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    Rocketry Enthusiast

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  1. Look mom no edits.

    So functionality Very social Much IPS 4 Wow

    1. Kryten


      This isn't the forum... it's basically an expanded version of the userpage messages from the old system, you couldn't edit those either

  2. "Increased functionality": If I click the notification popups they are not marked as seen in the notification list. 


    1. -dead-


      I just get redirect loops no forums at all at all -- very much reduced functionality here. Kraken city.


  4. Don't know. Maybe it's because I play with these things on Blender, but the noise and Voronoi fractures are too noticeable. Is it just me?
  5. I'm pretty sure you had applied an Edge Split modifier before. That modifier doubles the edges that are supposed to be sharp to make them appear like that. When you removed doubles, you removed those edges, and your model started looking wrong.
  6. No, you're wrong. The scramjet by itself only has a TWR of 2. Do you think there's a universal dummy weight to test engines' TWR?
  7. You do realise that a scramjet has a TWR of 2, no? That's less than what our NERVA has... The "OP-ness" is the one you want.EDIT: FFS, more than 5000 kN of thrust, come on, I don't think your scramjet weighs 250 tons. EDIT2: So you lower the threshold speed yet you don't lower the max speed, good one OP.
  8. As if we didn't have enough OP engines, now there is a "scramjet"...
  9. Could you explain me how you do it? PLEASE!
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