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Everything posted by ZeroGravitas

  1. Thanks so much for updating this Rich, it's an amazing add-on to single player KSP, running data on a second screen really adds to the immersion! Where I am having problems is sharing data across a LAN, just can't seem to get it working... We know the computer's IP address and have tried Ports 8085. 8080 and 80, but none seem to work. Firewall is off. When we activate the Telemachus antennae and look in the debug data there is no record of what IP or Port is being used... Any tips to try that might help get this working?
  2. This would be so amazing, if this was in the next version (and Probe Control Room) I'd fly every mission in IVA!
  3. Hi all, just a bit of feedback regarding the interactions with MC2. I've edited the Dangit .cfg files so that 'MaintenanceCost:' and 'RepairCost:' are set to 1, under the assumption that this would mean only 1 'SparePart' would be required and therefore repairs would be possible. Well I've had mixed results, on one flight a fuel tank started leaking so I EVA'd out and right clicked, it said 1 SparePart was required which I then went and collected and the leaking part gave me the option to duct-tape the hole! Great I thought, it works! I recognize that this crude fix removes the balance of the mod, so to compensate I've also reduced the number of SpareParts carried on each capsule. However, a while later I was flying a twin engine jet when one of the engines turned red and cut out. I killed the throttle and managed to glide to a safe landing. When i confidently EVA'd to repair the damage I was sad to see it required 2 SpareParts to fix, and was therefore impossible. I guess this means that the RepairCost isn't as simple as I imagined... Thinking about it more I will continue to use this combination of mods, because realistically there are some problems which can't be fixed in the field, and not being able to repair a jet engine while landed in a literal field actually adds to the immersion! From now on I will have to build craft with a 'plan B' in mind for when the unfixable failures strike! Thanks for your great mod and good luck crushing this weird interaction bug.
  4. This seems to be the case, I play with Kerbal Construction Time and that involves lots of timewarping from the space centre while ships are built. By default this happens at maximum warp and with a little experimentation my number of untracked asteroids quickly rises to ~200. KCT does however have an option to limit timewarp speed and as you pointed out, if you don't use more than 1000x the asteroids slowly despawn down to more sensible numbers.
  5. Hi all, totally love this mod, because of this (and probe control room) I play almost every mission in IVA... The only ones that seem impossible are the atmospheric/rover survey missions etc (previously added by FinePrint). This is because the targets don't show up on either the navball or the Scansat map view. Is there any way I can did one or other of these, if so my KSPing would be as perfect as I can imagine!
  6. Firstly, thanks for this fantastic mod. This and OPM are by far the best thought out planet packs I've used in KSP. Unfortunately I have a small problem in that the sunlit-side for all 4 of these bodies is rotated 90 degrees (anticlockwise when viewed from 'North'/'top') as seen in the tracking station and map view in flight. I haven't got far enough in the game to go and view one of them close up yet so I'm not sure if this just a map view problem. I have quite a few visual mods installed - including EVE, ATMbasic and Astronomers Visual Pack but can't see any obvious problem or conflict. This does not occur with any of the bodies from OPM and I'm confused as to how to fix it. Any ideas?
