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Everything posted by guitarxe

  1. I read that supposedly the best way to arrive at a different inclination at a target body is to combine plane change together with the transfer burn, because that way the amount of dV you burn to change your inclination goes towards the transfer burn, and you pretty much get your inclination change "for free". I've tried doing this with the Mun, but looks like either I didn't understand it or it doesn't work? If I try to place a node such that I arrive at Mun orbit at 90 degree inclination from Kerbin's orbit, I'm actually paying a very large amount of dV. About the same as the sum of inclination change at Kerbin and then the transfer dV amount. But if I first burn to the Mun, and then do inclination change right at the border of the Mun's SOI, then the dV for that in total is much less. This makes sense since the cheapest way of changing inclination is at highest orbit, but why doesn't the combination method work?
  2. It's the well-known cloning bug. I believe it has to do with using the hatch right-click menu to enter/exit pods.
  3. https://imgur.com/a/HvaOe#nE0BlA8 On the third image: Select the target icon on the zoom map, then click somewhere inside of the zoom window, but outside of the map itself.
  4. The other method not mentioned yet, and which I usually do, is to place them at the location you want, even though they are angled, and then use the rotation tool to rotate them horizontally. So place them where you want first. Then press number 3 on the keyboard or click with the mouse on the rotation tool, then click on the wings and you'll get a rotation gizmo.
  5. Actually I wasn't planning to use it to capture docking crafts. Was intending to have a ladder on it for my Kerbal to grab onto, and then to move him all around the ship while builds using KIS.
  6. Wait, so you're saying the correct way to re-enter was to dash his head against the rocks?
  7. I don't suppose there is a mod that ads something like the Canadarm to help out with orbital construction using KIS/KAS?
  8. I was fooling around with something in sandbox at 100km orbit and my ship exploded while my Kerbal was on EVA. So I thought to myself, "hey, why not re-enter?". And I did. Landed in a pond... and survived! Is that... normal? I thought for sure I'd either get burned up, or at the very least the kerbal wouldn't survive the impact, even in the water, and yet he did.
  9. Hm, I must be doing something really wrong here, how do I follow these rules of thumb? I design a plane, weighs 97.3 tonnes, that's 7.4 Rapiers need, so I put 8 on my plane. That's 650 * 8 = 5,200 liquid fuel needed. I don't have enough, so I add more. Then I check my weight again, and now I am at 191 tonnes. That means I now need 14 Rapiers, not 8. So I add more Rapiers, and I need more fuel for them now, and I add more fuel and I check my weight, and now I need 16.8 rapiers instead of 14. Which will need even more fuel, which will increase weight, which will need more engines... and so on and so on, endless cycle... and this doesn't even count the additional wings with each addition of engines+fuel. I'm obviously missing something here?
  10. Do you have Comodo Internet Security installed? The reason why your game went to a weird path such as AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86) is because you tried to install it from a guest account. Guest accounts do not have the right privileges to install to the Program Files directory on C:, and by default rather than just failing to install, Win7 actually puts it to VirtualStore and lets the program believe it had installed successfully. The reason why I'm asking about Comodo is because of the VTRoot folder on your C:\ drive. That's a virtualization folder, used to point to another directory, and I've had clients that ran afoul of this who use Comodo. When Comodo runs any unknown downloaded files (or files from an external drive), it puts them in a virtual sandbox, and that data is stored in VTRoot. If that is the case in your situation, then I'm sorry I have bad news - Comodo deletes all virtual data once the sandbox is reset. My best advice for you is to shrug it off and start over using your admin account. Remember, also, that you do not have to necessarily re-install the game in order to have two "instances" of it. You can simply copy the entire Kerbal Space Program directory to another location and it will run just fine. I suggest you do that if you want to have two installations, one with mods and the other without. If this does not satisfy you, try contacting Squad support or posting in the support forums.
  11. Ok, so I went back to the drawing board, and I don't understand how I can have any less wings? I don't have enough lift past 11km with any less wings: http://kerbalx.com/guitarxe/Back-to-the-Drawing-Board-MK3.craft
  12. How would I get an encounter with the mun if my orbital plane doesn't match it?
  13. How can I find out how much dv is required to do an inclination change from X degrees to Y degrees? I'm planning a munar satellite mission and want to know how much dv to pack to put it in munar polar orbit.
  14. Yeah, I am using KJR, I didn't realize it didn't work without it.
  15. Would someone mind giving my craft a try? I'm no longer sure if my design is bad or my flying is bad. http://kerbalx.com/guitarxe/Heavy-MK18.craft
  16. Thanks, taniwha, you're the man! I'll give the new version a shot
  17. Why are there usually tips to keep your time to AP at 1minute? Does this apply to rockets or spaceplanes or both? And more specifically, when you fly a spaceplane, since you are accelerating in mostly middle-atmosphere that is thick enough to drag your speed down significantly, what is more fuel efficient? Burn slowly all throughout the atmosphere while keeping the time to AP at 1min until you reach space, or burn full to 70km AP, regardless what the time to AP is, and then do additional small bursts when the drag slows you down?
  18. Hm, maybe wings are not my issue then. I'm building MK3-sized spaceplane, with an orange tank as payload. I can lift it off the ground, but by around 10-12km I lose pitch authority to the point that at max pitch up, the plane will still nose down and dive. I've already tried adding a lot more control surfaces, and far away from the COM/COL, but at around the same altitude I still experience the same issue. Then I just slapped some huge wings for the heck of it just to see if maybe it was lift, and hey, it worked wonders! ... up to a point. Do I need more lift? Or more speed? I try to keep my speed below 200m/s while under 10km.
  19. Did you fly straight up to 70km? A bit more info on what you're doing would help us help you. If you don't have enough fuel, then bring more
  20. Mine is more like 1:4, no wonder I'm having trouble keeping up my pitch in the upper atmosphere... how am I even flying...
  21. Quite tired of back and forth trial and error any time I start designing a new spaceplane to figure out exactly how much lift (i.e, wings), I need on it to work. Is there a way to be able to tell, with mods or otherwise, how much lift I have and how much is needed from within the SPH while I'm still building?
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