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Everything posted by Tweety

  1. My score is less than 2 as well yet this is because I spend hours upon hours designing mission hardware and not actually using it. I'm confident in my abilities so I think today I will go and abuse this by going to as many places as possible to return. I have been and returned from Duna and Ike and I am sure that using some of the hardware I have designed I could easily go to and return from almost everywhere. Tweety
  2. I'm no expert but I would guess without even checking the error log, simply by looking at your list of mods installed that you are hitting the memory barrier. When you next start up KSP open up task manager and watch your RAM usage for the game. Mine will crash no matter what at anything above 3.2Gb. Also next time put the log in spoiler tags. Saves the scrolling. Tweety Edit: if you keep hitting memory issues try forcing the game to open -forceopengl or maybe Active Texture Management.
  3. Just spent 30 mins looking through the bug tracker and it appears this is a know bug and is of a high priority. Here Oh and I lost 2 more ships on the way out to Duna 2 days later. I have just given up on that save because it was simply too annoying for me to launch the same craft and have it disappear somewhere between Kerbin and Duna. Tweety
  4. This! I only post if I feel like I can actually add to the discussion/congratulate a fellow member on something well done. You could hand out the best advice but get almost no rep simply because someone doesn't know how to, but they may still appreciate it just as much as someone who reps you for saying something witty yet doesn't actually contribute. I was given rep once for disagreeing with someone, I just did so in a friendly manner which in turn means I will be less likely to just shoot someone down later down the line when I don't agree. Tweety
  5. I have learnt an enormous amount of information from playing KSP, then failing, then checking the mighty forum, then replaying Without everyone here pointing me to sources and videos etc (google search and OLD threads are extremely useful) I would still be messing around in the souposphere. Now would be a good time to thank you all! Thanks all! Tweety
  6. Soon tm. I have never placed a bet (except drunken moments) and refuse to speculate SQUAD's timetable, however I will be intrigued by the communities response to this. Tweety
  7. Damnit I had literally looked at that part and thought to myself I needed to change that to 'Available' and then instead went about checking the rest of it...yeah...thanks for that catch magico Tweety
  8. Hey there, welcome to the forums first and foremost Absolute wild stab in the dark here but could you start a new save, look in the persistence file, find Bob and copy and paste into your current file?! This MAY or MAY NOT be some code you need. } KERBAL { name = Bob Kerman type = Crew brave = 0.3 dumb = 0.1 badS = False state = Available ToD = 0 idx = 1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } It has been an age since I've messed with saves and stuff like this so I'm not 100%. Place it right near the bottom of your persistence with the other kerbals. Hope this helps, Tweety Edit: ninja'd TWICE while searching for code!
  9. If its a rocket, KABOOM. Until I'm used to the new aero, 'fireworks' will be plentiful For planes I will probably call it 'Moose' since an edible moose is much lighter and easier to digest than soup. Tweety
  10. More NASA, ESA and SpaceX collaboration would be nice if only for pretty looking parts, new or revamped old ones). EA partnership wouldn't be good for anyone except EA. The community as a whole would fiercely refuse that as a good idea I think. I wouldn't mind telescopes and Rosetta/Philae along with some inflatable heat-shields and bouncing rovers Basically anyone that would be 'inkeeping' with the game and SQUAD's ethics towards the fans and community. Tweety
  11. Try grabbing that 4x4 metal plate and be sure to carefully place it back on there. My suspicion would be that you have accidentally clipped it inside the fuel tank. I find structural plates are quite finicky like that. That would rule out 1 more possibility I guess. Tweety
  12. I don't run many mods only the 2 and 1 of them is SERIOUSLY stripped down. I only use the firespitter.dll and electric propellor from KAX. I literally just hit another crash to desktop on a revert to assembly building. It is starting to ruin my immersion into the whole roleplaying thing (that revert was a simulation to test something in kerbin atmo before sending it to duna). I dunno I might just hide in the SPH again until 1.0 hits. Tweety
  13. I will carry very little over. The last couple of weeks as 1.0 has been ramping up I have been designing rovers that will easily fit in payloads and whatnot but they will be the only things carried over. Tweety
  14. Oh I'm going to salvage it don't worry they won't be stranded. That would be terrible publicity it's just annoying that it's all happening one after the other in the same save when I only ever experienced these bugs periodically and not often at all. It is a new save and I have now learnt backup your saves! Tweety
