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Everything posted by mouzfun

  1. I'm not sure if i understood you correctly, but you can export UV lines, the texture itself, and then import them into GIMP as separate layers, is that what you are looking for?
  2. The main thing, as i described in the post just above this one, is texturing. I think my model is pretty good at this point (i may be wrong though), just need to figure out how do you attach the engine aesthetically, and revisit struts. As stated above, i wan't to make a bunch of clustered-looking nukes. So, this one is just a template. I'll then radially place them, like 2/3/4/5 etc. I don't understand what exactly do you mean by "How you will be doing it" though. Thanks for the reply, i really appreciate this. Oh, and i'm going to look at that OpenPart thread about texturing, i totally forgot about that.
  3. I just realised that i lied, i opened Zbrush when i was 12 or something, realised that isn't a peace of cake and closed it after 5 mins Thanks for the tip, definetely will check it out when i got time. Bland is spot on, but the one thing i can't wrap my head around, what else is this suppose to look? It's the brand new painted peace from the factory, right? I'm fairly sure that even now i could add rust/scratching and other impurities if i wanted, but there isn't suppose to be any, so i can't really understand where should i take that 'richness' that you see in other models. Cheers and thanks for replying.
  4. i didn't check, but i'm sure that at least 20% of the mods you have on your list do not allow redistribution. I don't care for the mods packs personally, do what you wan't. But don't assume every mod maker out there is cool with it. EDIT: Okay, i might be wrong, i've had an impression that almost everyone used the draconian licences, which is not the case after the brief outlook.
  5. What? Your list containts atleast KAS, for example, which license clearly prohibits redistributing = wishes. Also i'm not sure on the clear definition of "sharing", but it might apply to OP. Funny thing, i couldn't find clear definiton of sharing.
  6. Are you even serious? It is currently a crime, like it or not. The fact that nobody got cought doesn't mean they won't or shouldn't. Purely from moral standpoint, you are violating wishes of the creators, who clearly stated they don't wan't they work shared/restributed in the licence.
  7. Rollback to the previous version of unity, not sure which one. Google something along the lines of "KSP unity emissives"
  8. Do you realise you sound like a complete ass? Also, regulating would be in the form of banning you from this forum, i assume.
  9. That is the point I like to have clustered nukes instead of just bigger versions, but don't like the fact that they have no fairings and are tedious to set up.
  10. So, while messing around with engine clusters made from thrust plates and interstages from Procedural fairings, i realised it's not really convient and/or aestetecaly pleasant. And so the idea was born. The engine itself is inspired by both LV-N and Nerva. I wan't to do a bunch of 2.5 m clustered nukes, in the range from 2 to 6, i guess. Ideally it would be one part where you can change the number of engines in the VAB, but i don't think something like this exists yet. Sadly, i do not have any experience with 3d modeling and texturing whatsoever, first time i opened blender (or any 3d editor for that matter) was 5 days ago. I'm here to listen to your tips and suggestions. I'm especially struggling with texturing. Here is what i have so far: To do list: Learn about specular and AO maps Find out how to make my engine glow Revisit attachment to the base Be awesome at modeling
  11. Just use this tutorial: (unity stuff is closer to the end) Unity import is quite simple, actually. The final result should look like this http://i.imgur.com/Ju93pbl.png
  12. You can change it in the cfg file itself here, right? thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform Anyways, you should add empty gameobject in unity, position it so the Z axis (i think) would be a direction of the exhaust, name it as specified in the .cfg file, and you are done!
  13. Try to reach that guy, i'm sure you two can figure something out. http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/2gira8/i_managed_to_create_a_part_for_ksp_ujoepatrick1/ Edit: Also, for science instruments, you should contact Dmagic, his mod rocks!
  14. Well, it's not showcasing your mod after booster separation But here you go https://imgur.com/gallery/zWidh/
  15. Another screenshot(http://i.imgur.com/zgaKosu.jpg), which is also a little sneakpeak at my upcoming reddit post with my take on apollo program. Sadly, KSP won't cooperate with my pile of mods, and forced me to reduce texture size to measely 1/4, which is sad
  16. Unfortunately, i experienced the same performance drop, though not that bad, sometimes fps dived to 15~. Awesome job btw, UI feels crispy and looks gorgious! One thing that i didn't like (or find) is ballistic/mid course drop menu, and precise delta v readings like normal/radial/prograde etc.
  17. Since it's not only fuel but crew as well, i bet it's just a plugin that swaps .part cfg on the fly, procedural things must do it as well, i think. Oh, maybe it's a feature of KSPAPI extentions or firespitter?
  18. I think ideal would be dynamic-type-thingy, you know, like in the new b9. ÃÂhere is only one s2 fuselage which you can change to lfo/lf/crew in the right button menu Also, if its even possible, i think version without decoupler should look more aerodynamic, something like the image above.
  19. Here is my screenshot contribution:http://i.imgur.com/WbwkyX2.jpg Dunar VII, apollo-style vessel capable of voyage to duna, and landing on ike and duna in one trip. Radial engine mounts with nuke on them are acting like boosters raising TWR to 0.89!
  20. I'm quite surprised that someone found it scary, i confess that i still dont know why upgrade points pop up seemingly out of nowhere, but i've started playing it without documentation, and it seemed quite well done in terms of accessibility.
  21. I'd like to see a 'decline contract with the right button in the contract building' feature somewhere, maybe not in this mod but whatever, there is so much of them that you get tired cancelling things that you don't like to do right now.
  22. if they have stock antennas on them you just need to EVA and force open them, or retrofit with KAS, but yeah, without all that you will lose control. Anyway, i'm pretty sure i have found a bug with remotech (maybe not, since this save is heavily modded). When i turn max time warp in vessel mode (doesnt crash in tracking station) game just hangs, and last entries in the debug logs are always remotetech onvesseldestroy asteroid or something like this. http://i.imgur.com/fXZsDOV.png here is a couple of output logs https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h7s9aob4r97yzmu/AABpGT2uWHDGPbOtgG77V1Gba?dl=0
  23. Is there some updates on DR+ KJR bug in simulation? it's a major bummer to me since i want to test everything before i launch my dudes for 3 year journeys.
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