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Everything posted by Zefnoly

  1. When you use launch command to bypass it, you loose all steamfunctionality except for it counting hours played. It is so annoying because before this PD launcher, I could have my modded games on install locations out of steams reach and stil have full steam functionality. The weird hidden launch parameters put inn to try to make steam force launch the PD launcher messes with the parameter settings. In fact. If you delete the PD launcher EXE, yet aim with your launch paremeters to launch from another location, steam will find out its missing.
  2. Yes! Other fuel types like Monopropellant works fine! And they dont even have a toggle for it as it should be permanently enabled on the ones I use. I will mention I dock the stationparts with the expandotubes from Nertea's Stockalike stationparts mod as they make surface building more convenient to me and nicerlooking. This problem has never happened before and afaik their behavoir is the same as grappling hooks kindof but they should allow fuel crossfeed. When I try to recreate this in sandbox I cant seem to do it and it works as intended. If this is a known bug only for those expandotubes I will refrain from using them and rebuild my moonbase. But I did read somewhere this is a potential bug tied to refinery modules alone and happens on larger bases. Which would be sad as I installed simpleconstruction just to make larger bases easier and more convenient to make in my career game. Again as specified. It simply cant transfer fuel to parts of the base considered seperate docked vessels. It has no issue however sending fuel directly to tanks it was built with on its own vessel structure. My other solution is to simply rebuild the refinery module. I just unlocked the largest cryogenic tank and it makes this problem workable in that manner as I can stil transfer fuel manually. So I just need to make sure it has as large buffer on itself as possible.
  3. I have crew manifest and a couple of parts mods from Nertea like restock, Far future, all of near future, cryogenic fuel, kerbal atomics. I have made a base on the surface of Mun with help of simple construction using docking ports to put modules together as this is a rather large expandable base. I made an identical looking base in an older game I did once in an earlier version of KSP with the exact same mods and I never encountered this issue. The problem is that my ISRU refinery module refuse to directly fill up oxidizer and liquid fuel on tanks on other docked modules on the base. I have tried to rebuild the entire refinery module. Hint: the ISRU is able to fill external tanks. But only those parts of it's original module. It cant fill it through the docking ports. Here is the other weird thing about this. Monopropellant, ore or even Metal is unnafacted by this problem. It only applies to chemical fuel for bipropellant propulsion. Exclusively stuff like oxidizer, hydrogen, liquid fuel. I even tried to land a ship on the launch pad I made. It wont fill the vessel there either. I recreated a smaller version of this base on my sandbox save on kerbin and it behaved like I wanted to. I wonder what the problem could be? None of the parts used has "no cross feed" and I am able to transfer the fuel from the refinery module to the other modules manually... But this is rather tedious and requires me to have a large fuel tank attached to the refinery module. Which goes against what I want for it. The only solution seems to redesign some aspects of my base and just simply not have fuel tanks anywhere else. Is there a bug I could look for in the save file to fix this? I am just curious what specifically prevents this from being possible on my larger base. While a smaller base with the same refinery module and base modules on kerbin in creative works just fine... And as said. The isru is able to fill other tanks. It just bugs out on my larger base and is unable to fill tanks on docked vessels there. As if it dont recognice those tanks as part of itself.
  4. People just need to make sure steam is launching from a "short cut" of the EXE rather than the EXE itself in that folder. Or else steam will make the program consider the PD folder as the root folder, which will break some mods.
  5. Then the game itself has the bug too. It was writing files to the PDLauncher folder too. Steam would litterally launch the game in such a way it thinks the PD folder is the root folder. This means the REAL bug is within the way steam is launching the game along with the launcher itself. This folder should not be considered a root folder regardless and just shows that the addition of this launcher seem rushed.
  6. Was out on EVA. Valentina was just doing a routine check, when she flew a little too fast into one of the inflatable modules. But not fast enough to blow up or get destroyed. Although the kraken decided it was enough speed to be possessed... She would literally do this for an unknown amount of time. Literally after a few more seconds her limbs stretched so far away from the body that she got too big to be visible on screen and she kept accelerating. She never actually died. To this day her limbs are stretching into infinity. I had to exit to KSC without saving due to the constant acceleration.
