with the open and close shield, but it simply refuses to dock to anything (I've tried moving each size to it's own module, it didn't help) Any help is appreciated! PART { name = magnoClamp module = Part author = DZ mesh = model.mu rescaleFactor = 2 node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.005308203, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 TechRequired = specializedConstruction entryCost = 8400 cost = 400 category = Utility subcategory = 0 title = Clamp-O-Tron Magnetic Alignment Grid Projector description = When deployed, this dish creates a powerful magnetic field before it, holding any viable clampatrons firmly affixed before it attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 mass = 0.2 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.25 minimum_drag = 0.25 angularDrag = 0.5 crashTolerance = 19 maxTemp = 3400 //docking module will go here MODULE { name = ModuleDockingNode deployAnimationController = 1 referenceAttachNode = top nodeType = size1 nodeType = size0 nodeType = size2 } MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = dish startEventGUIName = Open Shield endEventGUIName = Close Shield } }
  24. So essentially clear through my KSP career I have been one to get frustrated at attachments not working. Namely, the infamous SPH one where one side says it'll place and the other won't so symmetry breaks. Also, there's lots of times where it's just needed to put a part where it belongs. I don't understand this anti-debug mentality. Yes, the debug menu is technically cheating, but if you think about it, in actual construction there's a certain amount of cutting and welding that occurs. So no, I don't view it as cheating. What I view as cheating part hacking. Using the debug menu to put 30 fuel tanks in the space of one IS cheating. Not crossing a pair of fuel tanks in a radial attachment, or sinking a light into the surface of a vessel to make it appear flesh with the surface. I have had people literally point at my designs and yell "PART CLIPPING", then look at me in a disgusted manner. Honestly, I think we all do it to an extent. Everyone will deny it. But we all have those bits of "Non-debug part clipping!" Where things that can't be replicated appear mysteriously on your craft:huh:. So, I would request that everyone stop and think. Honestly, honestly how often do you reach for part clipping as a fall back for that one thing that just won't fit.How many people out there actual deal with the default editor collision boxes, that are more restrictive than they really ought to be? So please, people, have some respect and judge one by there talent at the design, not by if they hit alt+f12 to get that cuboidal strut there or not.
  25. In a game of design, redesign, and careful planning in mathematics, maybe it's not your place if you're one to ragequit over mods. I have recently taking up modding myself, and have lost 4 days now to just goofing around and bugfixing the ridiculous things that do wrong. Personally, I see the modding setup as a reflection on the game itself, nothing will work the first time, it will take along time, many tries, and a lot of effort to get things done, but it is a very rewarding experience. I'm sorry you feel this way, and hope you can find a new game to play more suitable for your tastes.
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