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Everything posted by Tokamak

  1. Hmm... I'll try that. Since I can't tell quite where the fiddly hatch activation area is actually located, I had thought that it was lower. I'll try that. Thanks!
  2. This mod is awesome. I especially like how, unlike some mods, it is really made in the kerbal spirit of endless recombination, instead of being geared towards making one specific craft. I do have one question, though: I feel like I'm doing something wrong with the control cabin. I know it's EVA hatch is on the underside of the nose, but it is really difficult to get a kerbal on EVA to be able to activate it. I basically have to mash arrow buttons making the kerbal rub his face against the front of the cabin for a while until it gives me the option to climb or board. Is there something that I am doing wrong?
  3. Ah, so there isn't a way to access that in flight then?
  4. Is there any way, in game or out, to see information about radiation belts? Other than taking geiger counters everywhere and writing down their values at different altitudes on paper, that is.
  5. This mod is REALLY cool. I've enjoyed other life support mods, but this is the one that actually makes me think about the ENTIRE design of my vessel. I love it. Any plans for stack oxygen canisters, and radial food canisters? Those would be super useful.
  6. I LOVE your Rodan capsule, and have used it for some time. In my latest kerbal install however, it is doing one weird thing: The pod's integrated monoprop powered engines always activate immediately when I launch any vessel with this part. It is only the Rodan's engines that do this, not any other part from any other mod. I can send a log if you want, but as far as I can tell there is no event in the log associated with the engines being triggered. Yes, I've checked that it's not a mechjeb autostaging issue. Edited to add: I tell a lie... it also happens with the Phoenix Industries dragon-like cargo capsules, and the Super 100 Shooting Star... so it's clearly not a problem with your specific mod. Now I'm even more confused though, since it only happens on command pods like this that have integrated engines, and nowhere else. I'm going to leave this post here in case someone else who has had and fixed the same issue responds.
  7. Sure, I'd be happy to help. I do have a zillion mods installed, which does make troubleshooting hard XD
  8. I can't help but notice that everyone, myself included, is basically coming here to say "this is broken, and that is broken"... and while I guess that makes sense, I think it's also worth saying that this mod is REALLY COOL. Clearly it's a work in progress, which means it will eventually be EVEN COOLER, but it's already giving me a loy of enjoyment. It is amazing how much hard work modders put into these things, and I for one really appreciate it. Thank you so much for trying to add awesomeness to this game and community.
  9. Here you go. For quick reference, I am not using anything from Interstellar. I don't even have it installed, except for Interstellar Fuel Switch. My power sources are solar panels from Near Future, and the big RTG from Modular Rocket systems, though the panels alone ought to provide enough power even if the RTG isn't simulating properly. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wrnbb8kzj9pfv8g/output_log.txt?dl=0 Savegame: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rh8krjrwz54vefo/persistent.sfs?dl=0 I'm going to feel so silly if this is just something I'm doing wrong XD Edited to add: I cheated and edited my save file to artificially give the station bigger batteries, and now everything is fine. In retrospect I failed to actually put a big battery bank on the thing. It still is the case that the battery capacity I have is enough to get it through the night in flight mode, though. So it probably is not something majorly wrong with Kerbalism, and is more likely just that the calculations about how much power is made and produced are a bit off. And I see above a discussion of issues with the exact production rates of Near Future Solar cells... so it's probably that. Given that throwing more battery power in fixes my issue, feel free to consider it closed unless you actually WANT to look into the details. Thanks for your hard work making such a cool mod
  10. I am loving this mod so far. This is the first life support mod that really makes me think about the design of the whole craft, instead of making me stick on a few more tanks. I'm excited to start using this! However, I feel like I'm doing something wrong, and have had no luck figuring it out. I can give details or logs, but I suspect it is just human error. I have a space station in LKO with solar panels, an RTG, and a pile of batteries. In flight mode I can turn on time acceleration and watch it whizz around kerbin, and see my stored battery charge and environment temperature both go down when in shadow, and go up in the day time. I have a few thousand electric charge worth of batteries, so the batteries never get more than about 10% drained while on the night side. But... the moment I go to the space center and try to time-skip, I almost immediately get the message that the station's batteries are flat and my kerbals are dying. So I switch back to the station, see that the batteries are indeed empty, but once the station has seen sunlight again and it is all charged, it can pass through night side again as many times as I like with more than ample electric charge... until I go back to the space center. So, the short version: My station has enough power generation and battery capacity to get through day and night with ample power when I am actually flying it. But when I go back to the space center and time-accelerate, it immediately runs out of power and my kerbals start dying. What am I doing wrong? Edited to add: I've gone into the tracking station so I can watch this poor station orbit around Kerbin, and the Kerbalism monitor still says the battery is empty even when the thing is in full sunlight on the day side. If I just wait, my kerbals burn up as the life support stops. However, when I actually go to the station in flight mode, the batteries immediately fill up and Kerbalism notifies me that everything is running properly again. So basically, everything works as long as I never time-accelerate without the station having focus...
