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Everything posted by FacialJack

  1. Today, some baloon upgrade, Kelix Kaumkarten is still training for is attempt of sub orbital jump, as some journalist succeed to take a few stolen pics (but in fact, Red Kull control all the com, they want us to think that's stolen pics, even if that Red kull who authorize them !!! ....ing communication world !!) Red Kull ballon waiting on launchpad for testing flight. Red Kull ballon plateforme, wiz chute system, as i cant grab chute even wiz KAS Jeb playing at low Alt, but was sad cauz that balloon cant explode as fill wiz neutral gaz !! Balloon only reach 14k meters as top altitude, which isnt enough for challenging record, but Kelix is still training !!
  2. Blonde have Moar fun My ship have Moar engines !! Moar engines Moar brute power Moar good looking !!
  3. Hi all, Surely u know him but in case no, look at this crazy swiss guy, Yves Rossy, "Jetman" That a Jeb's Work !! Edit: 27m40 : "as i still dont know how it work, I have to quit my garage for a more scientific test..." Jeb !!!
  4. Hi, Ty for your work, it very usefull. As im never happy, Can you make an integration on Blizzy78 toolbar? (if, that'll better ) That permit to hide ure plugin when not needed, and just clic the toolbar button 4 having it back (but surely u know that )
  5. Hi all, i've the same issue than other , but another one too : When i press F2 for making a nice pics, sometime, there's no mre fusebox displaying when im back to my GUI, and if i F2 again, GUI disappear as normal, but Fusebox appear !! im unable to swtich it back to GUI view. And of course, it dont work very well wiz other mods, kethane, scan sat... Im gentle waiting, no pb i have time, just post for transmitting issue
  6. ty 4 answer, and ty for showing me how rebinding (so simple... i just didnt look on settings ) For the mod... Good luck and good work ! It may take the time it have to take, as every things in life
  7. Hi, ive got the same trouble wiz keybinding after desinstall, i desinstall because i try everything i can imagine, but im unable to link more than one part by group not easy when u have lots of engines to group. So when uninstall, my "normal" group key dont work anymore, but group 1 and 2 have still their key binded to the one i do wiz ure mod (numpad 1 & 2) After reading that post, i edit my .craft, and find that their Custom01 as key. May not be Alpha01 ? By the way, can u explain me how to group several parts in a group, cauz i cant , and i need ure mod, its extrmly usefull when u have a bit complex ship (if i arrive to have it correctly working )
  8. i build my rocket wiz 123 rules: 15/30/45% for 3/2/1 stage, + 10% of total mass of utile payload. I know, that dont answers to ure question, but that maybe can give u an idea
  9. when u cant no more make love wiz ure wife until she's green skined....
  10. Not at all !! but duna atmo is very thin, not enough for lifting, or wiz moremoremore wings than on Kerbin
  11. As i can see, and by my experience (which is small ) im agrre wiz the lack of air intake, if thats really ure pb, that mean that when u reach 12km high, u dont have enough air intake for generating trust. on my SSTO, i put someting like 30 airintake for 8 engine (same than ures, i dont like rapier engine) and wiz that, i can go up to 35km, and reach orbital speed at this altitude, then engage nuke for going higher and orbit. 4 doing that, theres a trick wiz connector, put a connector anywhere, put an airintake on it, an place the connector where u want, not the air intake. By tthis way, ull be able to make a "rail" of air intake, where lot of airintake are close to the same position (not reallistic, but very usefull, and not an Alt-F12 solutions (sry 4 my Eng, im Fr..) Edit : Replace 2 of ure engine by low altitude one (the first one we can acces in career), and sry, i hadnt read that u still have 36 airintake On that pics, u can see engine section of one of my bird, notice the engine extreme right and left, wizout them, its very hard to pitch up at low altitude
  12. Hi all I have an issue wiz 0.634 on x64, i try to land on water wiz appropriate parts, but they seems to have trouble wiz physics, they move as i fly, and explode when touching water, even at few m/s (less than 10m/s) Is that normal, an issue? is it something i can do else waiting?
  13. I do that, and my converter now works. U save my Jeb. Even if i learn C++ 15 years ago, i'll never be able to do that wizout u, so, ty enneract EDIT: Yes, KSP loading menu say thats not compatible, but in fact, that work, so...
  14. hi all, Have u a women compatible version of that soft? (its 4 my wife ) I mean, not a soft which work wiz womens voice, soft which permit to ME to control my wife by the voice (cauz for now, i can only control her wiz my ****, and its not very easy when in public (but very fun ) EDIT: ok, je sors...
  15. i try, i build two ship, and they all explode when i grab a pipe connector (wiz the last dll, will try wiz orginial dll) (i always play in x64 and openGL mode)
  16. Hi, There is another way: - Go on steam, on ure games library - Right clic on Kerbal Space Program, and search for proprieties - edit Launch proprieties - then, add "D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64.exe" %command% (thats my path, put ures ) By this way, u can launch ure x64 KSP in steam way, wiz steamoverlay, if u want to see friends and or share screenshot over steam
  17. Today, as i saw the miniplane thread, i start a mini plane, the Epervier At the beginning, everything was ok, normally flying, but when I reach 100m/s, I suddenly quicky accelerate !!, so I cut the engine, but the acceleration continue !!! I reach a top speed of 480 m/s !!! wiz engine shut down !! Then, I cut the SAS, and cut that Eco Friendly propulsion mode !! I think that at 100 m/s it begin to vibrate a lot, and canard begin to flap for compensate; as they are at both side of gravity center, they flap in opposite side, and that produce acceleration !! So I want to thanks the miniplane thread, becauz wizout, ill never discover that, and that’s the coolest plane I ever made ! tytytytytytyty !!! here the .craft : https://www./?69m9okgc7glvwp7 press 1 eject seat and deloy chute accelerate close to 100 m/s, and put SAS on, cut the engine !!!
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