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  • About me
    GN&C Trajectory Analysis and Mission Concept Engineer
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    St. Louis, MO
  • Interests
    Aerospace, KSP, Legos, satellites, launch vehicles, defense aircraft, amateur astronomy, astrophysics, space exploration, hiking, kayaking, history, HomeWorld.

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  1. Frankly, not as much as you think. Compared to the average salary in the US perhaps, I could say the same thing myself with a master's degree and 10 years experience. However, "money" is not MONEY (big fat stacks of cash you can swan dive into). Even as a mid career engineer I make enough to put towards retirement and medical but I'm not taking vacations every year for example and I live in a low cost of living area of the US.
  2. It does seem like a lot, yet compared to other big hitting software companies in the area it's already on the low end. Why the studio was put in Seattle is beyond me already inflating salaries due to CoL besides naturally competing in the tech space. I'm traditional fortune 500 engineering and we have a big presence in the Seattle area. We can't keep software engineers at any level to save our skin because we get outbid on compensation handily. Not just straight salary but stock options too. There's just no comparison what Microsoft, et al can throw to vacuum up talent if they want to and that's a better resume building opportunity, again depending what your career goals are. I won't chide people who go to greener pastures but it's a heck of a big ask to throw many tens of thousands of dollars away annually unless you want to be in gaming given the costs of everything nowadays if you want to settle in the PNW.
  3. Disagree. With interest rates the way they are, I think a small enough IP (by comparison to others Take 2 has) would've been canned either way.
  4. Did you install the scatterer folder from the download too? I had the same problem you did, but after a clean install of the mod and including the scatterer folder this time it worked.
  5. I think the devs were deliberately vague in the answers, I mean I would be. There's a whole marketing plan, etc. for each of those phases. I see no sense hyping people up for something they won't get for months perhaps depending how the bugfixing goes in the next weeks. Also, have you seen some of the data mines people have done on the base files already? There's a lot of the science system already in and many of the interstellar parts and descriptions may have been leaked as well (if you consider them old code or not). The amount of colony stuff currently in the files is significantly less, but that's to be expected compared to the next feature coming up on the roadmap. https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/11b8s6f/i_looked_into_ksp2_code_here_is_what_ive_found/
  6. I'm waiting on a new build myself and away from home, so I ran testing yesterday on a i5-4430, rtx 2060. Here's my results: It's actually not that terrible, and is playable imo. If you upgrade the GPU, I don't see why you couldn't get some enjoyment out of the game in it's current state.
  7. I'm most hyped for interstellar travel/colonies and adventure mode.
  8. We've also been told multiple times that promo shots can be comprised of different bits and pieces that are not fully incorporated with everything else just yet to show off a particular feature. Here, I suspect it's the landing legs and the stabilization on uneven terrain. The fuel refinery showcase had placeholder background terrain for example as a test scene. Let's just wait and see what's released in a month before being too judgmental on descoping or expectations between EA KSP2 and modded KSP1. Everyone has hyped themselves up so much that I doubt KSP2 will live up to any of their expectations even if the final product is still fantastic .
  9. Bug report time Log file: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qypwud3vi2kghlf/AAAGqGRdhUlBLVtxpS6YdtDaa?dl=0 Title: Kerbal parachute does not open with accessory helmets equipped. Reproduction Steps: 1) Create any craft (capsule + SRB) with the kerbal having EMU or ACES helmet accessories and a parachute in their inventory 2) Launch craft 3) EVA crew member during ascent and right click and deploy parachute 4) Observe no opening parachute 5) (Optional) right click the kerbal inventory while falling and click the accessory to temporarily remove it from the slot. Parachute now animates and deploys. Drop accessory back onto its slot and parachute still works. Edit: KSP 11.2, no DLC installed.
  10. Very true. These are as far as I know not official in any way and obviously why CKAN didn't pick them up.
  11. The KRPC discord is fairly active. I dabbled around with this fork (NOT master release): Release build for ksp 1.8.0 - 1.9.0 · haeena/krpc · GitHub but the Unity version in KSP changed with 1.9 so some of the UI stuff such as drawing vectors isn't working right now. I just saw someone just did an 11.x fork but I am in the process now of trying it so can't speak to it. Edit: Yahoo, the 1.11 fork I found has working UI elements! Canvases and vector lines are working again! (Maybe someone fixed them some time ago, but anyhow they work again!) Github fork: Release 0.49-1.11 · nullprofile/krpc · GitHub
  12. It depends. Are you running any mods? I just upgraded from v11.0 to v11.2 and EVA construction works fine as in adding or removing parts from the active vessel.
  13. So, as someone who is running 1.11.0, is 1.11.2 worth the upgrade stock or wait for 11.3/12.0 depending on the remaining bugs?
  14. Awesome stuff! I just found this and was able to finally fly an aircraft without SAS for the first time. What a gameplay difference and so much easier now that I can see what the trim is.
  15. YESSSSSSS! An awesome Christmas present to see this afternoon. Thanks for all the hard effort and headaches along the way.
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