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Everything posted by Rithsom

  1. The number of posts in this thread has pretty much doubled since Friday. I'm starting to wonder if the post count will exceed what it was in the 1.0 Hype Train thread.
  2. If the runway were made curved, wouldn't it end up having edges because it's not possible to have a perfectly curved mesh? What I mean is this: While that image is exaggerated, I'd still expect this to be a problem even if the edges are spaced out 50 meters. I would expect them to be most noticeable when seeing a plane roll down the runway, pitching slightly as it rolls over each one.
  3. This is some brilliant stuff. You have taken the use of landing gear as hydraulics and perfected it. That truck looks very reliable!
  4. Just today, I asked someone else the very same question you're asking here. You can add multiple audio layers to a video by first saving the video, with one audio layer, as an MP4 file. Then re-open that video in Movie Maker, add your second audio layer, and so on. It's a bit odd to do, but it works.
  5. That's awesome. Now all we're missing is a blunt, almost hemispherical 2.5m nose cone like that.
  6. Rithsom


    As far as I know the release date has never been told. I doubt even the Devs have a solid internal date on release. It'll likely come out this year, but unlikely this month.
  7. While this is neat and all, I hope it's toggle-able via the debug menu rather than one of the F keys. Can a Dev or an Experimental member at least say which key activates it?
  8. I'd like a ticket as well! Also, this may be an interesting ride, to say the least. A huge dump of media not a couple days, but two weeks before release. Also Gregrox, mind adding this gif of the new landing gear to the OP? I don't think they have been pushed back to an update after 1.1.
  9. Those of you saying us KSP Store people will have it good simply because we won't get buggy versions are all probably Steam users. I will not go too far into this but I am indeed disappointed that I will not be able to have access to what Steam users will. This also complicates the Hype Train a bit. When will the train reach the station? When the Steam testing versions come out, or when the final version for everyone comes out? If the former happens, then I predict that the community will be pretty split up.
  10. I remember getting KSP in January 2014, or in other words, 0.23. I officially joined the forums by creating an account in July 2014, having been a lurker for about three months before doing so. I vaguely remember watching the 0.23.5 Hype Train.
  11. Last I heard some time after 1.1 (most likely 1.2) there will be a rocket part revamp and overall graphics overhaul to the game. Also, don't forget that multiplayer is still in the works. I doubt we will see that any time soon, but I'm sure it'll come out nonetheless.
  12. Besides a few graphical reductions and possibly some lower frame rates, it seems to be pretty much the same game as the PC edition.
  13. Heh, I thought it was funny. ...Does that make me a terrible person?
  14. Wow, the amount of dedication some of you have for KSP... I would never spend $1,000+ on building a PC optimized just for KSP. Besides, as some of you have said, it would be overkill and the performance limits of KSP would not let itself use the full potential of the computer. That being said, I have upgraded my RAM to 16GB, mainly because it is easy to do and does not cost much ($40 for an 8GB DDR3 stick).
  15. If I remember correctly, when creating a new account there is a spambot barrier, so I wonder how those few got through... As for additional spam restrictions, how about a limit on the number of pages that a single account can create per day?
  16. If you're using the smaller drill size, it needs a minimum ore concentration of 2.0% to work, IIRC. Try increasing the cutoff value of the orbital scan to find a more concentrated area.
  17. Um, I believe that is closer to Mach 15.
  18. Well, KSP physics allow for K-drives and whatnot, so we would have engines that require no fuel whatsoever.
  19. Banned for using the best speedcube.
  20. It seems to be live. Here's hoping for a successful launch and RTLS landing!
  21. I think they are big so that they can be seen from further distances, such as from an aircraft several kilometers in the sky.
  22. Well, it is possible to complete the tech tree within a few in-game years, so I would say they're pretty clever. Though the diversity of the parts isn't too big to be totally unreasonable in real life. As was said above, I would say they are just as intelligent as humans, but with a child-like attitude that sticks with them their whole lives.
  23. @GoSlash27 You probably shouldn't have created this thread in the first place. The irritation that it will result in is not worth having a map over.
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