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Everything posted by StevenJ

  1. I had a Podduki Kerman, a Buzz Kerman, and a few other good ones ! I like Pan Podduki! He's a good Pollock Kerbal!
  2. No problem, the issue for me was @heatProduction = 650. Thoose little turbines a powerful and for as fast as they ares pinning their blades they should get very hot very fast at lower atmospheric heights. It seemed like they weren't building up any heat at all with the way the new config file is written. I changed the value to 950 for the basic jet engines and now they build heat almost as fast as in 5.2 but not quite as badly.
  3. I am using a 24 version of DRE, 5.2. With the new settings the basic jet engines don't seem to overheat at all.
  4. Yeah I just wanted to note a tiny issue I found with the B9_Aerospace-Squad_Jet_Balance cfg. The overheat values don't seem to work for the basic jet engine. I was flying it around with full throttle and no explosions! I replaced the B9_Aerospace-Squad_Jet_Balance cfg with the one from 5.2 and they overheated again. Didn't know if anyone else had the issue with the stock engine over rides.
  5. This one I believe is an Id10 error. I think I had accidentally duplicated my b9 folder in my game data
  6. I don't think it's B9 now that I think about it. I think it's KSPI with Fractal UK's newest edition. It created a cfg for B9 parts. That's probably what's doing it.
  7. I seem to have duplicates of every part. I did delete the previous B9 install before installing the new version and yet every part seems to be duplicated. I deleted B9 and all other mods that it came with except the firespitter dll.
  8. Sometimes the best solution is to not come in during the first pass. Just aerobrake in the atmosphere and let it bring down your apoapsis gradually. Then after two or three tries you should have safe re-entry. You may end up flying 500km or more to the runway but you'll get there safely if you do that.
  9. Just wanted to says thanks before I forget for creating the 1m cockpit out of the MK2 Cockpit. I've managed to make several good fighter replicas already. Like this F-5F Tiger II replica I made with B9 and new Firespitter v7 parts It's not exactly exact but it's pretty good. It also flies pretty close to prototype with the redoing of the basic jet engine configuration. I also made an F-15 Eagle and F-4 Phantom with the resized 1m cockpit. Thanks again.
  10. Just do what I do. Build the trainer or tandem seat version of the fighter and call it a day .
  11. Just a thought in case if anyone else was having crashes. I use active texture management and after I updated from B9 5 to the patch B95 the game would load then crash hardcore after flying a vessel for a few minutes. I had no idea what it was and it kept getting worse and worse. So I found an update to Active Texture management, and I don't think I really needed the update to be honest. What I did was I deleted the cached texture folder that it makes for all installed parts to force it to redo all the texture compression and it totally made my game stable so far, even after three reverts, no crash. If anyone else is having problems, I'd say go to your active texture management game data file and totally delete the cached texture folder. Before I did that I was getting error reports with access denied memory violations left and right even though physical in game memory use was 67%. Just a tip for other players.
  12. Hi Snjo I was just wondering if you ever planned on an official release of version 7. I've been playing the beta version for a while now with great success. i even managed to build a functioning helicopter that doesn't immediately crash and burn within a hundred meters! I love your work, just wanted to ask what's going on?
  13. https://vimeo.com/104357292 Yeah I think I like trains, this is from my local 7 1/2 inch gauge ride on scale club!
  14. I really want to shake your hand. This is the mod I've been looking for for a while! That being a simple greenhouse/ growing food mod for TAC. I will have to try this later and hopefully incorporate this into my Duna missions. Out of curiosity does it use up water from TAC to grow food? That may be the only remaining problem that needs to be fixed for sustainable colonies with TAC. Then again open source system that's apart of KSPI has water as a resource that's mine-able. I don't know if that can be used to refill water supplies for life support systems but that's a different thread. Anyway, this is a big step forward. I know other mods have food growing greenhouses but I don't need all the extra parts they come with lol! i just want a nice simple green house mod with low part count! I have too many mods as is on my install.
  15. Well I flew my first B9 SSTO and returned successfully in V5 today with DRE and FAR enabled. The only thing that blew up in re-entry was the nose mounted external camera. I didn't have any issues with DRE. As long as you don't try to rush re enter it's fine. Just do it in a few passes, use air brakes and flaps etc. In other words, be smart about it and don't come into the atmosphere re-entering at a screaming mach 10, then come crying your shuttle blew up lol! Great work guys. Same here, on the MKII crew cabin my kerbals can't enter or exit. This is surprising as this part was in B9 IVA extensions.
  16. I'm telling you it's you. I'm using KSPI lite, B9 v5, FAR, and DRE and it's fine. Delete the mods and reinstall them. Something went wrong in the process. I never had this issue with B9 precoolers. As long as you don't stick more than one intake ahead of the precooler it's fine. Old patched B9 with Far and DRE plus Wave's patched KSPI worked fine also as long as I didn't do more than one intake to a precooler. Shouldn't have an issue.
  17. Thanks for the advice but I think it is something deeper. I looked at the part config files for the B9 turbine engines and there are actually heat build up values. I like this actually as it makes it far more realistic. I think what was annoying me was how underpowered the engines felt, I couldn't do anything without full after burner. Then I remembered FAR was enabled so I changed the nerf Ferram set it to of .5 to .6 and it made it spot on in terms of what I wanted for realism.
  18. Thanks for your hard work, it works well. I did try it and after some fiddling with my other mods I got it working. I did have some questions, now I do have KSP Interestellar on my install also; are the turbine engines supposed to over heat so easily when after burners are applied? If so, can the SABRE engine pre-coolers be used to stop them from over heating and exploding? I love the new MDF, and I'll have to read Chris' manual because well it's complex lol! Just like when I updated to the experimental build of firespitter, it broke all my aircraft since they all had b9 parts. No problem, and I expected that to happen.
  19. I told one friend about it and he bought it and enjoyed it a lot for a week. He likes it a lot but prefers multiplayer games so he stopped playing it a bit after he bought it, cough space engineers cough. My other friend, who was an avid Orbiter fanatic, I kept telling him about it but he thought KSP was a kids game. That was until I bought it for him and now he plays KSP non-stop lol He's almost as bad as me as far as time spent with KSP.
  20. I had just bought Space Engineers and was searching for more videos on the game on youtube and it seemed like every other video had an ad from Scott Manley playing KSP. After the tenth time I decided to look it up and bought the game. It will probably be the ONLY time a youtube ad ever influenced my purchase.
  21. I understand what you are saying but even the NASA Constellation Program planned to mine fuel on Mars for the return vehicle so it's not out of the question, just not realistic how Kethane does it. It would be nice to be able to mine frozen ice at least to convert it into fuel in real fuels. I'll take a look into it again then. I heard of others having problems without real fuels. Will it conflict with FAR now that FAR nerfed all atmospheric engines 50% I don't think it should.
  22. .I have 495 hours currently and I re named my screen name for Steam Jebediah Kerman lol
  23. It's like TAC life support a lot in a way. It's an awesome mod but it needs other mods to allow you to build sustainable off Kerbin bases to do things like grow food so they don't die lol. Real fuels would mean for me possible conflicts with other mods like KW rockety and b9 that add other engines etc then what about kethane and ksp interstellar that allow for off world mining?
  24. Well they help. I want to try AJE but I don't want to have to install real fuels as a pre-requisite.
  25. Very nice parts. I love that landing gear and cockpit.
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