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Everything posted by Darthzeus

  1. 1.Up goer five 2. I built this space car after seeing the up-goer five. US space team built one a long time ago, and went to another world. Mine goes to other worlds as well. This must be explained using only the ten hundred words people use most often. Has people boxes for five people, only bring 3 though. First people box is the one with the box on top of it meant to get people away very fast in case everything is on fire and you decide to not go to space. One you are in space, you can move two people to the people box that has feet to land on the other world. 2 parts fall off before you get all the way to space, the third comes off with more stuff used for burning left in it. After that you have to order the people boxes again so the first people box is under the one with feet for landing on the other world. Both people boxes have stuff for burning to decide where the space car goes. Happy flying! (sorry for highlight, I copied this text from a text editor that would ensure I was using words only from the 1000 commonest ones in the english language) also, here's the inspiration --> http://xkcd.com/1133/ 3. Download pending (On request)
  2. Can't wait for ancient places, residences, and offices.
  3. Agreed on all accounts. just make sure to check later in the thread for the most up to date add-on pack (should be around page 30)
  4. Make SSTO with the hyperdrive ring for an interplanetary vessel, and you've got yourself a fine craft!
  5. Huh, funny thing that, whenever I did FFM, I switched over to crew and hit fill. oh well
  6. When you play the game, you control everything. So why bother making better rockets when you can make weaker targets
  7. No way, how is that possible? Are you using down force engines, or just that control surface? I've managed a pure vertical wall climb of the VAB with engines before, but nothing as epic as that!
  8. Found this just looking for something to allow me to launch from island runway and KSC 2. Amazing work, keep it up!
  9. Well, ever since I was very young I was always fascinated with Star Wars. I watched episodes 4-6 maybe 1000 times while going through elementary school (I wasn't allowed to watch 1-3 then), and always thought Darth Vader was the good guy. I don't know why, I just did. I thought the "Evil rebel scum" were all bad people ruining his perfectly good schemes and blowing up billions of dollars worth of space ships just because he disagreed with them. Also through that time, I was obsessed with Greek mythology (Before Percy Jackson came out (dose that make me a hipster? I did greek mythology before it was cool?)). I learned about it in second grade, and we had an old fashioned olympics and built temples to our favorite gods. Well, at the time that was Zeus. All this useless back story came together in the end when I joined a hobby/sport called "Letterboxing" which members use "Trail names", and at the time I was in I believe 3rd grade, so my trail name became Darth Zeus. And so here I am
  10. Bah, I'm jumping ship. This combat crud ain't what KSP's about in the end. I've got a company to run, and don't need all the drama from over here.
  11. Excellent work, as always I've been looking at minmus combat options, and have been running into similar issues you have in the "in space no one can hear you explode" video, where one must alternately accelerate towards target then take aim, fire. Been fiddling with the concept of mounting rockets in a way they'd fire "up", or in the opposite vector as your engine. Hm... work to be done
  12. Came here expecting something like my Bermuda attack copter: I was pleasantly surprised
  13. But, but the button's broken You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to gGATORr again. WHY? WHY? I should be able to give rep where it belongs, AND IT ALL BELONGS WITH YOU Well, I dunno if ALL of it belongs with you, as the "everything should be a VTOL rule fell through :D"
  14. Hehehehehehehe, NOPE That is, not without P-wings, B9, and firespitter. And if those are allowed, then it's a no-brainer anyways
  15. Niiiiice. What's the part count? That may be the first successful manned ion SSTOs I've ever seen. Ps. Go part clipping!
  16. Wow, I was literally almost done with a kethane alternative that added asteroids that would spawn with various resources in them, when I stumbled upon this and karbonite. Amazing work! (+2 new mods for me)
  17. Yeah, I gotta start modifying stuff for minmus combat, seeing as Cupcake's already prepared for it Also, Script, it that universe replacer you're using for the reflection in the kerbal's visor? oh, and before I forget, I've released two new VTOLs, however these are my company page check that out here
  18. Nope, Nodachi works great, and it was also Kinda a poke at your need to over complicate things. However, it is amazing
  19. Well, this would certainly be more reasonable to allow the editing of configs to enable fuel pumping of solidfuel. Basically impossible ATM because you would have to use a lander for each body, then docking back would be impossible (nigh)
  20. So you'r saying you just made a brace around the desired cargo space, correct? So this one doesn't have any "Splitting in half to RCS Back together around payload" functionality, or any Rune voodoo like that? Anyway, sweet craft, keep it up Darth. Still confused why anyone would want to stick their last thoughts in like this
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