  7. Hear me out. In the recent years big strides with materials such as graphene has happened (materials that could, just could make them a reality irl). KSP2 already deals with exotic technology that are far far into the future in the lategame. So I was basically thinking... As a late game tech to unlock, you could unlock something that could be called "space tether assembly anchor", depending on how you deploy space stations in KSP2 from a ship you launch. This could be a special object that, if placed in the correct altitude, aka within the boundaries of a geostationary orbit, would be deployable. It would be a very expensive part to have in the first place, unlockable lategame. When within the boundaries the prompt to reel out the tether becomes available. As you click it, it will show you how the surface bellow would look. And even allow finetuning of where the ground anchor would appear, if you for example want it to attach to an existing base on the ground, also requiring you to think in advance about where you place it in the geo orbit. Once you confirm the location of the surface anchor, it will "plop" into the exact location and orbit for it to be above that specific place within the range of the selectable ground anchor location. This orbit will then be in a "fixed" manner. Causing the tether anchor to be fixed in place in the geo orbit. It will be stuck on rails, while other station parts stil behave normally while being attached. Although it can stil be damaged. The tether is then reeled out in both directions. One to ground. And one to a counterweight far away that you cant see (but you can try to reach if you really try but would be pointless) The whole tether wont be rendered ofc. Only the parts of it you are close to. Colliding with any part of the tether will cause catastropic destruction of the base bellow and the space station attached to the geo orbit anchor part, and the counterweight that spawns at a much faster but higher fixed orbit. Tether itself could be 3 or more cables visible from a distance. If materials will be seperated in the game. Graphene could be a late game material needed for this. Although some planets would not be space elevator usable. Planets with low moons in orbit + rotational periods that would conflict with the counter weight and geo orbit locations. Or rotational periods that would make the length of the cable too impractical. The tethers themselves or the elevator, would be able to transfer power directly. Linking the power of the space station to the ground. Allowing things like effecient solar energy in space. Drawback could be powerloss along tether and the cost of building such a tether. Maintance could also be a thing. If you want to transfer physical resources, like fuel and materials. This needs to be done with the climber part. You can put orders on the elevator to transfer resources. This will take ingame hours to ingame days depending on the tether length and available power. The game could also let you focus your camera on the elevator. Also manual override if you want. Kerbal seats would also be within to transfer a certain amount of kerbals to space or to ground. This means timewarp would be needed unless you want to wait the entire time. Using some of my mods for KSP1 I made some examples. I understand if people wont want this or if this will be too silly. But again, there is some real interesting science in this. Having it part of the stock game could be interesting for late game base building if material handeling and such would be a thing. And again not any planet or moon would be able to have one depending on rotational periods or moon orbits.
  8. Fixed the problem with this post. No longer an issue. And again. Before now these mods wouldnt have this problem. The launcher introduced a change that these mods didnt take into consideration, basically breaking them. And since this problem is now on all versions of the game. Proper workarounds needs to be found as older versions of mods may not be updated to solve this. Here is the solution You need to make steam launch from a shortcut to the actual game EXE rather than the EXE itself.
  9. It does tho. It breaks modded games. Even with circumvention it seems to bug out some mods in weird ways. They beleive the folder for the launcher is the "root folder" of KSP and store configs etc... in a gamedata folder they make inside the launcher folder. It is very strange and Im seeing more errors than usual Even with a custom install location where I litterally use commands on steam to launch from a custom location. I have my game on a seperate drive than where steam installs it. Using the luanch parameters to make steam launch from the custom location. Yet mods are making a "gamedata" folder inside the PD launcher folder in the steam install location. Steam install does not even have the mods nor is what steam is launching. So why is this happening? It seems the new steam setups to make this launcher work is doing weird things to the way the game runs. I am now forced to launch the game without steam. Which means I loose my FPS counter, steam screenshots and the steam playtime counter.
  10. Since installing this the ground anchor parts no longer behave correctly. Everytime I timewarp or load. They will jump a step higher. Causing the base to float. I guess I should just stop using them from now on. But sad I wont be able to use them to stabilize my bases anymore... I am guessing it could be related to kopernicus. But I am not sure.
  11. Will these kind of surface bases be possible? With that I mean, will the location of stuff that collide be consistent? Or can I expect base to randomly explode on load more than usual because a big rock with collision shifted? I badly want to use the mod but worry about this...
  12. Are watefall effects missing for Aeronautics pack?
  13. Thanks for response! Gonna see if I will give it a try. Keep up these QOL mods! They have been great help for my current modpack.
