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Everything posted by mouzfun

  1. What could be the cause of karbonite extractor failure to convert rock to karbonite? it eats rock fine, but does not produce anything. Do i need to connect extractor unit to the karbonite tanks? My setup: http://i.imgur.com/t2rD1zJ.jpg awesome work as always, roverdude!
  2. I think i found it, DR+ kerbal joint reenforcement = KABOOM, did a clean install with those 2 mods only. Separetely it works fine, but together it's exploding everything. not sure if size matters, i only tested high part count crafts (try stock kerbal-x or how is it called) It explodes right after 'stabilizing physycs load' if it helps somehow, if you want i can post debug logs later. edit: KJR description now looks ironic
  3. Is there a way to run a simulation in orbit/other planets with dealy reentry without rapid disassembly? well, i assume it's DR, my ship blows up and in flight log there is some messages about reaching G limits.
  4. Good enough, btw what do you mean by 'fairing support', does that mean what 'joint between dp10 and x failed due to aerodynamic forces' massage isn't my fault? Keep up the good work. edit: oh, and what about backwards compatibility?
  5. what features are we expected to see in a new version? sorry if it was already answered, i'm a lazy ........
  6. well, contract 'auction' implies there are other space agencies, even company itself could launch them, like spacex IRL. IIRC there is some story in the description, but maybe not. Edit: it's not an auction and it's not implying anything, my other point seems to be valid though.
  7. My whole roster is from rescued dudes, it's somehow satisfying to me. What do you mean by magic by the way?
  8. You can add option to spend your moneys to throw PR events, which can buy you time if you want to warp and do nothing.
  9. Hi, i'm just gonna repeat my post from FinePrint, since i don't care which one will implement it Did you look at the possibility of rescuying whole crafts instead/in addition to rescuying lone kerbals? (i'm thinking maybe even integrate it with your 'design orbiter' type contract from MCE 1.0, it would be pretty awesome rescuying your own contraption) I think it will be much cooler to dock and then refuel instead of just getting a dude inside a capsule.
  10. Did you consider going hubble-like look? with tinfoil-like textures, i'm not sure how good it would look in ksp, certainly would be reastic though.
  11. Solid work as always, RoverDude. But i can't attach Roof rack in EVA mode, it tells me that there is either no space or part is incompatible. Did i do something wrong or it's KAS/something else breaking it? here is the screen shot with debug log http://i.imgur.com/nHixb29.jpg if it's suppose to attach to 'back section' there is no 'store' option available to me. EDIT: found it, it's suppose to attach to the front section, apparently, dumb me.
  12. Did you look at the possibility of rescuying whole crafts instead/in addition to rescuying lone kerbals? I think it will be much cooler to dock and then refuel instead of just getting a dude inside a capsule.
  13. This is not about final result, it's about implementation, self replicating 'mod' which you can 'opt out' (cure) from is sound hell of a lot like virus, i'm not butthurt or anything, i just turned it off, but i understand people who are mad. By the way, does this mean that in current implementation mods can gather your somewhat personal data? (ips, windows version etc) if so squad should immediatly patch that up, now it's friendly mod creator tomorrow it's someone with malicious intent.
  14. Great news. I was wondering though, is it possible to leave "eva report" button hanging when you go on eva? so you don't need to to click on it again, it would be wonderful. Also, i don't know if it's even possible or is it your intention to do such a thing or maybe someone else already did it, but i think it will be cool if you had an option to store your data directly to the crew pod, without a need to manually transfer it in EVA mode. Cheers.
  15. Is updated version coming up? any ETA? I think old one is causing nullreference, but i might be wrong about it. I am not trying to be a jerk, if you need some time, okay, just curious. Awesome mod by the way, really cool.
  16. Yes, i researched them and they are purchased. They just don't show up in VAB. I deleted all my mods (since i haven't updated them in a while) install them again and it worked, however i'm still curious how was that possible i didn't change a single mod except Procedural Fairings.
  17. So, i updated to latest version, started clean career mode and now parts just don't show up in VAB, what could be the problem? they show up in the tech tree though, i have no idea what is the problem.
  18. Hi, sorry if this was answered or google easily, i honestly couldn't find anything, but can i change 24 hour period for contracts or it is hardcoded into .dll? i enjoy this mod very much, but either 24 hour period doesn't work right or i'm unpatient and demanding
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