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  1. The design I was using at the time had the wheels body mounted, then i tried mounting to the wings and fixing the front gear, I was having the same issues regardless for what ever reason. I was trying to use COM and COT to line the front wheel up as much as possible.
  2. Thanks everyone.... I tried a diffrent design and seem to be doing better, Does anyone know of a link that can explain the FAR building tool??
  3. I dont know if this is a issue with a MOD or the game; But as soon as I start to go down the runway the craft suddenly turns right and crashes. If I use SAS it just goes in multiple directions in what appears to be an attempt to make corrections but this also leads to crashing. I have FAR installed and I would suspect this might be the issue but have never had the issues in the past, design changes dont seem to have much of a effect. Thank you for the help or advice!
  4. Im not a good player at all, but I have really enjoyed Far and Near, Both seem to be more intuitive to me. I dont know the math or modeling required to make this stuff works but man I really enjoy that I have something closer to home to play around with
  5. Of course it will, From this point on we will not talk about the original issue of people offering feedback on the new update and that's OK!
  6. Havinf issues with the Gear falling through the runway, Anyone know of a fix?
  7. Any time I load up a ship i am told that my resources are depleted despite having a large life support can or not.
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