  14. Does this mod stil work in 1.12.3? Also does it conflict with Ship Manifest?
  15. Thx for the clarification! Tested the mod and it appears to have loaded nicely with the rest of the mods I plan to use in the latest version. Hopefully now I can build bases on mun (even duna or laythe) in my next career game without sending huge models dozens of times on large rockets. I dont do the lifesupport mods and wanted everything to fit well with restock and nertea (which means i rather not have other parts added than those) so this mod seems perfect. It also seems to work well with Nerteas parts. However stockalike stationparts have larger size science modules and more slots for kerbals to be inside. But does not appear to have more productivity than the stock science lab. Is there a way I can manually patch it? (Done basic mod file edits before to manually fix lacking modules etc.) As it would make sense if those has factors appropriate for their larger sizes?
  16. In what way does it break saves? Will it break saves if I add it to a new save? Or is it versions using "older" versions that will break? New to this mod. Been looking for a mod like this for a while and the one that comes to closest to "not" adding new parts. Is this one. "and with far future added launching giant stuff from surface in my career is getting old and tedious"
  17. Although I think I may have asked this earler. @Nerteais the mechanics from the new stock anchoring systems gonna be implemented into the landing struts/legs/supports for ground bases? To answer your question, if it works like it did in 1.11x they behave just like normal stock grapling hook with the exception that they have an adjustable length. You need to "arm" them first. Then they will dock/connect like a normal grapling hook. My recommendation is that you dock it to another identical expandotube. It makes it easier for some reason. But it also makes it look better if you align it well... Try to dock one expandotube into another. Only one needs to be armed. See my picture here for reference: Afterwards you can enable free rotation to allow your base to get stabilized afterwards adjusting each of the legs of the various modules. That is what I did. My only problem is that the legs drift, I hope the new anchoring system from the recent stock update may have been inbuilt to these legs if possible as a togglable option.
  18. It is my go to docking port for surface bases. The ability to enable free rotation allowed me to balance every module of the base to be level with ease before locking the free rotation again. They let my surface bases look virtually bigger pretty easily too and spread more across the surface to give much better surface stability. Feel free to use the image to show off their potential. Until i thought of using them this way I didnt realize how good they can be for surface base design. I like to pretend they let the kerbals move more freely between the modules.
  19. Thx! But I have to thank the modder to make it possible! The big expandotubes really helped! I figured docking them into eachother makes it even easier.
  20. Amazing update! I love what I am seeing here! One question! Does the base station legs use the anchoring mechanics recently added to basegame? I have this rather big base that moves slightly even on a flat surface. Also due to refueling vessels landing and taking off to provide fuel for bigger orbital vessels. This is from 1.11x Built entirely in career btw. Cryogenic refueling vessel taking off to meet my nuclear planetary ship in orbit. My current nuclear vessel. Thor Intended for Dres to Moho. With a lander suited even for Duna. Bigger ship using lithium plasma will go for joolian system.
  21. I'm refering to the episode of R&M were they visit the planet with this sun. It has 42 hours days with this torture xD
  22. Not sure what other to say I feel sorry for the kerbals this 42 hour day xD (PS. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. I just made some funny fan art)
  23. Built this craft with help of your mod. Kinda overkill but I just wanted to see how big I could get before loosing all my comfy FPS amounts on my system (here it is stil around 30-40 FPS average even tho all the visual mods). It can pretty much go anywhere in the system. It has extreme amounts of habitation time and supplies for the life-support as well so they are not like gonna run out of food or oxygen. I even know how to easily make this in space. Well without planetary launch pads it would be hard because of the fuel tanks. I guess I could try send them empty and dock them. But even that would be hard. Resupplying it will be a pain. Which is why I have a few smaller designs more suited for playing. It was fun to test and use this huge monster tho. This is the exact amount of engines this thing needed for around 1+ m/s acceleration. Less and the amount of time Delta-V burns take kills me. Here is the life-support. Nicely located in the habitation section. To run each engine I got a nuclear reactor for each. 12 reactors, gives quite the heating. Needed a few of the largest radiators. And for fun I made it go all the way to Eve but I de-orbited it at some time to see the atmospheric effects tear it apart. I don't know why but I love seeing stuff burn in the reentry in this game.
  24. @NerteaThat update looks awesome! I love what you do with your mods! Most of your utility mods and engine mods have turned into standard mods I need to get playing.
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