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Everything posted by StevenJ

  1. Yes i am well aware of the nerf as i'm running the latest version of FAR. It depends on the engine. The SABRE / Rapier engine should get to mach 4 or 5 in atmosphered but normal turbines shouldn't. I'll have to try it again with more intakes to see if the can get something like the stock turbo jet with far or the B9 turbo jet to mach 4. I got the B9 turbo jet to mach 3.5 or so, a bit more than realistic, with .4 intake volume. I hadn't yet unlocked more advanced intakes at that point in the tech tree.
  2. Is that with jets only? While I respect your enthusiasm I can't wait for the day that Squad corrects the performance curves for turbines so they operate in a realistic manner. No turbine in the world could do that kind of speed with out melting it's own blades, much less past mach 3.5 without doing that. I can't wait until jet engine over heat and melt downs are properly implemented to end air hogging as it's soo unrealistic it's mind-boggling. That and a complete redo of the atmospheric modeling, but thankfully a lot of this has been covered through mods. Sorry I shouldn't tell others how to play the game, but to see people getting absolutely ridiculous speeds out of a turbine, without even the thought of a precooler of some sort, is just mind blowing to me. You know why those Skylon SABRE engines in the real project require those huge powerful precoolers? They need them because the air breathing components, like the turbine used to force air into the rocket motor, would literately melt without them. Sorry to rant, it's not you personally just more of a general thing. I wish the game wasn't so cartoonish in these aspects. Like people building rockets without nose cones or fairings, yet still manage to send ridiculously non-aerodynamic payloads into orbit. Just like people send Kerbals on multi year missions without even the slightest provisions for oxygen recycling, water, or food. I guess some day there won't be a need for those 'certain' mods. No offense to any vanilla players of course.
  3. I have a few entries I could enter, I don't know if multiple entries are allowed but here's one I'm rather proud of. It doesn't have much practical game purposes aside from the kerbal rescue missions as it does have a B9 two seater cockpit SF-38 Silvershadow MKIII Yes there was a MK II and a Mk I before it which are not being entered. This is the next generation in the ASF (Advanced Star Fighter) program. This craft is designed to be light, agile, sustain itself under extreme maneuvers and have a small internal weapons (cargo) bay a 2m one to be exact. This version of the Silvershadow (craft file will be included in this post at a later time) is the export model where I changed the description for the rules and removed my B9 sensor package to reduce cost. The KRAF, Kerbal Royal Air Force, actually requested that for the export model the advanced sensor package should not be included per military contract obligations . Anyway this craft does use a fair amount of mods. MOD LIST: Tac life support v 9 B9 Procedural wings Flys with FAR and Deadly Re-entry KW Rocketry fuel tanks and batteries Mech Jeb And I want to say that is it as I'm not 100%. It may require Kerbonov and Firespitter but I don't think I put any parts from those mods on this this rocket fighter though I do have them on my install. Technical data: Cost: 53,852 Part Count: 78 Weight loaded: 20.57t Dry weight: 11.89T Crew Capacity: 2 SABRE engine max thrust: In atmosphere about 360 nm I believe with FAR enabled, I am not sure in a vacuum I would guess around 430 nm Mono propellant engines max thrust: 40 nm in vacuum Take off Speed: around 120 ms Landing speed: around 70 to 90ms Payload: Light as there is only a 2 m cargo bay! Load it up with sepatrons in its weapons system and fire away Max ceiling in stable orbit without refueling: A bit over 600km Action groups 1 SABRE engines toggle on off 2 SABRE engines switch mode and close intakes 3 Mono propellant engines toggle on off 4 increase flap deflection 5 decrease flap deflection 6 air brakes 7 cargo there are also parachutes if you need them to slow down on re-entry available through staging on the second stage Take off procedure 1. Verify funcitonality of all control surfaces and press t to turn on SAS 2. press 5 to retract flaps one setting 3. press 1 to fire engines 4. start pitching up around 70 to 80ms per second, take off speed is between 110 ms and 120 ms. 5. once air borne press 5 to fully retract flaps and g to retract landing gear 6. maintian an angle of attack of 45 to 70 degrees until you reach 16k to 18k 7. keep an eye on intake air supply as you make yuour way into orbit, it should run out of air at 31.5k approximately. You want to stay in air breathing mode until about 1700 ms or just over which is the peak speed in airbreathing. When that happens, press 2 to swich SABER engines to closed cycle. Again, working on the best way to host it for download so check back for the download link but I have plenty of photos! Full Album http://imgur.com/a/KrMTJ#0 Other notes: The craft was created out of trial and error. The original Silvershadow used RAPIER engines with no canards with the same tri vertical stabilizer setup. It had issues at low speeds though and maneuverability problems as it's delta wings where swept into the middle. The MKII looks exactly like the MKIII except it has RAPIER engines and KSP interstellar precoolers. This craft, even fully loaded with the newest version of FAR, can do barrel rolls, loopdy loops, cobra rolls, etc. It can fly straight vertical in the atmosphere under full throttle up to about 17km or so. It's VERY powerful! Not the cheapest for what it is but you get what you pay for! A high preforming multimode starfighter! https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ovxedsy5mkkkt9/SF-39%20Silvershadow%20Mk%20III%20Export.craft Ok I think I got it right. I never used imgur or dropbox before. I don't know how to get the whole album to display in this post as this forum doens't seem to allow html code that imgur uses for the embedded album.
