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Everything posted by Herrkurt

  1. Laie- Well that's interesting because that is clearly not how it worked for me. Their given range is 4Mm. When talking to ground stations they work out to about 28,000km, a seven fold increase. I watched for the switch fairly closely because I was hoping to transmit high orbit data on my way to the moon. I'd say maybe it was a probe core with a 300km range expanded 100 fold to 30,000km except I know those don't work for me above 600km or so. Have I messed up and missed something obvious again? Nathan can you confirm the ground station boost is 100x?
  2. Nevermind. I got it pointed at Earth and connected. So what are we mostly doing for low orbit coverage? 10, 20, more? Varied inclination but same closely matched period with occasional corrections? Just throw another 20 out in various periods to avoid the need for precision?
  3. Laie- Are you doing a low-orbit omni network with the starting extendable antenna? What altitude? I've noticed the DTSM-1 or whatever, first moon range dish, can't target Kerbin as a whole. At least that is how it looked when I tried. How do you prevent connection loss? Watch the probe and planet closely and switch targets manually? Multiple dishes pointed at KSC, Woomera, and somewhere between? Is there a way to set it to auto-hop targets as the planet rotates(or probe orbits)? I thought most space probes where programmed to do that. - - - Updated - - - Krakenfour- That is something you have to set in one of the configs for RT if you want it.
  4. The landed simulation prices are good by my count. 60-800 depending on if I am just testing systems on the pad for thirty seconds or going for a full orbit test 1h 40min long. What kills me is the cost for an hour of orbital time being much more than the cost to launch the vessel. I wonder what it will want to charge when I want to simulate an unmanned moon landing? Can someone point me to where to turn the simulation costs of in KCT. The only vaguely relevant button I saw was allow simulations on/off.
  5. Yep using RP-0 preset on KCT. I want to test an upper stage worth 2,800 to see if it can orient, lower periapsis, and reenter safely. To do this I need about 1 hour 40 minutes of simulation because you start over the middle Pacific. One simulation costs about 8600. The stages to orbit are only worth 2080. So I could simulate starting from the pad over and over again when I know the ascent system works, or I could build one blindly and try it (for 4880), either is way cheaper than starting the simulation from orbit. I can't imagine what simulate larger test in orbit would cost. Oh I suppose this difference matters. Starting at the pad with the launch system plus payload and doing an 1h 40m test is around 780. This gives more than enough time I think but that is how I've been doing it. Pain launching this thing because I can only trust MJ so far. Needs to be taught how to handle no throttle, limited ignitions and not start when fuel needs ullage.
  6. Oh one thing I've noticed. I don't know how this mod interacts with KCT but for the purposes of RP-0 orbit simulations are overly expensive. Part of the problem is that you often start over the pacific and need to have a longer duration (more expensive) test to get signal (when it's early and you haven't loaded the place with commsats) before you can try anything with an unmanned system.
  7. Actions groups! I don't use them often on my normally rather plain launch systems. Thank you Trollception. Nathan- Will using future propulsion and some of it's siblings to fill in later nodes work for now without killing my game? Also do you have plans for ISRU? The RO+RP game has a lot of particular resources for it's modified TAC filters/converters. Do you have plans to eventually make Mars or lunar base sustainability possible? Having just read the Martian I'm thinking drill soil into a tank, add biomass and electric charge (either through sunlight hitting the roof to provide natural light but measured as charge or through charge used as grow lamps), and yeah potatoes!
  8. Chrisl- Yeah that idea just occured to me. Now I'm wondering how best to put a parachute on it. Anyway to resize chutes in RO+RP-0?
  9. Success! Mostly. The small structural fuel tank of HTP for the RCS to help it hold retrograde still exploded but much further down and it wasn't a critical failure. Bad design on my part I'm sure. Any tips or preferred designs for small probe core reentry systems?