  11. Hrm... the mod is awesome, but I'm having a problem. For some reason, after I installed Kerbal Konstructs, every ship is always said to be "Vessel Unlaunchable for the following reason(s): Ship too heavy", no matter how small it is. I can certainly attack logs, though I'm not sure it would he helpful in this case. nothing new comes up in the debug console when I open the simulation menu. Any suggestions as to what I ought to look at? Edit: That is, any simulation in orbit, or landed. Simulation starting from the launch pad works as expected.
  12. I'm really sorry if this has been asked before; I've been googling and searching for literally almost an hour, and perhaps I missed something in the zillion pages of this thread, but I have a question... How do I get filter extensions to re-generate or reload its categories, or parts list in general? I've added some mods since I installed filter extensions, such as Kerbalism, and I cannot find the parts. If I use the stock part of the editor parts menu I can find them in amongst a zillion other parts, but using FE to search does not find them. One example is the Kerbalism Greenhouse. It does not show up in the "Life Support" advanced category, and searching for "greenhouse" or even "green" using the search box produces no results. I'm sure I'm doing SOMETHING wrong... Also, all of the items in the advanced menu are out of order. If I go to "Filter by Resource" or "Filter by Manufacturer", they USED to be listed in alphabetical order, and now seem to be more or less random. I haven't attached logs simply because this does seem to be 100% user error, though I CAN do so if that would help.
  13. Your mod is the best thing since sliced bread, and I'm happy it now works with 1.1! Thanks for making it. I do have one question, however... In previous versions when in map view I could click on the dish icon, which would show me view a list of craft, and let me change antenna targets on each of them. This functionality seems to no longer work the same, because clicking on that button does nothing. Am I missing something?
  14. I'm not quite sure what you mean. Edit: OH, the stock rocket. I see. Sure, I will do that!
  15. A reasonable thought, but I did check for that. My tests were between the launchpad and 1000m.
  16. This mod is delightful. I've actually spent the past week constructing an arduino based controller to use with this mod, and I am having a blast. One weird thing is happening, however. I wonder if anyone has any idea what could be causing this: staging works, except for parachutes. To be more specific, my control hardware has a "stage" button that calls the stage command. When I use that, it seems to work correctly. Decouplers decouple, engines ignite, et cetera... except for one parachutes. The icons on the screen move about as expected when a stage fires, but even a parachute that looks like it is enabled by the current stage will not deploy. I know it's not the craft design, because if I reach over to my keyboard and hit space... boom, the parachute stages. I'm really scratching my head here... any thoughts?
  17. Oh, I see. Hmm. I'll reinstall TAC and see if I can replicate the problem.
  18. I'm having a weird problem. Kerbals are getting deleted by TAC, but not in space. They are getting deleted when home and available, when I go into and out of my VAB. Here is the relevant bit of log. Trotter and Conductor Crate (don't ask) are the kerbals deleted: Obviously I'm not going to get huffy about problems with a wonderful free thing that I've been given, but it's kind of a deal breaker, and TAC is my favourite life support mod so I'd like to keep using it.
  19. That did the trick! Thanks for the help, and thanks for the cool mods! The stuff you make is great.
  20. I did that already. I removed ALL USI stuff, and re-installed it all (except for karbonite and mks), just to make sure. No love. And yes, they are still white when I place them.
  21. I'd love to try this new version out, but on my machine none of the new parts have a texture: they are all blank white. Any ideas on what I should look for?
  22. Hmm... I always use Kerbal Alarm Clock to slow down before the SOI transition, but I didn't know it was still iffy AFTER the transition. I will look at that. Thanks!
  23. I have an issue with getting to eve, and it has been plaguing me since .23: Vessels that are supposed to enter Eve's SOI don't. To be more specific, I can make a vessel, put it into orbit, make an transfer burn headed for eve, and even a careful fine tuning adjustment once I've left Kerbin's SOI. After getting everything lined up, with the projected Eve encounter showing in the map view, and a nice close periapsis and everything, I go to the space center and time warp, as one does. However, here is the problem: Even if I only time warp for 100 days or so, not even the whole trip, when I go back to my vessel the trajectory not only no longer encounters Eve, but is several thousand m/s away from even getting close enough to have a "closes approach" marker. Almost every single time. Frankly, I sometimes just use the debug menu to turn on infinite fuel and correct my course, but I dislike cheating even if I am just fixing a game fail. Does anyone know what could be causing this? I've dealt with things like the "flicker" of encounter points, which I understand are due to floating point issues (and are a totally different annoying problem) but this is different. There is no flicker. Everything shows me as PERFECTLY lined up, unless I go and time warp. If I time warp with the vessel focused in the flight interface or even in the tracking station, the trajectory doesn't derp, but if I warp for any length of time while it is not in focus it all goes cockeyed. Help!? D:
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