  4. I will definitely add the stock plane parts are far too limiting. Procedural wings alone helps a ton not only saving on part count but also giving you the exact wing shape you want.
  5. What better sound track can you launch to? Even Stanley Kubrick approves!
  6. Agree with Lego part, disagree with the rest. I've managed to get very creative with B9 parts and procedural wings to create truly unique designs. I tried space plane plus, I like the effort but was disappointed in the parts. I only keep the ram jet intake and radial intake from that mod in my install. To the original post, space planes, though significantly harder to design and fly, are for those who want re-usability in their space craft. Also because they are planes, you can control your decent and land back at the runway with practice. I build rockets and space planes with a focus on space planes because they are more inexpensive in the long run due to the fact you recover the craft minus fuel. They take a while to learn and fly, especially with FAR and DRE installed like I do , but it's worth it in the long run. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/563267371926203681/2FEEA1F136D8818B0534D0CC68FF970320EBE48E/
  7. I was curious but where is the button to fire them? I think I hired too many lol.
  8. This would probably be a good time to ask since i have the mod "Kerbal Economy Enhancements" in the following link installed on my game also in conjunction with yours to add more realism. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87364-Kerbal-Economy-Enhancements The reason why I installed it is because it forces you to have to pay all your kerbals an active salary of 600 units per day and that doubles when they are assigned on a mission. Also if Kerbals die in that mod as well so I don't know if you enabled it already that if Kerbals die you have to pay their families. If so I may be getting double billed . Any thoughts Malkuth on putting paid salaries into MCE by default? Maybe not the same amount, i think 600 a day is a bit high, 300 is probably more realistic but the idea is neat so I wouldn't need this mod any more and could save space just with yours.
  9. Nah KAX adds a lot of good stuff for firespitter but I'd miss all the extra bi plane landing gear firespitter adds plus in the new experimental version of firespitter you can adjust how many props you want on your engine, the rpm, and power output which is awesome.
  10. That's very nice! How did you color the wings? Was that Kerbpaint plugin you used to do that? I've made a few stunt planes using firespitter and procedural wings that turned out well but that tops what I can do! Nice.
  11. We all start from somewhere. I thought I'd share some of my designs. They are mix of procedural wings, firespitter, b9, kerbenov, TAC life support, Deadly Re-entry, and space plane plus. These few images should do. My heavy lifting S2 bodied shuttle Silversword http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/563266737867834348/9A8974B6B0F63C52D563F3E73C375FB3D77F3F83/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/563266737867832516/A25A027DA22901B4AB084E04AC33051A0A33B2BB/ My flying Cesna clone http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/571147403594847424/40E6A2C7E181C717EE2983E3372787152234DCAC/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/571147403594846610/14BC33AA9AE4DE657403852B7286C85AF57D8CB7/ My Silvershadow MKII prototype, I did some more work to it since then and added a third tailfin in the middle. This fighter plane is partaker in the Kerbal Royal Airforce ASF (Advanced Star Fighter) program. (No in flight photos ) http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/563266737867831863/71269318333015E33B882A05E1E0600E1D6C7C6A/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/563266737867830616/3E4D5AB642CA8B2A4FD16758993561D782329AC7/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/563266737867831252/366799124F7AEE8A079838025EC87ACE5428E53E/ And my ultimate goof off craft! My E200 Stunt plane! http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/571147403594849048/FC7DA67168709CB2D80BC73540D5E51BA31414BC/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/571147403594851784/8C9577B54266F7D0FB8146EEF5213241C2C83083/ Jeb's an awesome stunt pilot in his spare time! Buzzing the tower is a national past time, I'll have to try and do a video some day of buzzing the tower in one my firespitter stunt planes Anyway they all have separate elevators, flaps, ailerons, and air brakes. Now there is an exception, on my space planes on the sph4 control surfaces from procedural wings I use those as flaps and elevators. The reason for this is so I have dynamically adjusting flaps so If I find myself pitching down, I can pull up and the flaps, since they are set to elevators, automatically back off when I pull up then they return to their original position afterwards.