  10. Thanks for clearing that up about docking and I can't wait to try my unmanned reentry system again.
  11. Donoya- The launch clamp is important for sounding rockets. It will give you control of a sounding rocket until released so you can set throttle (not that it matters) and maybe even SAS. Us mechjeb when you have insufficient avionics, it is messy but good for the first couple ascent stages. Also three fins slightly rotated at the base of the rocket for spin stability. So I have another question. How do I build a probe to survive re-entry from LEO so I can bring back camera data? Everything I've tried so far the fuel or structural part next to the heat shield has exploded.
  12. Also how do I make a small reentry system to carry back data from LEO? Everything I've tried so far has had the structural or fuel tank part next to the heats shield overheat. Also something seems wrong with top mounted parachutes. The don't show up in the staging list, but maybe that is an RO or realchute thing.
  13. Ok I've searched the tech tree, this thread and the forums at large. Are there any docking ports available in RP-0 besides the propellant transfer port? Is there a port I'm missing that allows crew transfer? If there are ones that work with an RO+RP-0 game in optional mod's parts which mod should I be looking at?
  14. Nevermind. The cockpit outlasts the engines when I push it closer to mach 3.
  15. Ah a right click tells all and it isn't as bad as I thought. The heating starts at 420m/s. When I reached and hold mach 2 at 13km I now see that the temp does max out at 680c. Well into the red but when I pushed it further the engines reached their max mach level and exploded before the cockpit, though not by a large margin. This may be a non-issue, I'm getting used to how things work in RO.
  16. Starwaster- The temp gauge for the cockpit lit up on during most of the flight. What scared me is that going mach 2 at 13km sent it from green/yellow to deeply in the red to the point of only a sliver short of exploding. Can a plane not go beyond mach 2 when traveling at Himalayan altitudes in reality?
  17. Still doing RO. I just flew a plane with radial chutes mach 2 at 13km alt. The chutes were fine but the space plane type cockpit rated for sub-orbital and gentle LEO was on the verge of critical overheat. What's happening?
  18. Nathankell- Which thermal data? Something in FAR or the debug menu? I'll do more tests today. Carraux- Yeah I was gonna say the waste containers are good for holding what you recycle but as I recall once a waste tank is full the life support all continues to work with further waste being lost to space.
  19. Using the whole RO package with RP-0. I just flew a plane with radial chutes mach 2 at 13km alt. The chutes, which I thought most likely to have problems, and everything else were fine, no heating or over-stressing, but the space plane type cockpit rated for sub-orbital and gentle LEO was on the verge of critical overheat. What's happening?
  20. Still doing RO. I just flew a plane with radial chutes mach 2 at 13km alt. The chutes were fine but the space plane type cockpit rated for sub-orbital and gentle LEO was on the verge of critical overheat. What's happening?
  21. Using FAR as part of RSS+RO+RP-0 and having major issues with reentry. In the DRE thread this has been discussed and it was found that reverting to an older version of FAR fixed the problem. It seems like it could be a convection issue. Could you point me to where to get an older build like so I can attempt to verify what other players have claimed to work for them (and keep flying!)?
  22. Ok so the root of my problem does not seem to be the same as JT's, or the problem is with more parts. I was using the 1 meter heat shield from the earlier tier of heat shields in RP-0. Also whatever problem I'm having the thermal debug color overlay isn't helping because it just shows the whole probe as red from start to finish.
  23. Actually my problem is with a 1m heat shield so its more than the one command pod. Doing RP-0 too, gonna have to cheat my way through the reentry contract if I can't get shields from the first survivability node to work. No way I can research them in time.
  24. From your first point about the stock code I'm suspecting it may be a problem with the parts from RO. I think they did an update recently which may have introduced the problem. Anything known about the pad heating in RSS+RO? I've noticed it in Scott Manley's recent RSS+RO videos. Having watched an old NASA video I'm wondering now if even a small probe coming in shallow from low orbit would need to offset mass for lift?
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