Hello all, KSP: 1.3.1, Windows 10, 64bit
Problem: After reverting flight to VAB game bugs out, shows all parts (even not researched ones) and I'm not able exit VAB unles I alt-F4. Figured that it is somehow remotetech related issue - without it game works perfectly fine (Even disabling SETI doesn't help) So what could cause this issue specificly? Since I kinda want to do stuff with remotetech. Ty for replies.
Mods installed:
KSP AVC dump: // Remotech not listed below due to test loading (using V 1.8.9) > Listed in Ckan
Ckan dump:
Reproduction steps:
Just take Mk1 comand pod, hit launch button. Then Esc> revert>to vehicle asebly and watch stuff broke Image
KSP.log output_log.log