  12. I know this is a few days late but yes I agree 100% with what you wrote. The landing gear on that design is all wrong. It shouldn't have them soo far back and then yet another pair on the wings ahead of COM. I'd do exactly that, place the wheels a few meters behind the COM and that should work. Also I'd ditch the tailfins for real elevators and replace them with canards of some sort. I'd also add controls surfaces for flaps and ailerons on the wings. I got to say this new version of FAR is better than the prior ones. My airplane designs are more stable and tend to be over stressed less. I did want to ask a question to the mod creator. Did you make it so that way the in game flight computer will stop pulling or turning when it senses fractl density becoming too high? In 23.5 I'd easily be able to tell my plane to pull so hard past fractl density but now in 24.2 the planes I'm flying with FAR seem to back off automatically under stressful aero dynamic maneuvers.
  13. I was a bit nervous at first when I read some of the descriptions of this mod but I needed new missions as my launch window to Duna was still a bit out and all the parts testing missions were growing thin. I got to say, I was a bit nervous but your MC2 mod gave my career mode new depth! I was able to easily launch a satellite into Kerbin stationary orbit onboard my B9 s2 body Rapier powered space plane with ease. The only thing I'd ask, as I think think this would be a good inclusion, is the ability to fire kerbalnauts if you felt as though you may of hired too many, like I may of lol! Other than that I like the mission variety so far. I'm going to try the simpler satellite mission another day, should be a breeze as the my space plane alone get easily get to a steady orbit of 300k and I only need 100k or so. Anyhow, thanks again for this awesome mod and please more mission variety and I would like to be able to fire kerbalnauts if necessary. I don't want to have to 'fake' accidents to let them go. That's not cool!
  14. I agree and Bob Fitch is way to under-rated for all the work he does in his videos. The guy even does Kerbal cinematic cutsscenes that are near RPG quality with kerbals discussing missions and scenarios. Him Scott Manley, Enter Elysium, Danny, and a few others are good also. Well except for Scott, he's not just good he's awesome! I really do think Fitch is at Scott's level though and not many know him. Fitch recently did a video also of his family vacation to the Texas Space center where him and his family actually got to sit in real testing command modules that the general public normally doesn't get to sit in.
  15. Thanks, i wish Steam gave me that option so I didn't have to do it manually but meh lol
  16. No I guess it is 32 bit I take that back. It doesn't say x64 bit on the bottom even though it's an x64 bit pc. Well I'm not reinstalling the game for x64. I'm leaving well enough alone lol
  17. I tried it in my career mode. I couldn't try the electric generators yet as I haven't unlocked them. When I used the thermal rocket it produced thrust, I saw it take off. It didn't go far as It was a test but it lifted off and promptly landed. I believe I'm running the x64 client on my pc. For my install i didn't use the open resource system included in the zip. I had downloaded it separately prior I believe from the developer of that mod.
  18. I don't know how many hours you spent but i just tried the latest hotfix you did for 24.2 and it worked just fine. I put a fission reactor and a thermal rocket with one lfo tank above it, staged, and it took off. So you must of done something right~! No seriously thank you for making this work in 24!
  19. *Please disregard, I do apologize. I twas a mod that was adding precoolers, I mad ea mistake. This thread can be deleted.
  20. Well this isn't today but it is from yesterday. I was prototyping a SSTO rocket fighter plane for the kerbal Royal Airforce j/k. Here is Jeb doing an eva admiring it in its somewhat eccentric orbit. It landed safely with FAR installed and deadly re-entry (detuned). Presenting the Silverghost. And for good measure, I was prototyping this military fighter bomber as well with it's 6m cargo bay last week.
  21. This is a good point. The only mod I know of that has fuel in the wings is firespitter. The Mustang p51 type wings have fuel in them and that is it.
  22. This is probably a dumb questions since I believe you also made TAC fuel balancer but if I send up a module up to a pre-existing craft that is low on life support, can I transfer food water and oxygen using tac fuel balancer between life support segments? I should just try this and find out the answer the hard way but oh well.
  23. I just wanted to say I've been playing with your mod for a month now and I love it. It does make it harder but far more rewarding to build and fly air planes and rockets with your mod, mainly air planes. Also I saw you wrote not to use flaps on delta wing craft unless you have forward canards. I found a different solution as I don't usually make craft with forward canards. I set the control surface for the flaps also as elevators so if it pitches down too much I'll pull up and it will decrease the angle of deflection as the flaps are set as elevators as well. Seems to work for me. No KSp game is complete without random aerodynamic failure! I'm still trying to build a good jet powered stunt plane. I find if I build one with lighter fuel loads it tends to work better. Though that transitional speed of mach 0.7 to 0.9 is usually where the aero frame fails, as to be expected. That is the most dangerous point. I have found with your mod the only kind of air planes, no matter how hard I try, to get them to fail aero dynamically are the small fire spitter powered acrobatic propeller driven planes I've made. Cause you know, there's nothing like celebrating a hard fought mission to Minmus and back by buzzing the tower in my Extra 300 clone. Now if only I could do sky writing and smoke trails in game!
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