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Posts posted by Chezburgar7300

  1. I love this mod, but to be honest I haven't installed it because it's not on CKAN.

    If it were on ckan just as a mod bundle that installed all the dependencies, then you had to manually install your files I'd even be good with that, because ask pjf on #ckan, but I'm pretty sure CKAN can't do overwriting

    All of the dependencies aren't on CKAN? That's what I thought, anyway. CKAN cannot do overwriting.

  2. I don't think there is a schwarzschild radius thing available.

    If you just punch in your values into the gif.latex?%5Cinline%20%5Cfrac%7B2GM%7D%7Bc%5E%7B2%7D%7D equation (more info is on my mathematical equations page - link in sig) you'll get the radius needed. IIRC Gargantua is 100M sol masses, so you can go to the wiki page and get the Sun's mass and multiply it by 100 million and then substitute everything in. I'm out, and good luck!

  3. Are there any plans to make things accurate? As in the schwarzschild radius and such?

    And I assume that was me who was mentioned in the OP? :sticktongue:

    Not a fan of all of his KittopiaTech stuff, but if you need help I can lend a hand here and there. Paused the old one due to a lack of dev in starsystems and no time (Grade 11 is a pain!).

    Edit: Also those links are useless. Is there a purpose for them or is it an error on my end?

  4. Impressive mod, not sure if I could run it. One thing: why this obsession with making everything in the Kerbal system look like our own solar system? It's an alien world, with alien beings, in a completely different solar system, for all we know in a completely different galaxy. They are aliens! Why not embrace this difference instead of trying to make them conform? The laws of physics are universal, so light bouncing off an atmosphere will look the same wherever you happen to be in the universe, whether it's Eve or Earth. You can have realism without it having to directly relate to what we know as real life.

    This is a visual pack for RSS, the real solar system with Earth etc. Why make the real solar system look alien? We have astronomer's pack, KSPRC etc. for that.

  5. I stumbled upon a PC Gamer article yesterday that detailed a fan-made game called Superhotline Miami (Link) that was a mixture of sorts of both Hotline Miami's style and Superhot's gameplay. I don't usually hear about indie games until they pop up on the steam store page, but I had no idea was Superhot was. So? I did a quick search up and found out about this.

    Here's a link to the games website. I assume the majority of us on the forums are nerds of some sort, and the concept definitely satisfies my 'needs' for a matrix style game.

    The game is a first person shooter (but wait for it), but has a concept that separates it from the rest. Time only moves when you do. This makes for some Matrix style scenes where you are dodging bullets and look cool doing it!

    There is a playable prototype of the website from a Sept. 2013 game jam (7DFPS) that more than sparked my interest. It'll take up roughly 5-10mins of your time and I highly recommend you try it out!

    The full game, which will be priced at roughly $15, is due to be released sometime in June of this year and the team are very interested in working with it for some time after the release.

    It has had an appealing graphics recreation (with exploding crystal heads!) and lots of other upgrades. Here's a gif taken from the website:


    I hope that I've interested some of you!

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