  7. I like to do this logically so I can always find and reuse designs for future missions. XXX - YYY - abcdefg - ZZ XXX - Simply the flight number, to make sure sorting ship files by name puts them chronological order. YYY- 3 letter code defining the ships mission location. For flights: First letter is the body, e.g. K for Kerbin, E for Eve. Where 2 bodies share a letter (Mun and Minmus, Duna and Dres) then second letter is included in lower case. Second capital designates the 'altitude'. L for low, H for high, S for sub (as in sub-orbital). Third letter defines whether the flight is atmospheric (A) or orbital (O) e.g. KLA = Kerbin Low Atmosphere, DuHO = Duna High Orbit For surface craft First letter is for the body again. Second 'letter' is Su - for surface Third letter is either R for rover, L for lander (immobile), B for base (long term manned), M for mining craft e.g. ESuL = Eve Surface Lander MiSuM = Minmus Surface Lander abcdefg - A name for the craft series which will be used by each vessel using this design; either from an animal, mythical creature, Ian M. Banks ship name, historical scientist etc etc. ZZ - The number of the craft using this design, in roman numerals. So some examples. 001 KLA Thales I 002 KLA Thales II 003 KLA Pythagoras I 004 KHA Democritus I 005 KHA Democritus II 006 KSO Democritus III ... ... 023 KHO Al-Kindi I ... ... 042 MuSuL Copernicus II etc For launchers I save them as sub-assemblies, with an ancient god's name followed by their payload limit. e.g. Enki 14t Antu 6t
  8. Thanks for your replies but I don't think I made myself clear. The problem isn't that some points are too far away, in fact I have a low tech 30 part plane that can reach those distances already. The problem is that they are always spawning in roughly the same area. I've completed a couple but each new one still sends me to the same part of Kerbin. When I used FinePrint in .25 I would be sent all over the planet, to nearby mountains, distant deserts and the polar icecaps. Now they all just seem to be over the same continent. I've got a feeling that it 's because the game thinks the KSC is located there and it's trying to give me local contracts ('trivial'). I can still play with it like this, and complete the flyovers, it's just a little more dull than it used to be and I don't think it's working as intended.
  9. Hi all, hoping someone can help me out here: I'm playing a heavily modded .90 game and loving the variety of extra contracts different mods give me (e.g. Mission Controller, Station Science, Orbital Material Science etc) however I'm having a problem with the survey contracts from Fine Print, specifically the survey locations are all being generated around a different continent. This is annoying because it means a long flight over the ocean to reach any of them, and no exciting journeys to the poles or deserts. One idea I thought of is that maybe whatever generates FinePrint contracts thinks the KSC is located there? Could Kerbinside, Remotetech, a texture mod, or something else have confused it in this way? Here is a picture of my mod folder in case that helps diagnosis: It's a lot of mods that otherwise seem to play very nicely together, just this one minor irritation. If no one knows how to fix it so the survey contracts spawn centered around the KSC then maybe you could tell me how to edit the contract .cfg file to make them spawn anywhere on Kerbin, rather than just close to this continent? Any ideas? Thanks
  10. Investigating further it so far appears to only be parts from deadly re-entry that are missing. I suppose I could try moving the heat shield from procedural parts closer to the start as a workaround, but it's just very odd. The DRE parts show up fine in the RandD building but just never make it to the available parts in VAB or SPH. I just can't imagine what would cause that?
  11. Hiya, loving the idea behind this tech tree, different paths and lots of mod support, but I'm struggling to get it working. I can get the techtree up in the RandD building and unlock nodes, but when I do, only some of the parts are available for construction. For example, here you can see a decoupler and a heat shield from DeadlyRe-entry: But in the VAB there is nothing in the structures tab: What makes it weirder is that some other parts from the same node have unlocked and are available fine: If anyone can help I would be so grateful, I can't wait to try this tree out properly!
  12. http://news.sciencemag.org/space/2014/08/water-clouds-tentatively-detected-just-7-light-years-earth Astronomers have found signs of water ice clouds on an object just 7.3 light-years from Earthâ€â€less than twice the distance of Alpha Centauri, the nearest star system to the sun. If confirmed, the discovery is the first sighting of water clouds beyond our solar system. The clouds shroud a Jupiter-sized object known as a brown dwarf and should yield insight into the nature of cool giant planets orbiting other suns. Clearly discovering clouds in the atmosphere of a brown dwarf isn't quite as exciting as discovering them in the atmosphere of an Earthlike planet but still pretty cool!
