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    Curious George
  1. I had it set properly. Tho it didn't even register "flying" parameter
  2. Does contract part of this mod work for you guys? (mod it self seems working fine) But contract doesn't complete (for example - launch first craft > I tried all the parts I have but it doesn't even register that I had launched) Any idea how to fix or debug this? Version is 1.10.1
  3. Hello, I encountered issue with FMRS - when I revert to FMRS "main" save (aka - launch) It doesn't remember any contracts done. Is there an easy solution for this ? Or I just have to save it manualy each time and then eddit in contracts later on?
  4. Hello all, KSP: 1.3.1, Windows 10, 64bit Problem: After reverting flight to VAB game bugs out, shows all parts (even not researched ones) and I'm not able exit VAB unles I alt-F4. Figured that it is somehow remotetech related issue - without it game works perfectly fine (Even disabling SETI doesn't help) So what could cause this issue specificly? Since I kinda want to do stuff with remotetech. Ty for replies. Mods installed: KSP AVC dump: // Remotech not listed below due to test loading (using V 1.8.9) > Listed in Ckan Ckan dump: Reproduction steps: Just take Mk1 comand pod, hit launch button. Then Esc> revert>to vehicle asebly and watch stuff broke Image Log: KSP.log output_log.log
  5. Exactly. I personaly hope for 64bit support because unity 5 is more stable in that way. But will se. Hopefully also mods will support it too if its going to make way out.
  6. I would be happy to hear from devs if with that upgrade to unity 5 we are getting back at least semi 64bit support. Unity 5 is more stable and for ppl like me which likes to add tons of mods and keeps crashing in 32bit it would be cool
  7. Well i builded few planes .. some of them were just complete garbadge and even fellow Jebediah Kerman was unable to take them off the ground ... then few planes / rokets which i shared with my friend .. ended up modifiing them since he could't manage them to take off If only i was better at building stuff
  8. Best tutorial Ever! My game has been crashing like mad cause to mods. This work around fixes it. I can now play how long I want even alt-tab x numbers of times and still not crash! Thank you! I used this like long time ago also since I always take small breaks and play game to chill here and there .. I play this game since mid 2014 This tutorial helped me lot of times. So thank you Again.
  9. Aw.. that's sucks :/ ... will try to head for it ... hopefuly some day they will edit it so you can easily add custom contracts
  10. Hello there, I was messing with ksp bit and since new update comes up I wanted to add custom Contracts or edit existing by translating them (for y2b purposes). And i realy cant find them out so if any 1 have idea where it can be i would be glad if you will tell me that. Thak you.
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