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Everything posted by JPLRepo

  1. Is that RO as in Realism Overhaul? Is that in the list of supported mods in the OP? Yeah no it isn't. Sorry but there is no support currently for RO. Probably need to deal with the performance issues @Lennartos has raised before I get to that. That's actually a big piece of work as RO adds and changes LOTS. Something for a future release perhaps.
  2. @Venusgate @IggyHitokage @FreeThinker @Bikini and everyone else who uses this mod: V1.7.1 Available on GitHub only at this stage on the link below, source code is also there as well. License is still the same as the OP. Should fix the issues with the telescope. PLEASE ENSURE YOU COMPLETELY DELETE PREVIOUS versions from Gamedata\ResearchBodies before installing as I have moved files around to more standard locations. I have also Added KSP-AVC version checking to the install. The required speach with regard to that (forum rules): This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin More information and announcement coming soon. https://github.com/JPLRepo/ResearchBodies/releases/tag/V1.7.1
  3. I've already fixed it... just testing it... Won't be long.
  4. Yes - thanks. I will investigate. I will probably change the dictionaries (added for ESP) to be hashtables, and a number of other things can be done to improve things.
  5. Until 30 minutes ago it was not a known issue.. Now it is. You efforts are appreciated... as much as mine. I have been in discussions with simon56modder who does not have the time to look after his mod any more, announcement soon. In the meantime I will get a Dev patch up sometime today.
  6. @FreeThinker @Bikini I would think your issues are related to the same thing as @IggyHitokage the telescope part is broken in 1.1+.
  7. 1) It does that already.... But you still have to calculate the EC usage and production every physics frame or it will lag and be inaccurate. 2) It does this as well... but again, the longer you leave between updates, the more out of date the EC usage, production, etc is. 3) Yeah that's a big vessel. Won't help. Again, probably because the new EPS processing is chewing up too much. I will look into improvements.
  8. Sorry forum broke because of your gigantic post with a log and it lost my reply. Please don't post log files into the forum. Use dropbox, etc. What I did say was: RenderingManager is deprecated in KSP 1.1+ and cannot be used. I'm surprised it is working for anyone. It uses this for the PART menu when in flight. I'm talking to simon56modder about a fix. So stay tuned!
  9. Upload an output_log with it happening and I will take a look.
  10. Upload an output_log with it happening and I will take a look.
  11. I'll look into it. There are a number of factors contributing to this. 1) There is no easy way to get parts and parts lists from active vessels (cached). 2) The more parts and part modules that are loaded the worse it gets. 3) You haven't specified how many loaded vessels there were and how many parts and part modules when you captured that profiler picture. 4) The new ESP processing I implemented may be contributing to this, I will look for efficiencies throughout.
  12. Not sure what you are expecting. Did you read the Opening Post, particularly this rather large font sentence: On it's own this mod will do nothing unless you have also installed mods that already support it or create your own part config files, or Module Manager files.
  13. V Published. Some big changes to support more advanced overlay features. Please refer to the WIKI page (added lots more info and examples with pictures) for updated information and Examples on how to setup your models and config files.
  14. More Pics WIP - The Ranger (BTW: It's taking a bit longer because on top of points 1 through 5 above I've also changed the models to include support for JSIAdvTransparentPods).
  15. Yep thanks got that. I've added a link to it in the OP Maybe one day.. and NO it won't. Use the existing release for 1.0.5
  16. It is coming along slowly. Issues to be dealt with include: 1) I've been sick. 2) None of the Internal Models fit the External models. Scaling issues result. Attempting to re-scale and change the models so that the internals actually fit the external models. 3) The landing legs on the Ranger are broken (not really broken, but the sink into the ground) - far as I can tell no one on the forums has figured out how to do landing legs correctly (even the stock ones have issues). 4) I've been sick. I'll be looking to release a patched up version soon as I can pull all the internal/externals together. The landing legs will have to suffice until the 1.1 dust settles and landing legs are figured out. EDIT: and I forgot 5) Due to the issues with the Internals and Externals sizing and alignment issues I have to re-place ALL props in all the internals. Which is a VERY long process.
  17. I answered this via PM. You still need to copy the Legacy Parttools folder into your Unity project folder.
  18. Well that all depends.. If you mean support the Kerbalism specific parts that use EC to display EC usage in this mod correctly, then I could. I note that kerbalism has its own type of EC monitoring so don't know how that would go together. I can put it on the list, don't know when I will get to it though.
  19. You forgot to mention depends on how many atmospheres of pressure you are breathing it at as well.
  20. Nope they are still inside the freezer parts... just frozen and not visible. So yes, they are still there. Is that the cause of your lag? I wouldn't think so, more likely all the parts you have to store them all.
  21. Yes thanks. I'm aware of it and I have already submitted my changes to the new 'up-keepers' that I submitted last year to this mod. The "ball is in their court" so to speak.
  22. You can't change the ProtoCrewMember enums for RosterStatus and KerbalType. These are fixed Enums. so the kerbals can only be Crew, Application, Unowned, Tourist. and they can only be Available, Assigned, Dead or Missing. You can create your own Experience Traits as you have discovered above, but you will have to code the effects everywhere else that you want them to take effect as anxcon has said.
  23. Never mind found it and re-created my pull request against it. https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/pull/2
  24. Send me your new Repo and I'll recreate the PR and changes if you like. Would like to get it into your first release for 1.1 as yes - Been waiting months and months - to the point where I was doing my own fork re-builds of it.
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