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Everything posted by Tweety

  1. Duna. First place I landed after the Mun. Yep I missed out Minmus when I started. Tweety
  2. Made a rocket that has absolutely no use. It can get into 185x185km orbit though Tweety
  3. These are my favourite kind of SSTO's at the moment. The time spent building these and getting the first into orbit is far far less than designing SSTO space planes which although I love the SPH this is clearly the most efficient way to spend my limited KSP time nowadays. Great design though, if you drop a DL link I will certainly get it just for the ladders!! I ALWAYS forget them. Tweety
  4. Where's whackjob and his contraption that he is currently building?! Tweety
  5. I'm genuinely just as excited for this video as i am for proper aero! Tweety
  6. Your right about not going fast enough before gunning it for space. I personally would strip all the intakes and jets off and then put one shock cone intake on one side the a jet on that side and then place another shock cone intake on the other side then the second jet. This will reduce the tendency to flameout early on by tricking the game mechanics. You ideally wanna be doing at least 1500-1600m/s at 30km or faster. You can do it with less but it just makes your life harder. Make your initial climb up to 15-20km as quickly as you can then level out so you are climbing at about 10-20ms and just throttle back as your jets start to struggle for air until you get a flameout at under 1/3rd throttle then hit the rockets on. Hope this helps. Tweety
  7. 1. 2. Great screenshot! 3. Have a cookie! Tweety
  8. So a pressure chamber that will likely be rated well and above the operating usage is more dangerous than lots of lithium ion batteries sitting in your car...I will just say both are dangerous in their own ways so I will not get into the debate about which is safer. I voted hydrogen for various reasons though. I enjoy driving my car, I especially enjoy the engine noise. I like being able to hear how fast I'm going and hear when to change gear which simply won't work with an electric car. The vast, VAST majority of the electricity we use is still created in fossil fueled power plants, I have also almost been knocked off my bike by 3 *insert profanity* people who drive electric cars around my old home town. I was not in the wrong in any of those cases and the only reason I haven't ended up in hospital is because I have spotted them just in time. I have never been caught out in the same manner by cars that have an engine noise. I do believe electric cars have a place, preferably in books where people will one day say look at those things!! Also why not have hybrids between the two? Run it like a locomotive and have the engine consistently produce an electric charge for the batteries to power the wheels? Tweety
  9. Yeah the shock cone intake is stock. Place them wherever you like (ideally behind COM I believe) Tweety
  10. I no technical person.....the bulb proto because it looks nicer (my opinion) also looks easier to handle(?) Tweety Edit: Also what mods are they using? Looks very sleek and correct for the game.
  11. Don't know if it bothers you but a couple of times the word launches/launch has been replaced with lunches/lunch. I like to think that kerbals are always thinking of their stomachs (if that's what they have). Brilliant reading though. I like reading stuff like this so have some cookies. Tweety
  12. I too see this more as a positive than a negative. The less mods I have to install the better. Besides I'm almost absolutely sure that most of not all of those mods mentioned with have a different incarnations in any updates that are brought to the fore. For example what if procedural fairings allows pretty patterns and colour on the fairings, I will want it even more. If FAR is still more realistic I will still have a separate install for it to pretend that I'm getting paid by the government to make planes and stuff. Mechjeb I'm sure will still have autopilot for those that are more interested in the building than the flying, and those that have launched that rocket for the N'th time and know it so well they get bored of launching it. All the the other listed will likely be similar yet completely new versions of what they already have due to the more 'modded' friendly code and mechanics. Tweety
  13. My bad, fire spitter may be the contributing reason for the craft file now working. I will rebuild again in fully stock or at least check it over again. Tweety Edit: I just checked it with a brand new stock install and it loads and works as intended. Maybe there is some part on it that one of your mods interferes with. I honestly wouldn't know where to start with the troubleshooting other than maybe going through each one of your mods and checking them off one by one to determine the problem. That could take quite some time if you have alot of mods so I will leave you with a pic or 2 to see if maybe you can replicate the same craft?
  14. That's the super secret invisibility cloak my kerbals have been working on at work hmmmm I will have another look tonight when I get home but I'm sure I'm not dumb enough to screw even this up. Don't want to sound condescending, just trying to troubleshoot, but is the craft file in your save SPH or? 0.90? Maybe some other screw up my end. I will get back to you as soon as I suss it out after work. Ps try re download again just incase of computer weirdness. Tweety
  15. I suspect the craft I gave you is more than enough to slap some 24-77's on and turn into an VTOL SSTO as well. I just didn't have time to play with it last night. With the TAC fuel balancer you could just fill all the tanks and away you go. Tweety P.S. Also let me know how you get on with it. I wanna know if the crafts I build for people are actually user friendly.
  16. Just done my stock aero run...JUST scraped in above the benchmark 320m/s I will happily admit to cheating though. 320.6m/s in a dive (not able to recover either) at a fraction below 500m. Meanwhile in FAR... More to come More turned up in about 3 more minutes of messing about. I'm sure most people could beat these speeds but I found it fun to mess about for my 1 hour timeslot tonight Tweety
  17. I have just knocked up a very basic training craft if you're interested, balanced COM (although you use TAC fuel balancer anyway). Conventional takeoff at about 45-50m/s, vertical takeoff at just over 2/3 throttle (engine is thrust limited) and VSTOL can be achieved with both engines at about 15m/s. Action group 1 for VTOL, 2 for horizontal engine. VTOL craft. I have quickly tried it and after a vertical takeoff at 2/3 throttle activate horizontal engine and toggle of vertical engine at about 70-80m/s. Tweety Edit: Activate ASAS before VTOL
  18. If you build small enough 1 ASAS should be enough as with 1 VTOL engine. My engines normally consist of 1 circular air intake, 2 or 3 cubic struts, ASAS and a basic jet all stacked together right over centre of mass at lift off. Normally 1 engine per 10 ton is enough, don't forget action groups are your best friend for VTOL jets. As for flight profile throttle up VTOL engine and achieve reasonable height, then toggle horizontal jet to gain forward speed until you know you won't ditch, then toggle off VTOL again. Best to find out slowest take off speed and use that as a benchmark to toggle off VTOL, e.g take off speed of 50m/s, aim for 70m/s horizontal velocity before turning off the vertical engine. Hope this helps. Tweety
  19. I'm using 2 installs, 1 stock aero and 1 FAR (only been using it for a few days now) but I can easily say in FAR over mach 1 flight is a cakewalk in comparison to stock, which I have yet to achieve....challenge accepted will post entries later today. Tweety
  20. Looking through my old screenshots I noticed how ugly my old designs were. It was all there for a purpose even if WAY over-engineered. Now however i do go more for aesthetics since I can't bare to launch an ugly contraption for any use except space-station and base building. I have also worked on the efficiency side of things, for example my new Duna mission has Mk3 spaceplane tanks and cargobays to haul the purposeful yet aesthetically 'alright' looking stuffs inside. It's also my own little practices for when 1.0 brings out proper aero. Tweety
  21. I joined in 0.18 so that has to be my favourite version, however my favourite update would have to be 0.25. Oh the pretty explosions (I see them alot). Tweety
  22. Annoyed that i have to put the game down Tweety
  23. I agree that the game is pretty perfect right now (or will be after all the new parts in 1.0). I'll vote for bugfixing and optimization and possibly a revamp of the graphics once the optimization is done. Tweety
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