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Everything posted by Foxster

  1. Yea, not sure why dragging and dropping on the surface wouldn't mean deployment.
  2. With the backpack inventory open and something in it you will see a little white icon in the bottom right corner of the item. Click that and the item will appear for placement. Hit space to place.
  3. A desire to have or to be able to build easy stock electric prop engines has been a wish for many players for a long time. It does feel as though out of all the loveliness of Breaking Ground this was an unfortunate miss.
  4. You know what's missing from the deployable science bits? Seemingly random writing on them, like 070 097 114 116, that you get on the other parts that are like mini easter eggs.
  5. No, cos God hates consoles and all the little children wot play on them. Or...one day, about a year from now.
  6. Finally found a surface feature on Kerbin... Was in the Mountains biome west of the KSC. Pretty rare. Had to fly around for 30 mins to find. I think they are also to be found on Kerbin on the grasslands (tree?) and the highlands (?). Off to look for those now. Update: Now found Boabab trees on Grasslands and Highlands. Each biome gave 18 science with the large arm. Took a long time to find again, about 30 mins, so pretty rare on Kerbin.
  7. Seriously? After a few hours you just gave up? Sheesh.
  8. Early results from Grand Slam Passive Seismometer... I uncoupled and flew the little craft at the top of the lander. Went up a few km and then reversed course and piled into the ground near my Minmus base. Got a reading at the top of the screen to say... So, it looks like impact energy (mass x speed?) and distance to seismometer affects how much science is generated.
  9. It is being released at 1pm EST = 5pm GMT = 6pm BST (current UK time).
  10. Some previous KSP releases have been around 1700 GMT.
  11. I see a lot of people launching at full throttle and maintaining it all the way to orbit. Without a Q indicator in stock its not easy to judge when it would be good to throttle back and reduce drag losses and heat. That becomes much more important on Eve.
  12. Gonna need a lot of electricity for that - solar won't cut it. Will need the big fuel cells.
  13. You can but they seem to be rather underpowered currently.
  14. Does your lander have a free node at the bottom? If not then try making the part you want to attach the root part - you can do this even if its placed off the craft and so greyed.
  15. Yea, I don't think they are like anomalies. As I said, a bit more like rarer scatters.
  16. The new surface features like the large trees near the KSC that can be scanned with the science arm thingy... These seem to be be randomly generated over the whole surface of the planet rather than just a few per planet like anomalies. A bit like rarer scatters but with collision. So rovers really will be the best thing to find them than, say, a planet hopper or aircraft?
  17. Yup. Drag and such is calculated based on initial placement - as long as only translated and not rotated. There is no such thing as drag occlusion except for in-line attached parts in KSP.
  18. The downsides for me are: 1. It can feel too cheaty. Full tanks inside full tanks and such are just not realistic. Doesn't bother some folks. 2. If the craft is going to split at some point then clipped parts can get stuck together messily. 3. Engines inside or very near other parts may be occluded and not produce thrust.
  19. Because it takes so little dV (and cost) to get a mk1 capsule back from the Mun and Minmus it seems almost a waste not to and halve the science for a mission. This kinda makes exploring without a crew almost an affectation. A way to reduce the return dV/cost further is to take along a scientist to reset experiments and take the crew-only readings at multiple biomes and then abandon him and return an Experiment Storage Unit with all the juicy science collected.
  20. Have a look around and see if there's a restaurant there at the end of the universe.
  21. ...and I think the best option is to do no such thing. A child contacting an adult they met on the internet to give them something is never going to be a good thing. At the best it is going against the parents' wishes by giving him something his parents have already said no to. At worst it is teaching a child it is OK to make personal contact with a stranger on the internet and accept gifts from them. Time this thread was closed.
  22. Look, there are three ways this goes... 1. This is some 40 year old bloke who posts on forums begging for free games by pretending to be a child. 2. Its some youth whose parents sensibly don't want him spending yet another summer playing video games instead of getting out in the fresh air. 3. You buy him the game and he tells his parents about a nice group of men he has met on the internet who like him and have sent him a present. None of these are good.
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