  13. Work continues on our second generation CommSat network... Don't worry though, it'll be finished by next episode so you won't have to watch 3 more identical launches! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBDF9e2EnXo
  14. We begin the process of creating a new satellite communications relay constellation, this time planning to put them in kerbostationary orbit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42coFVfF-XI Briefing: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4LWS6nNBQprVUpLMXl1MVVqLWs/edit?usp=sharing Design: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4LWS6nNBQprY1JlLXluMzRkaFk/edit?usp=sharing Craft File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4LWS6nNBQprcW5ad0lNU1VpMlE/edit?usp=sharing (Note: see my mod list if you want this to work - for things like radiators, cameras etc - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4LWS6nNBQprR1YzbERjaFhuWEU/edit?usp=sharing ) Hope you're enjoying this series and thanks to those who have subscribed. I'm not sure how much fun these early episodes are to watch but I'm having a lot of fun playing this way. It seems crazy to think that we're on episode 16, half way through our 3rd year, no Kerbal has gone further than LKO and we haven't even sent a probe to Minmus! Slow progression is what I wanted and it's certainly what we're getting... when I think of how much further there is to go, so many places to visit, so much science to do!
  15. Hi KSP fans, again sorry for the delay with uploading these; real life holidays get in the way of gaming... I also need to apologize for the quality of these episodes, especially the sound. I rushed this set of episodes, between packing, planning things with gf etc and did not check my settings, therefore there are times when music/engine noise are too loud to hear what I'm babbling on about (possibly no great loss...). If this is going to be a huge problem for your viewing pleasure then please skip ahead to episode 16, when I will try to be better. Unfortunately I haven't got backups of my old saves, and so cannot go back to redo these ones. Anyway, these next missions are all probes to the Mun, first a flyby and return, then orbiters and finally landers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlIDkB99aXg&index=11&list=PL_eXlzK6jd-f228H57xN021USsbJIyPGL Craft File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4LWS6nNBQprTXRfZGFFQmpjT2M/edit?usp=sharing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEvjaOZanEU&index=12&list=PL_eXlzK6jd-f228H57xN021USsbJIyPGL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptmIdDINom8&index=13&list=PL_eXlzK6jd-f228H57xN021USsbJIyPGL Craft File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4LWS6nNBQprdzNidTRvTFhLSmc/edit?usp=sharing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQZiN9BOjb0&index=14&list=PL_eXlzK6jd-f228H57xN021USsbJIyPGL Craft File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4LWS6nNBQprZXNDTXp4QXJaMkU/edit?usp=sharing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Yje5XfLfH8&index=15&list=PL_eXlzK6jd-f228H57xN021USsbJIyPGL Craft File: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4LWS6nNBQprY2hzR1FIMUZDSEE/edit
  16. A slight aside to our 'faster-stronger-further' mission progress, we test our new flight suits! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzGChK7maMg These give our astronauts the ability to leave their pods and do science while floating in the black... N.B. - I have also installed a new mod, allowing first person EVA, which is amazing! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/73799-0-23-FirstPersonEVA?p=1202145&viewfull=1#post1202145
  17. The Lure of Europa - Featuring Bill Nye and special guests Europa is a moon of Jupiter that may have three crucial ingredients for life: liquid water, energy, and nutrients. What, if anything, can be found in the great oceans of Europa? Could NASA look for life? How could we explore affordably? Bill Nye The Science Guy, eminent NASA scientists, and prominent legislators examined just these questions in a public event inside the halls of Congress. This was recorded live on July 15th, 2014. Just watching this and thought some people here might be interested. I think that while Europa is our best chance for finding life in the solar system, the most fascinating thing is that it raises the possibility of life well outside the 'habitable zone'. Anyway, enjoy!
  18. You can also change whether KSP starts with full screen enabled by editing the settings.cfg file in your main KSP directory. The bit you want is line 53, which says: FULLSCREEN = True Just change this to '= False' and next time the game starts it will be as if you've already unticked the fullscreen option in the graphics menu. A query I have is that I already use " -force-opengl at the end of my shortcut, is it possible to use both this and the - popupwindow option and if so how do I do it? Does it matter which is first? What about the hyphens, are they all included? Is there a special way to demarcate the instructions? Awesome information though Moach, if I can get this working it'll make using Telemachus and OBS while in game much more friendly!
