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Everything posted by Quiznos323

  1. Texturing is almost finished on this helicopter fuselage section and I'm quite proud of how it is turning out Next on the list is a double sized version, cargo tail section, adapters and a cockpit Maybe rotors too..
  2. I could consider it.. I've never used it, but it contains all the same modules that FS does?
  3. I think a MM patch would be a good idea if you want to do it I'll link the DL for it on the OP with your permission if you finish it, and maybe include in in an update down the road Edit: And I may also try my hand at a RPM prop...I have a cool idea for it Edit2: Would you guys like a HUD like this instead of the framed one currently in the RPM IVA? I think its kinda cool It comes with the KSO mod so I'll have to check their licenses..
  4. That would be neat, and if it could work with raster prop monitor it would be even better I wonder if there is a way for BahamutoD's radar to be displayed in a custom HUD somehow..
  5. Sounds like some good ideas to me I just drove past an airport and spotted a small jet plane that would make a good 2.5m cockpit...I'll have to try and find out what it was XD
  6. Hey all, QuizTech Aero is updated to support 1.0.4 (finally, sorry bout the wait!). Happy flying
  7. Yep, all planned Although I can't decide if I should make the Chinook-esque cockpit fit the new fuselage shape, or try to make a helicopter-to-2.5m adapter and make the cockpit 2.5m...I'm just afraid that with the adapter it will look funky when put together I'll just have to make both and see what I like lol. I do have an idea for a special type of rotor that I will keep secret for now, but I'm not sure whether I want to make a set of normal ones.. between other mods such as KAX and Firespitter there is a fair selection already, but I won't rule them out
  8. @minepaga: I will look into FAR compatibility for sure @Kerbas_ad_astra: Thanks for spotting that, I will see if I can get it fixed using the method you suggested. For the next update I'm thinking helicopters....Anyone interested? Apache inspired attack helicopter cockpit. Will have a stock-a-like texture and also instruments added to the nose Cargo helicopter fuselages inspired by the CH-47 Chinook. Once I figure out the lengths I want for them I'll add windows. I envision at least two different length fuselage pieces, a cargo ramp tail section, an adapter to 2.5m, and a cockpit to match
  9. Hey all, I've been reading your comments and have noted all of the issues that you guys are facing. It's been a while since I've had any time at all to work on this project, but I have some ideas for more parts in the future, so stay tuned. I will try to update for 1.0.4 soon, but in the meantime you can have a look at this which I worked on today.. Rover/Shuttle Cockpit More progress^
  10. It'll be when I find some down time to fix up some issues. I've been busy with a new job and haven't been able to do much unfortunately. I'll see what I can do when I have the opportunity
  11. I could try to see about that Thanks I could see about this too, just gotta find time! My summer is going to be pretty busy but I will try to work on some things when I can
  12. Hey all, it's been a little while! I've been busy with school, work and other stuff IRL and haven't had much time for modding. I have some ideas that I may start working on soon, so I'll try to post some things when I get around to it Thanks for spotting that, I'll make a note to convert them I may consider toying with this at some point, but as others have pointed out there is another mod doing the same thing. I'll keep it in mind but I can't make any promises I thought about this when first creating them, but it would be a little weird since the engines have the VTOL functionality. Potentially you could rotate the fans while the covers are still closed.. Alright, thanks for the feedback. I'll see about balancing it. Thanks, glad you like the parts
  13. Interesting idea So like nuclear jets that can be used in any atmosphere? That may be in the realm of possibility, I'm pretty sure I've seen it done before
  14. I've been really busy with school and finals, but a quick update is out v1.2.8 6/9/15 Added Mk2 Service Bay. Added Mk2 Fuselage Quarter (fuel type switch-able). Decreased the gimbal range on the Mk2 Linear Aerospike to 3 degrees. This causes less over correcting with SAS enabled. Also fixed the gimbal orientation being backwards.
  15. Yeah I'm going to have to overhaul a lot of the colliders with the changes that were made to the new FAR. To keep polys down on the colliders on the cockpits I separated them into 3 or 4 colliders. Many of them are open inbetween each other so that may be causing the issues you guys are seeing. Before I don't think there was any huge drawbacks to having open-sided colliders but now it's coming back to bite me XD.
  16. Yup! All half of a short section in length (so a quarter section). The bays can be opened from the bottom, top, or both. Also it has the ability to remove the center braces to allow for completely open bays.
  17. Sweet! That's a sleek looking ship Btw I reduced the gimbal range to 3 degrees and it does give better results like you said. I'll include that fix in the next update. Speaking of which, these are coming soon:
  18. Ooh nice, that's a great looking craft The SAS issue still persists even with the gimbal orientation fixed. It may be an issue of the Unity hierarchy order. I attempted to add a stock KSP gimbal module but it refused to gimbal at all, which is strange because I've never had that issue before with gimbals . I'll take another look at it when I get some time and hopefully get it fully fixed
  19. This is a known issue. I have fixed the gimbal so that it orients the right way. Are you having issues controlling it with SAS engaged? I noticed that, when I test it, it seems to like to freak out. I may pull the gimbal function until I figure out why it's doing that. For now I would suggest disabling the gimbal.
  20. I think I may start on that one soon It has been sitting around for a while and needs some work lol. My plan is to maybe convert the existing model into a single seat cockpit, then create a second inline cockpit of the same style to fit it. This way you can choose to create either single or double-seater variants. I will see about this, yeah. Right now it's just pulling the model and texture from the probe, but it won't add too much memory if I give the nose its own model tied to only the diffuse texture I think that is one of the ones I have yet to fix... I have to take it through Unity again anyway so I'll update the colliders when I have time. Are there any other parts that you know of that are acting funny in FAR?
  21. So I fixed the problem with the gimbal direction being backwards, but it is still flipping out of control when I uses SAS . I tried replacing the km_Gimbal module with a stock ModuleGimbal but then nothing gimbals at all. All my attempts at gimballing nozzles have been successful except for this one, but I don't know where I went wrong... Is there something wrong in the hierarchy above?
  22. Hey all, does anyone have experience using Klockheed Martian Gimbal? I just finished a linear aerospike engine and added a KM Gimbal module to it but it's acting a bit funky... I can set the +X and -X axis gimbal in the editor just fine, but when I put it on the runway it's backwards: Edit: It also twitches a lot when SAS is on and over-corrects wayyy too much, causing the craft to flip out of control. How does each part need to be oriented in respect to each other and the global/local axis? Here's the setup in Unity. I can provide more pictures if necessary. Thanks!
  23. Good catch, thanks, I accidentally commented out that block instead of the FScopterThrottle module right next to it! Updated now on Kerbalstuff Btw I added pitch vectoring to the linear aerospike
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