  15. Foreword: I'm not looking for workarounds or fixes just simply explaining what's going on in one of my saves. (I think it's the appropriate place). So has anyone else experienced this? I have put hundreds upon hundreds of hours into this game and while I have seen and experienced most of the bugs out there at various stages in my playing time I have up until now rarely encountered many to annoy me to this extent. My current save that I'm playing is my role playing Duna colonisation and what not. In the last 3 nights I have lost ships to complete darkness (3 now -.-) 2 ion aircraft and a pair of rovers all in interplanetary space. I have also built, rebuilt and then built AGAIN a habitat for my colony in the VAB and each time it greys out certain parts and becomes stuck with only the option to exit. I built them differently each time going for a different design philosophy just to try and beat this bug. Nope that doesn't work. I then got bored of the bugs and went to start messing in a different save...I then had the urge (for some unknown reason) to try building the habitat again using the same design as I had before...and hey presto IT WORKS! I'm thinking that just my one save is cursed... Anyone else experience weird stuff like this before? Perfect in one save but try and do it in another and the kraken just gobbles it up and laughs?! (I do realise that its just all coincidence or my executing stuff in a certain order to trigger this but seems too unreal). Tweety Of course I was going to show you a pic of the start of the 'Great Colonisation'
  16. Many good suggestions, another option...set up a macro or check your keyboard to see if it has a calculator button. I uninstalled mechjeb about a year ago since all I used was the delta and TWR options and now I just calculate myself. Doesn't really take long at all once you got the equations down and you learn how to do such things without being fed the info on a spoon. It's all personal preference though since mechjeb did actually teach me a lot in the first place. Monkey see, monkey do. Tweety
  17. Yet another bug I have encountered. I typically get very annoyed if its in my roleplaying save and just go and vent on another save....(poor kerbals). Tweety
  18. I have encountered this. Last night I was sending a multi-ship armada to Duna (1 with 2 ion planes, 1 with 2 ion plane refuelers, a hab and a tanker) and as I was switching through all of them to sort out nodes and what not my ion plane ship just vamoosed. Tried quickloading, restarting the game and what not and couldn't find a trace of said craft (even in the save files). Fortunately they had only just exited Kerbin's SOI so I launched another 'BIGGER engines' version to catch up. If i was just approaching Duna I would've no doubt rage-quitted because of this. Mods: EVE with Interstellar V2 KAX (only one part used from that pack). Tweety
  19. Welcome to the forums. May you have great times and less moderated posts Tweety
  20. For coolness points and prove to all kerbalkind that your space program is amazing. In all seriousness though they will have a much larger purpose when resources come into the game. You will be able to have a station overhead and a base drilling and refining and then have that fuel transported upto the station essentially free of charge once the infrastructure is in place. Tweety
  21. All you need to improve this desing is switch out the engine for a turbojet and two of the tiny radial mounted engines at the back and I'm sure with a bit of determination you could get to a trajectory that only needs tiny amounts of delta v to circularise. I can have a proper look tonight and see how it can be improved by flying it. Unfortunately I have to work on weekends Tweety Edit:what mods are you using? it looks like there's something funky on the fuselage towards the rear.
  22. Life as we know it could exist everywhere or nowhere. Life as we don't know it, again could live everywhere or nowhere. There are FAR FAR too many assumptions into what 'alien' life is comprised of. I'm convinced there is life out there but I refrain from making judgements or assumptions on its compositions or how it came to be purely because our only data set for life is Earth. You simply can't say it will be carbon based and oxygen breathing that must have formed at this depth of ocean with this radiation magnitude just because we are assuming it must be like the only life forms we know now. On that note, give NASA and ESA more funding to prove there is life and its composition then let the debate begin Tweety
  23. I actually have NO reason now to not install TAC fuel balancer. I keep putting off mods but simply can't with this one for this very compelling reason! Thank you for drawing my attention to fuel dumping people! Tweety
  24. I have only installed EVE with the interstellar v2 pack and 1 part from KAX so technically 2 mods. When/if?! we get a stable 64bit I will be going mad with mods Tweety
  25. Performance improvements and aero. I don't need the performance improvements myself but I know a lot of people struggle for decent performance when MOAR BOOSTERS are applied. Aero specifically for lifting bodies hopefully. Tweety
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