  19. Sorry for the delay between episodes, real life sometimes gets in the way of Kerballing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLEBNK0Us3E&feature=youtu.be Our first network of communication satellites, the Ptolemy constellation, is put into orbit. This episode also shows our first look at the awesome Probe Command Room mod which provides 'IVA' type functionality to unmanned craft. Because we are using RemoteTech communication relays are an essential infrastructure. These first satellites only have a very limited range but should allow us to control any craft in low orbit around Kerbin. The satellites also have antennae onboard designed to detect and analyse signals from other sources, and as such these satellites also give us lots of science from these readings carried out in LKO. Our scientists have been talking avidly about modifications to our astronauts' flight suits, tune in next time to find out what they have been working on...
  20. The Eratosthenes 2.1 reaches an orbit which takes it high above Kerbin where many pretty pictures are taken. Things get a little sketchy on re-entry... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nLsbSqe2dE&list=PL_eXlzK6jd-f228H57xN021USsbJIyPGL&index=8 Briefing and design http://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4LWS6nNBQprcGNKcUYyRFVudGs/edit?usp=sharing Summary and rota http://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4LWS6nNBQprNmFBZlROVU5CUFU/edit?usp=sharing
  21. A very different episode for you this time, we spend the time in the orbital mechanics division (OMD), analyzing the flight of the Eratosthenes 2 and calculating an orbit for it's next flight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBeBPWrY9-s&feature=youtu.be Let me know if you'd like to see more of this kind of thing or if it's better to keep calculations behind the scenes and just focus on vehicle designs and flights. I expect another OMD episode will come when we are planning a Munar flyby, to discuss orbital periods, transfers and phase angles. Next episode we will test our calculations and hopefully conduct science at 1000 km above the surface! Thanks for watching. ZeroGravitas
  22. Episode 6 is up! This time watch as Bill becomes the first Kerbal to orbit the planet! After the successful concept test of the Eratosthenes program last episode a modified craft is designed, built and launched. This vehicle has proven that science and technology are capable of defeating the old dogma that 'what goes up, must come down'... ... though luckily for Bob, there is plenty of fuel left to de-orbit and return home! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nXv1eC_viE&index=6&list=PL_eXlzK6jd-f228H57xN021USsbJIyPGL Briefing and design http://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4LWS6nNBQprNnpXbHdrTFpqVlk/edit?usp=sharing Summary and rota http://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4LWS6nNBQprWG92b21yS0Z6alU/edit?usp=sharing Next episode I am hoping to do something a little different, the accountants at the KSC do not approve of us dumping half of our liquid fuel and oxidizer and so have demanded that we don't waste so much. Before the next flight we will need to work out how far our fuel can take us. Bring a calculator!
  23. Eratosthenes 1.1 - liquid fuel engine test. Jebediah flies to space to test the 48-7S rocket. This new vessel also uses fuel venting valves, assorted cameras and a magnetometer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pXlB2tFH2w Briefing and design http://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4LWS6nNBQprV2wtWWZzY1luQXc/edit?usp=sharing Summary and rota https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4LWS6nNBQprYW1zTVc0S25CSDg/edit?usp=sharing The lessons our engineers and designers are learning about these liquid fueled rockets are leading to much excited discussion regarding the possibility of reaching a stable orbit in the very near future...
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbPEj8PkUTs We manage to leave the atmosphere and conduct our first research in space! Briefing and design http://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4LWS6nNBQprcV80bFFtWVFlQ0U/edit?usp=sharing Summary and rota http://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4LWS6nNBQpra0N6MjRLVGhSTEU/edit?usp=sharing Coming up in episode 5 will be a whole new craft, testing a newly unlocked technology, flown by the heroic Jeb Kerman. I'm really enjoying the challenges of flying IVA only and the slow progression of this modified vertical tech tree. If you've got any queries or suggestions then please feel free to leave them here or in the YouTube comments section. One final point for anyone struggling to get such a large modlist to work, I found that forcing the game to run in OpenGL eliminated my low-memory crashes and stuttering. Until next time, ZeroGravitas out.
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